Saturday, May 13, 2017


Ethics Ordinance
The City’s Ethics Code was developed in 2012 as a policy that outlines, in part, the City’s behavioral expectations of elected and appointed officials. It established a “Code of Ethical Conduct,” adding a new Chapter to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Prior to 2012, the City relied on State law, specifically Chapter 42.23 RCW, Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers.
Between February and May of 2016, four ethics complaints were filed, all alleging
Councilmembers had violated Section J of the Ethics Code. It should be noted that the complaints came during a controversial time for the Council. Unlike other boards and commissions that meet routinely and have established past practices, the Board of Ethics had never met. Council agreed that, once the complaint processes were complete, Council would review how the process worked and, if appropriate, make adjustments to the ordinance. ( see page G-1 in council packet for further details)

Other items on Tuesday's evening agenda include: 

Ordinance Proposing Adjustments to Medic 1 Utility Fee
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Title
13, Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to  Medic 1 utility rates Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Pump Station 7 Reconstruction Purchase Agreement & Sole Source Resolution ..
Summary: The Fire Chief made a presentation to Council at the May 2, 2017 meeting. An overview of the Fire Department staffing situation was delivered, and proposed rate adjustments to the Medic 1 utility were presented which would fund the addition of four Firefighter/Paramedics. After that presentation, some minor adjustments to the rates were made in order to address concerns that were brought up during the comment period. Those adjustments are reflected in the proposed ordinance

Capital Facilities Plan / Continue the Public Hearing / Conduct Second Reading / Approve Resolution .
Summary: The Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan (CFP/TIP) are a required component of our Comprehensive Plan. In order to be eligible for some loans and grants the project must be listing in the City’s CFP.
Clallam County Economic Development Corporation – 2017 Contract On December 6, 2016 City Council approved the 2017 Budget with $5,000 allocated to Clallam County Economic Development Corporation (EDC). The City has been presented with the EDC’s standard contract for approval which is also utilized by other supporting government entities
See full city council agenda:

Clallam County Work Session agenda highlight item (S) for Monday May 15th
EXECUTIVE SESSION - May 15 at 1:00 p.m.
The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has requested an Executive Session with the Board of Commissioners, the County Administrator, the Director of Community Development, the Director of Human Resources/Risk Department..  
The purpose of this session is to discuss with the Board of Commissioners the status of a lawsuit captioned as "Judy Lee v. Clallam County, Clallam County Board of Appeals."  The lawsuit is filed in Kitsap County Superior Court under #16-2-02354-3.  It is a challenge by a land use applicant to the December 15, 2016 decision of the County Board of Appeals regarding the proper building code to apply to the Lee application.  The lawsuit is a Petition under the Land Use Petition Act, Ch. 36.70C RCW asserting the December 15, 2016 decision is erroneous and should be overturned.  This matter is set for oral argument on the merits on June 19, 2017 before Judge Jeffrey Bassett in Kitsap County.
Discussing such matters in executive session is appropriate because public knowledge of the discussion would reveal the County’s legal strategies and likely result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.  RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) expressly authorizes a governing body to convene an executive session for the above-described purposes, specifically actual litigation against the County.
The Board may recess into Executive Session to consider employment or dismissal of personnel, to review the performance of a public employee, to consult with legal counsel, to consider the position to be taken in collective bargaining, to consider acquisition or sale of real estate, or other matters per RCW 42.30.110

Agreement with City of Port Angeles for field tests of commercial HVAC efficient pumping system through retrofitting commercial HVAC pumping systems with integrated variable speed HVAC pumping system Participation Agreement with the City of Port Angeles on a BPA sponsored pilot program. This agreement will replace (1) Courthouse and (3) Juvenile facility motors with high efficiency motors and will be assessed for possible implementation in a region uride energy efficÍency program.

See full work session agenda:

County Commission regular session on Tuesday agenda items highlights

Agreement with Jamestown S’Kallam Tribe for restoration services for the Lower Dungeness River corridor on lands that are within the floodplain restoration project area
Jamestown SKlallam Tribe provides restoration services - planting, vegetation management, and other activities - for the lower Dungeness River corridor on lands that are within the floodplain restoration project area. The Interlocal Agreement continues work that has been done through a previous Interlocal Agreement (attached), outlines the work to be done, and the compensation for the work" The restoration services outline in the agreement are funded by Ecology's Floodplains by Design grant.

Letter of support for Pennies For Quarters for their efforts towards ending veterans homelessness
Executive Summary:
The Clallam County Commissioners recognize the sacrifices made for its citizens by the men and women that served in all branches of the Armed Forces. We further recognize that for various reasons there are tens of thousands of homeless veterans living Ín the United States, and that there are hundreds that have been documented living within Clallam County. The Board supports Pennies For Quarters in their efforts to end veteran homelessness in Clallam County.

Agreement with United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Olympic National Forest to perform noxious weed control activities
This is a request to enter into a participating agreement to perform noxious weed control activitíes on behalf of the USDA Forest Service.
See full agenda:


An excerpt of the letter drafted to Congressman Kilmer:

Proposed Letter to Representative Derek Kilmer
Dear Congressman Kilmer,
The Port of Port Angeles (Port) wants to express its support for your efforts to re-authorize the Secure Rural Schools Program. The Port appreciates you joining with Clallam County Commissioner Randy Johnson to co-author the March 27th editorial in the Peninsula Daily News. The editorial provided North Olympic Peninsula residents an excellent overview of the issue.
The federal government owns and manages much of the land base in this region. It is vital that our communities continue to receive federal support since these lands are exempt from property taxes which fund much of the services in this area. Reduced timber harvest on federal lands has contributed to the continuing importance of the Secure Rural Schools Program. As you know, 2015 was the last year the program was authorized. The hardships from the lack of funding continues to grow.
Thank you for co-sponsoring this important legislation.
Olympic Peninsula Timber Supply
The Port of Port Angeles’s responsibility under its enabling legislation is to promote economic prosperity for Clallam County. The forest products industry continues to play a vital role in the economy of the North Olympic Peninsula. However, past decisions on the management of federal and state lands have reduced the supply of timber on the Olympic Peninsula, with dramatic, and long-lasting impacts to our economy and communities. 
See full letter in the Port Commission meeting packet

Other highlighted items include:
Resolution 17-1149 Authorization of CERB Funding Application
The Port is in the process of applying for funding under the State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) Committed Private Partner grant and loan program. This potential funding will be used to assist in improvements to the Port’s Multi-Tenant Industrial Building (MTIB) to support private business Airborne Environmental Control Systems (AECS). esolution 17-1149 Authorization of CERB Funding Application

Association of Washington Business Membership
Formed in 1904, the Association of Washington Business is Washington’s oldest and largest statewide business association, and includes nearly 8,000 members representing 700,000 employees. AWB serves as both the state’s chamber of commerce and the manufacturing and technology association. 90 percent of AWB members employ fewer than 100 people and more than half of AWB’s members employ fewer than 10.
During the August 22, 2016 Commission Meeting joining the Association of Washington (AWB) Business was discussed and the Commission chose not to join AWB.  Resolution 17-1148 WSDOT Grant Application Airport Master

In other regional local meetings...
Commissioner Work Session
A Commissioner work session will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will be held in the Lake Crescent Boardroom at the District’s Main Office, located at 104 Hooker Road in Carlsborg. The purpose of the work session is for staff to present information related to activities towards meeting 2016/17 conservation targets, as mandated by the Energy Independence Act, as well as planning activities towards establishing a new target for 2018/19. The District’s INSPIRED solar incentive program will also be discussed.

Ordinance 3172 Related to Short Term Rental of Property; Establishing Land Use Development Regulations; Establishing or Amending Business Tax and License Regulations; Establishing Initial and Ongoing Application Processes; Amending Lodging Tax Requirements; Amending Titles 3, 5 and 17 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and Lifting a Moratorium
Action: Move to approve Ordinance 3172 Related to Short Term Rental of Property; Establishing Land Use Development Regulations; Establishing or Amending Business Tax and License Regulations; Establishing Initial and Ongoing Application Processes; Amending Lodging Tax Requirements; Amending Titles 3, 5 and 17 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and Lifting a Moratorium.

Resolution 17-025 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Partnership Agreement with the Port Townsend School District, Jefferson County Hospital District, Jefferson County, and the Olympic Peninsula YMCA for a Feasibility Determination Regarding Combined Use of the Mountain View Campus
Action: Move to approve Resolution 17-025 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Partnership Agreement with the Port Townsend School District, Jefferson County Hospital District, Jefferson County, and the Olympic Peninsula YMCA for a Feasibility Determination Regarding Combined Use of the Mountain View Campus.

Resolution 17-026 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Jefferson County Public Hospital District and Jefferson County to Implement the Community Health Improvement Plan Partnership
Action: Move to approve Resolution 17-026 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Jefferson County Public Hospital District and Jefferson County to Implement the Community Health Improvement Plan Partnership.
See full agenda for further details:

Jefferson County Commission agenda item Highlight items
AGREEMENT re: Appraisal Services to Support Land Acquisitions for the Purpose of Floodplain Restoration and Salmon Recovery; In the Amount Not to Exceed $20,000; Jefferson County Public Health; Epic Land Solutions, Inc
See full agenda:

PET CT Imaging Agreement –Scott Kennedy, MD, CMO/Safety Officer
See full agenda:

From the Forks Forum: QVP&RD Seeking Opportunity Funds
The Economic Development Corporation announces that the Clallam County Opportunity Fund Advisory Board will hold a board meeting from 10 – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, May 18, at the Lincoln Center, 905 West 9th Street, Port Angeles, Washington on the second floor in room 230.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.---Proverbs 31:30 NKJV

Learn English using the bible as text, lessons offered by WEI
Free bible study offered by WBS
Come join us in worship in the Port Angeles Church of Christ services start at 11:00AM