Saturday, April 11, 2015


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  Lets keep it going smoke my detractors!

WEEKLY PORT ANGELES DIGEST (UPDATE: Port releases meeting agenda)

But silent on miscues on contracts and agreements mistakes that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars.

Council member and former mayor Cherie Kidd was fit to be tied during the city council meeting on Tuesday over news reports published in her involvement of a service club. Now, I search long and wide for a story that might be the thorn in Kidd's side and found the following article dated way back in December of last year! Why then there is no frustration over contracts and agreements that end up costing the tax payers thousands of dollars more due to some oversight, or miscalculation? I recall just a couple of years ago, a study being done regarding the landfill bluff project. The consultant doing the study came back to the council, asking for more money on the study of the project because they overlooked a figure in the estimation of the project, well that cost the taxpayer and additional $145.000! Where was Kidd's frustration over cost over runs due to miscalculations? Yet, she showed her frustration over a miscue over a news article. 

The article posted reported that Kidd was member of soroptimist jet set. Which wasn't accurate according to Kidd who went on a rant during Tuesday's city council meeting.  If this is the article she was referring to why did she mention it now? It was posted months ago!? 

 According to her profile on the city council webpage: Council member Kidd is an active member of the Port Angeles Business Association, the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, Soroptimist International, and serves on the boards of the Olympic Medical Center Foundation, Clallam County Economic Development Council, Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Salvation Army. She also taught "Excellence in Customer Service" classes for Work First at Peninsula College. 
Now to be fair, I wrote Kidd an email saying: "Would you like to add or express your concerns over articles that were publish regarding jet Set? I am thinking of doing a commentary about accuracy in reporting. Those statements reminded me of many times when capital projects come and estimate a project cost, and the city approves such a project, and then after just a few months into the project, these contractors comes back requesting more money because of a miscalculation of the cost of the project as first advertised. Why isn't there just as much frustration felt for such mistakes, regarding contracts that are miscalculated by city staff? I am thinking about such a project regarding the landfill study that seem to continually rise because of some over sight by consultants who are hired to do the job."

She wrote back saying: " We have many civic clubs here in Port Angeles and it's easy to get one club confused with another one. This was a specific reference about my club affiliation that was associated with my voting and therefore it was incorrect reporting.  I hope I cleared the air and that's all I wanted to say."
Note she didn't address the contracts and agreement part of the question!
My point is practice what you preach! If you want fair and accurate news reports, that same measuring rod should be applied to these contracts and agreements that keep costing the city thousands of dollars more on projects due oversight or miscalculations. 

These consultants who do these studies on these various projects are always coming back to the city with their hands out wanting more money to do the job, and the excuses they generally give is: " We didn't factor this or that" Or we didn't include this figure....blah, blah. And no one on the council calls them on the carpet for it! The study or project ends up costing the taxpayer thousands if not millions of dollars beyond what was first advertised. In my book whenever these clowns come in asking for more money because of a mistake in their calculations,  that in itself should warrant not only a rant but a no vote!

In other local news stories 

 Port Angeles mayor decides against another term as other City Council members eye re-election
PORT ANGELES — The election picture is taking shape for the Port Angeles City Council.
Council members Cherie Kidd and Sissi Bruch said Monday they intend to run for re-election for their at-large, nonpartisan positions.
But Mayor Dan Di Guilio said he will not be seeking a third, four-year term.
Di Guilio, 66, also is completing his second, two-year term as mayor.
“I just want to spend more time with the family,” he said Monday.---PDN

Editorial comment:
 First of all yours truly made it a point to congratulate Dan Di Guilo in his dedication in serving out his terms in office without having the desire to pursue other venues of governess, unlike some of recent days. My hope the council will get dedicated people running for those postings who will serve at least one full term at least before pursuing another position somewhere else. The ironic thing is readers, the city had someone willing to serve a full term or two, but he was rejected by the majority of the voting public, and the guy who won the election ends up after only 15 months in office decides he wants to pursue a posting on the Port Commission....Karma folks, is so thick you can cut it with a knife!

Clallam County commissioner searches for answers to economic challenges amid discussion on spending reserves--PDN

* In my opinion it is clear this is burn out, Chapman should have just ran for two terms. I imagine he is regretting running for three terms.  Two terms in office is enough for anyone.

Commissioner: Log shipping slump erodes Port of Port Angeles revenue; 40 percent to 60 percent decline expected at terminal

Port Angeles City Council returns to discussion of suicide-prevention fences for Eighth Street bridges

* Those railings should have been installed from the beginning.

Vote: This Time It Matters!

Editorial Comment: This just reminds me if I were to run for office yet again, not saying that I am but if I did it would be against continuation of adding fluoride to our water supply. I would be pro marine industrial developments, and work to shore up our police and fire departments. Plus I would ensure accountability on those contracts and agreements.  

Clallam PUD power rate increase takes effect
(Port Angeles) -- Clallam P-U-D customers are opening their bills this month to find an increase in their power rates.---KONP RADIO

Biofuels is the topic of next Science Café---Sequim Gazette

New PT Paper mill manager rolls up sleeves
Carr Tyndall, the new general manager of Port Townsend Paper Corp., said Monday he'll focus on worker safety and three major mill improvement projects this year, including one that could help reduce the telltale paper-mill odor.---PTLEADER

Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks Welcomes New Director
The Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC) in Forks, Washington—part of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington—is extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Bernard Bormann as its new director.---FORKS FORUM

Court rules Olympic Animal Sanctuary, founder violated the law
PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Superior Court held that a charity that raised $360,000 for a dog shelter, but failed to register with the Secretary of State or produce required records of how the donations were spent, violated the Charitable Solicitations Act.---FORKS FORUM

From Accross the Strait
Victoria council sets aside $1 million for homeless
Victoria councillors have set aside $1 million to help provide shelter for the most needy.
Councillors agreed to a proposal from Coun. Ben Isitt to use $750,000 of a $4.6-million surplus to increase funding to its housing reserve to $1 million from $250,000.----TIMES COLONIST

Meetings for Tuesday

Port Commission meeting is usually scheduled for the second Tuesday, however all this week they had special meetings. So, there should be a regular meeting on Tuesday, but the Port hadn't issued out an agenda as of yet. Once that is done I will post that agenda on here.

Meeting highlight item:  KPly Clean-Up Action Plan Open House Report (verbal report no staff memo available)

The County will hold their weekly meeting on Tuesday and the highlight of their agenda posted is: Agreement with Economic Development Council for economic development activities
I thaught since the EDC has been reading tea leafs as of late on the prospects of our economic prosparity I thaught it would be fitting  to highlight this little number on the commission agenda this coming Tuesday. Especially now there is two big retailers closing their doors, Radio Shack, and now Walgreens thinking of closing.

As for the rest of the County Commission agenda:
1a Approval of vouchers for the week of April 6
1b Approval of minutes for the week of April 6
1c Approval of payroll for the period ending March 31
1d Certification of applicant match for grant from the Recreation and Conservation Office for the
Spruce Railroad trail tunnel restoration project

2a Agreement with the Washington State Department of Health for information sharing
2b Agreement with Washington State University Extension to provide Clallam County citizens with
educational programs in agriculture and natural resources, family living, community resource
development, and 4-H/youth
2c Agreement with David Zehrung dba for consulting services related to
management strategies and upgrade designs for the Sheriff’s Office radio communications
2d Agreement with Economic Development Council for economic development activities
2e Agreement with McCrorie Carpet One for carpet replacement project in the Assessor’s Office
2f Agreement with Western Federal Lands Division (WFLD) of the Federal Highways Administration
transferring funds to them for the design and construction management of Segment D of the
Olympic Discovery Trail
2g Agreement with Olympic National Park and the Western Federal Lands Division of the Federal
Highways Administration for restoration of the Spruce Railroad grade segment of the Olympic
Discovery Trail
3a Resolution appointing a member to the Peninsula Housing Authority
4a Notice of hearing to be held May 5 at 10:30 a.m. regarding a proposed ordinance titled
“Carlsborg Sewer System Connection Requirements
HEARING(S) – Beginning at 10:30 a.m.
H1 Consideration of resolution authorizing disposition of surplus property – three long-barreled
Remington 870 shotguns

Other meetings Scheduled in the region


From across the Strait: AGENDA - VICTORIA CITY COUNCIL

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.