Saturday, May 9, 2015


It's another Saturday and I imagine all you local readers are all awaiting with baited breath on what I have to say all of the local goings on! Let's start with this poll which the PDN was running on Thursday, and by the look of things majority of those who voted favored the oil rig fleet to winter here. But, we don't know the final result of the poll because the PDN took it down and replaced it with another poll result instead of posting the final result of the poll they had up! Guess they didn't like how the tide was going in favor of having the oil rigs docked here they just made that poll disappear! But, luckily yours truly got the numbers before they took it down and you can see the following results:

PDN POLL Question 5.7.15: Since Seattle appears not to want to host the Polar Pioneer and other Shell Oil rigs for winters, should Port Angeles invite them to winter in the harbor?
yes: 73.2%
no: 22.5%
Undecided: 4.3%
Number of votes cast: 768 as of Thursday when published.
(As you can see majority of this town including yours truly is thankful in having the extra revenue from the visiting oil rig fleet. I would go far as saying if I were sitting on the city council, or Port Commission I would be on the horn with Shell oil negotiating with them to winter their rigs here, because it's quite clear by the tones of some area newspapers like in Seattle and Everett that they are less than welcome. That comes when you allow leftist environmental groups who often act like spoiled brats, have their way in begrudging others for whatever is their cause. Maybe these folks be better off traveling back in time and try their hand living in the late 1800's I doubt they would make it, because back then those people would treat them like kooks! Leftist usually tries to pin the blame of criminal activities such as drug abuse, or whatever the hot topic of the day on big business or whatever to put forth their agenda. Yours truly was in attendance at the last city council meeting when a young woman, who admitted to be benefiting from the Shell oil rig being here because she works at a local tavern. But, this didn't stop her from dishing out her leftist rant of trying to pin the blame of the increase of heroin addictions on big business, and drilling for oil! I was shaking my head with disbelief what I was hearing. She apparently assumes that Shell oil pays no taxes! Because she was asking the council to tax them if they stay! One media outlet in town was buying this liberal drivel, I wasn't because I saw this pony act before many times when liberals wanting their way would use something like Heroin addictions as an excuse to blame it on big oil companies! In essence what she was doing blaming the presents of an oil rig for the increase of Heroin addiction in town. In reality the Heroin addictions were around long before any oil rig came into town! After she gave her little speech however, Council members said nothing, and only one person in the audience of perhaps around 50 applauded, that pretty much said a lot on how the majority of folks in this town sees the value of these oil rigs being in town don't you think?  )

Related stories
Length of Polar Pioneer’s stay in Port Angeles Harbor remains a question mark for now after Seattle delays plans
PORT ANGELES — It is clear the Polar Pioneer will be at anchor in Port Angeles Harbor for a little while longer, but exactly how long remains unknown.
As of today, no decision has been made in regards to extending our time in Port Angeles, but that is potentially an option,” said Megan Baldino, Shell Oil spokeswoman. ---PENINSULA DAILY NEWS

Shell and high water: the climate battle of Seattle
IF you had to pick a logo for the campaign to wreak climate havoc, you could hardly do better than Shell’s Arctic drilling rig, the “Polar Pioneer.” Climate denial has reached its fullest expression when the melting of the Arctic ice cap is greeted as a signal to drill for more oil where the ice used to be.---SEATTLE TIMES EDITORIAL

Shell oil-rig lease: The realities of fossil fuels; an eyesore on the waterfront
" When our mayor attempts to block the Shell oil rig from temporarily docking in Seattle, he engages in formulating pie-in-the-sky rhetoric by stating that it’s time to focus on the economy of the future: clean energy, electric cars and transit. That’s laudable, but that is in the future."---SEATTLE TIMES EDITORIAL

Notorious oil-drilling ship among those to stop
EVERETT — A drilling ship with a controversial past will stop at the Port of Everett next week to load and unload cargo, according to a port spokeswoman.---EVERETTHERALD BUSINESS JOURNAL

(As you can see the tone of these three articles from Seattle and Everett newspapers pretty much tells the attitude of these communities of not wanting these oil rigs in their harbors. While here in PA, most if not all welcomes the increase money they bring in.)

Open letter to city attorney & city council
"At city council this past Tuesday night a young 20-something year old lady came to the podium during public response and made an impassioned plea about Heroin use and other dismal facts concerning young people in Port Angeles. She ended her remarks with something akin to, “give us some hope” and “don’t sell us out.”---Dale Wilson, PORT O CALL

( Perhaps Wilson didn't notice that the majority of the audience attending the meeting along with yours truly didn't buy what this girl was trying to do, pin the blame on Heroian addictions on big companies, and oil rigs! Companies like Shell oil, and others which is needed badly here in this town, companies which keeps the taverns open so she can stay employed)

Other local news stories

Port Angeles City Council ends flat water rate in light of expected shortage
PORT ANGELES — The City Council has rescinded a seasonal flat water rate that would have benefited gardeners and green-lawn proponents to encourage conservation in light of an anticipated water shortage.
By a 5-2 vote Tuesday —with Lee Whetham and Dan Gase opposed — council members decided to stay in a tiered-rate structure for June rather than impose a uniform seasonal-rate system that would have encouraged gardens and lush lawns.---Peninsula Daily News

( The report didn't mention Lee Whetham's reasons for voting no, so I will have to do that task! What Whetham was grumbling about mainly was that the city didn't include their industrial customer in the mix. Meaning they were leaving Nippon out of paying additional water rates. Something which Whetham said would make him not vote for the rates because it puts the payment of water rates solely on the residents. But I am skeptical  of the motives here, something about this reminds me of the ploy liberals usually take in sticking it to big companies like Nippon or Shell Oil. )

OMC's Expansion Requests OK'd by City Council
Port Angeles -- Olympic Medical Center's expansion efforts are another step closer to reality as the Port Angeles City Council approved two measures that will close off a street and allow a rezoning of mixed commercial overlay.--KONPRADIO

Clallam Charter Review Commissioner closer to recommendations
(PORT ANGELES) The Clallam County Charter Review Commission has neared the parring down process of proposals for a public hearing, that could be on the ballot this November.---KONP RADIO

Connie Beauvais Announces Candidacy
Port Angeles, WA, May 7, 2015 — Connie Beauvais, Vice Chair of the Clallam County Planning Commission and 2015 Charter Review Commissioner, has announced her candidacy for the District 3 position of Commissioner, for the Port of Port Angeles.---PORT O CALL

(Well, this must have disappointed our pal Lee Whetham who is running for Port Commissioner after only serving 15 months on the city council! I imagine he we thinking he have a free ride to the Port seat!)
U.S. Rep. Kilmer iN port Angeles Friday to promo launch of Olympic Peninsula Collaborative
On Friday, May 8, U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wa.) will be in Port Angeles to join in the official launch of the Olympic Peninsula Collaborative.---SEQUIM GAZETTE

Anderson Lake closed due to toxin
The lake at Anderson Lake State Park is closed again to public use in what has become an annual decision since toxic algae became a known problem in 2006.---PT LEADER


From across the Strait:

Rules tighten for doctors who prescribe medical marijuana
Doctors who prescribe medical marijuana to their patients are being directed by their regulatory body to follow a new professional standard that may reduce legal access to the drug.---Victoria News

City of Victoria to add parking ambassadors
The City of Victoria is looking to hire roughly two dozen people to act as on-street parking ambassadors to enhance the parking experience in the downtown core.---VICTORIA NEWS

Two Capital Region mayors want advance sewage-treatment tax cancelled
Capital region taxpayers in seven municipalities have been forking over for too long for a sewage-treatment plant deep-sixed last year, say two mayors unhappy with the situation. ---TIMES COLONIST

During their next scheduled Port meeting on Tuesday one of the highlight items on their agenda will be a verbal report regarding Composites Recycling Technology Center Funding Report
(Like I said kodo points if the Port pulls off getting a composite recycling center here, but at some point it has to be run by private contractors. )
As for the rest of the Agenda:

  • 2015 Quarter Financial Operating Report

Total operating revenues are $1.8 million, which is ($485k) or (21%) lower than budget. The operating expenses are $1.7 million, which is ($176k) or (9%) under budget. Operating net surplus before depreciation is $88k which is an unfavorable variance of ($309k) or (78%). Due to the significant impact of the recent decline in the log export market staff analyzed the potential year-end net decrease (lower revenues offset by cost savings) as $1 to $1.2 million, which results in approximately $.5 million net surplus (cash flow) before depreciation at year end. A separate presentation will address historical trends as well as revised budget considerations in light of the unpredictability of the log export market. (read more)

2015 Northwest Aerospace & Defense Symposium May 27-28 (verbal report)

KPly Concrete Demolition Contract
The cleanup of the KPLY site is scheduled for this summer and fall (August – October 2015). The cleanup consists of contaminated soil excavation that is currently overlain by approximately 7,000 tons of concrete mill foundations and footings. To meet the aggressive cleanup timeline the concrete structures will be demolished, crushed, and stockpiled on-site this June. The concrete spoils will be used as backfill during the cleanup excavation work. (read more)

Excavator Purchase

The 2015 Capital Budget includes $100,000 for an excavator. A thorough search was made for a used excavator in good condition. However, it was determined that the nominal savings of buying used equipment was not as beneficial to the Port as purchasing a new excavator with full warranty. (read more)

Community Partner Program (verbal report)

COUNTY COMMISSION TO HOLD HEARING ON: Proposed ordinance amending Clallam County Code 5.06, Additional Sales or Use Tax, to reduce sales tax from .5 percent to .3 percent effective July 1, 2015
That's the agenda highlight on the County Commission agenda this coming Tuesday meeting along with these other items:

REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS Introduction of new code enforcement field officer Barbara McFall CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS
2a Agreement with Peninsula Behavioral Health for screening and case management services in the Clallam County Jail; and public health syringe services program
2b Amendment 2 with the Washington State Department of Health adding and amending statement(s) of work
2c Agreement with the Washington State Military Department and the US Department of Homeland Security for “Operation Stonegarden”
2d Agreement with BergerABAM for the Ward Bridge scour repair and the McDonald Creek seismic retrofit projects 2e Agreement with Anthony N. Dougherty for a right of way easement to fix a roadside drainage problem adjacent to Edgewood Drive
2f Amendment 1 with the Washington State County Road Administration Board increasing funding for the paving of Old Olympic Highway from US 101 to the Sieberts Creek Bridge
2g Agreement with the Washington State County Road Administration Board for construction proposal for paving and improvements to Dry Creek Road from US 101 to Edgewood Drive ADMINISTRATION
3a Resolution authorizing a grant from the Opportunity Fund to the City of Port Angeles
3b Resolution authorizing a grant from the Opportunity Fund to the Port of Port Angeles
H2 Proposed ordinance creating a new chapter in the Clallam County Code titled “Carlsborg Sewer System”

Other meetings on the docket:


highlight agenda item:
YMCACapital Project Presentation

Across the Strait


Agenda highlight: Council is to consider an application to construct a new office area and to convert the existing office to a hotel room.

Final note:
 I recently posed the question to local elected officials on their feelings on the whaling issue
One gave me a verbal answer to my email, Commissioner Bill Peach said he favors the whale hunt because of the cultural heritage of the Makha tribe. The second answer I got via email from City Council member Dan Gase:  Thanks for your question.  Since this is not a topic on which the City council will debate or vote on my personal opinion statement would not benefit the citizens.  If the tribe has a legal right to hunt then that is their right.
UPDATE: The following message is from Bill Peach sent via email: "My personal take is that the hunt will reinforce the Makah appreciation of their cultural history.  There is tremendous value in having this conversation."

Bill Peach
Now I gave the other elected officials plenty of time to answer this question, goes to show how some will speak up on such issues while others remain deadly silent. Proving my point so far that it is conservatives who favor Indian rights as appose to liberals! Yet, the tribe votes democratic every time! Go figure!


Free from Indwelling Sin ] There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.