Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sens. Murray, Cantwell Blast Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for Harmful Actions on Civil Rights Protections, Enforcement in Schools

Editorial Note: Today's lead stories are from one of our congressional delegation for Washington DC, Sen. Patty Murray. These statements from Murray and others stem from a statement made recently by the Education Secretary from what I could find off the education webpage:
DeVos: Supreme Court Sends Clear Message that Religious Discrimination Cannot Be Tolerated
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced its ruling in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia vs. Comer, holding that the government may not deny a generally available benefit on account of religious identity. After the ruling, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos released the following statement:
“This decision marks a great day for the Constitution and sends a clear message that religious discrimination in any form cannot be tolerated in a society that values the First Amendment. We should all celebrate the fact that programs designed to help students will no longer be discriminated against by the government based solely on religious affiliation.”

I don't get that little remark translated into Murray's latest rant against DeVos? Protecting all children's rights of an education is one thing, but, forcing kids to learn about lifestyles that are contrary to God's natural law regarding marriage between one man, one woman, is another thing altogether.  I don't think parents want their kids to be indoctrinated in any religion, or lifestyle that goes against  God's law.  Besides, who would pin labels on kids?! This is exactly liberals want, to pin labels on people so they can scream discrimination! The point is kids should only worry about studies, not labels pinned on them by know nothing politicians, who wants only your votes, during an election.

The following is excerpts from Murray's latest rant....

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Sens. Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate education committee, and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) joined 34 Senators in a letter sent to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos citing major concerns with steps the U.S. Department of Education has taken under her leadership to diminish civil rights enforcement for students in Washington state and across the country. The Senators highlighted a number of alarming steps Secretary DeVos has taken, including hosting events with anti-LGBTQ groups, proposing to slash the budget of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), and scaling back OCR’s civil rights enforcements, among others.
“Your testimony in front of Congress, your continued association with groups with records of supporting discrimination, and two memos written by the Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, have reemphasized longstanding concerns about your dedication to the idea that all students, no matter their race, religion, disability, country of origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, have a right to receive an education free from discrimination,” wrote the Senators.
Due to the disturbing actions of the U.S. Department of Education and other agencies, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has opened a multi-agency investigation into whether the Trump Administration’s proposed budgets, staffing cuts, and policy priorities have increased the risk of discrimination.---from a press release issued June 27th
Excerpt from letter sent by Cantwell and Murray
Dear Secretary DeVos:
We are extraordinarily disappointed and alarmed by recent actions you and your staff have taken that have diminished the U.S. Department of Education’s (“the Department”) enforcement of federal civil rights laws. Your testimony in front of Congress, your continued association with groups with records of supporting discrimination, and two memos written by the Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, have reemphasized longstanding concerns about your dedication to the idea that all students, no matter their race, religion, disability, country of origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, have a right to receive an education free from discrimination.

You claim to support civil rights and oppose discrimination, but your actions belie your assurances. During your confirmation hearing, and during recent testimony, you gave confusing and contradictory answers about the federal role in protecting students’ civil rights and whether you believe that all schools receiving federal funds should follow civil rights laws. In testimony before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, you attempted to distance yourself from your family’s giving to organizations such as the Family Research Council, which promote intolerant views of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and gender non-conforming Americans and others. Yet, on June 15, 2017, the Family Research Council participated in an official event on engaging fathers in students’ education at the Department.[1] You have also appointed staff who have fought against the Department’s 2011 Title IX Guidance clarifying schools’ responsibility to address campus sexual assault and against expanded protections for survivors of sexual violence on campus.[2] These actions appear to reinforce the Trump Administration’s efforts to curtail civil rights protections for students and families.
Recently your Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Candice Jackson, sent a memo to Regional Directors of the Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) scaling back and narrowing the way OCR will approach civil rights enforcement.[3] Over the past decade, OCR has maximized its impact and ability to enforce civil rights laws by taking a systematic approach, gathering multiple years of data, and looking to see whether the discrimination, harassment, or other prohibited behavior raised by a complainant was indicative of a broader problem affecting other students or school community members. The new field memo instructs field investigators only to investigate “systematic” or “class-action” issues when they are raised directly in a complaint or at the discretion of the investigative team. Limiting use of the systematic approach may cause investigators to miss issues of pervasive discrimination or civil rights abuses. ( See full letter)

VIDEO: As Senate Republicans Pull Vote on Trumpcare Bill, Sen. Murray Warns: “This Fight Is Anything But Over”

(Washington, D.C.) –  Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor after Republican leadership decided to delay this week’s vote on Trumpcare due to overwhelming pressure and lack of support from members of their own party.

Key excerpts from Senator Murray’s floor speech:
“I want to make something absolutely clear: this fight is anything but over. Trumpcare is not dead—not even close—and we can’t let up…we don’t know what kinds of backroom deals Senate Republican leaders will cut, or which Republicans will decide they care more about toeing the party line than protecting the patients and families in their states, here’s what we do know: the Majority Leader is not going to give up. He wants to get to yes—and so does President Trump. So the backroom deals and arm-twisting are going to go into overdrive—starting now. That’s why my message to every patient and family—every mom and dad, adult caregiver, doctor, nurse, teacher—anyone who believes Trumpcare would be devastating for their community—is don’t let up the pressure! We saw what happened in the House—we need to keep fighting—and Democrats will be fighting right along with you.”
“Their bill isn’t actually about health care—far from it. Their bill is about giving a massive gift to the wealthy and already well-connected—on the backs of children, working families, the sick and elderly. And it’s an enormous broken promise—yesterday’s CBO report made that alarmingly clear. Republican leaders promised to lower health care costs—this plan will actually raise them, especially for seniors. They promised not to pull the rug out from patients—this plan would take away coverage from 24 million people and gut Medicaid, with even deeper cuts than the House version. They said that under their bill no one—no one—would be worse off. Well tell that to a woman who would have to pay as much as $1000 dollars extra in maternity care, or will have to see her local Planned Parenthood center closed. They said their bill would protect patients with pre-existing conditions—but read the fine print—this plan is a back-door way to put those patients’ fate in the hands of insurance companies. And—this is truly shameful—Republican leaders promised they were committed to tackling our growing opioid epidemic. But with this plan, all our efforts—all the work left to be done by states—would be at risk.”
“Republican leaders can still choose to drop Trumpcare once and for all.  But I’m not taking any chances. And neither should anyone listening who joins Democrats in opposing Trumpcare. I fully expect the backroom deals to continue—and to get even worse now that Republican leaders were forced to delay this week’s vote. I just hope that Republicans who are rightly concerned about the impact Trumpcare will take a close look at the facts on the table, recognize it’s time to change course, and stand strong for their constituents. M. President, that’s what this debate should be about. Making sure the people we represent can count on the security of health care when they get sick; that they won’t have to consider foregoing treatment for a sick child because they don’t have the money; that they will be treated fairly and equally in our health care system…in this country, health care should be a right, not a privilege reserved for the few. That’s what Democrats we’ll keep fighting for—and we are not going to let up.”---from a press release issued June 27th
( See full speech)


Deal In Principle Reached On State Operating Budget
House and Senate budget negotiators reported to Gov. Jay Inslee this morning that they have reached an agreement in principle on the 2017-2019 biennial operating budget. The negotiators and caucus leaders said they were confident that they would complete work on the budget and have a vote of the Legislature before the end of the day Friday, the final day of the fiscal year.
That would avoid a partial shutdown of state government.
The agreement covers spending and resource levels. More details will be available after the four legislative caucuses are briefed on the agreement.---press release issued June 28, Governor Islee

( See page 2 for more)