Saturday, December 10, 2016


PDN: Numbers vary on turbine electrical generation: Intent not power production, Port Angeles city says
Quote: "Three wind turbines erected at the city’s Waterfront Park in mid-September that cost $107,516 will generate $1.39 worth of electricity a day and about $42 a month — when they are eventually turned on.
One reason to build the turbines was that they would illuminate the Waterfront Park lights and feed the remaining electricity back into the Bonneville Power Administration grid, city officials said when they approved the project last year."

Editorial Comment: Today, I wanted to take another look at this story, and not try and compare it with the Carlsborg Sewer project. But, then again spending over 107,000 dollars on wind turbines to just light the boondoggle Waterfront park, is like flushing money down the sewer for sure! Granted, I favor in finding ways to become more self sufficient in generating our own energy production. I fear because of this botched up move on spending money which we don't know where the money came from to pay for these wind turbines which looks like they were just to light up the park, that people will turn blinders on the the possibilities that could release us from the old ball and chain of Bonneville. Like along with wind turbines which should be out on the strait to get more of those winds that come in, there could be watermills along the Elwha river to create hydro power once again. Solar panels in areas to collect solar power. All these things combine could generate power. In short we need to look to producing energy ourselves, not rely on buying our electricity from Oregon. Same can be said for producing our own fuel to run our trucks, cars, trains, and planes. We have to look to find alternative fuel sources, that will work and avoid trampling on Native American soil. I hope we all can work towards that end.

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