Sunday, March 13, 2016


As reported in the local papers you probably already guess which side the main stream media leans toward....

Ron Richards, a Democrat, seeks return to Clallam County commissioner seat--PDN

Maggie Roth, a Republican, to make second try at Clallam County commissioner seat ---PDN

Former county commissioner may be future county commissioner---Port O Call

Editorial Comment: Though the official sign up period for local elected candidates for positions which are opened this time around. other than some court positions, and PUD commissions postings locally isn't until May. The County Commission race seems to be the only show in town. That's not including the State, and Federal elections. On the state level, since Senator Jim Hargrove has already said he is retiring in published reports earlier this week. The question is who will be running for his seat? Other state legislative positions up for reelection are Steve Tharinger, Kevin Van De Wege, for the 24th district. Thus far no one has indicated they are attending to run for those postings. Thus far what I call the early bird specials are those running for the County Commission position: Roth and Richards. Now its still early for this election, so other people my toss their hats in the ring and they would end up being in a primary.
Now, this brings me to Mike Chapman, why is it that the two local newspapers, keep reminding us that Chapman turned Democrat since he already indicated he is not seeking re-election? They both keep mentioning that Chapman turned democrat, in their reports. If the guy isn't running why the press coverage, other than his usual activities sitting on the County Commission? It would be one thing if he was thinking of running for a state posting, then the fact he is now Democrat would warrant the coverage. Could it be they both lean to the democrats, perhaps one more so than the other? I made no bones my publication leanings which is moderate to conservative. The two local papers claim neutrality.   You can tell by their tone of their reports and posting that they lean left.  This will be an interesting race to be sure, and I think Maggie Roth has a shot in this because she would be a new face to the commission. I believe people should be given the opportunity to serve at least once.
(see Auditor's page for filing)


Are Republican Jews to Blame for Donald Trump's Success?--PJMEDIA

Ted Cruz in Kansas City: 'I'm Running to Be the President of All Americans'

Donald Trump's 'Peak' Might Be Coming--PATRIOT POST

What’s age got to do with running for president?--CSMONITOR

ACLU Sacrifices Religious Liberty Before Altar of Sexual Politics

Endorsements Drown Out the Debate---THE RUSH LIMBUAGH SHOW

New Pro-Amnesty Lawsuit Undermines Obama’s Case for His Amnesty Executive Order--DAILY SIGNAL

No one last night accused Trump of “conning” conservatives. He seemed a different man--AMERICAN SPECTATOR

The most impressive thing about Donald Trump's Michigan win--NY DAILY NEWS

The Sultan and the Salad--NY TIMES

Is America on the brink of returning to torture?--LA TIMES

Seven top Republicans lay out how the GOP should respond to Trump as front-runner---WASHINGTON POST

Nets Ignore Report on Anti-Christian Genocide---NEWS BUSTERS

Hard times for the Nixon of the Democrats--WASHINGTON TIMES

Here’s who was really behind Trump Chicago protest---BIZPAC

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 NKJV