Peter Ripley, Publisher |
That's the message Council member Cherie Kidd, and former mayor shared during our little coffee chat this Wednesday. But first before I tell you what we talked about during our little chat at Shirley's coffee cafe on Lincoln street this week. I got a email from Kidd earlier in the week requesting a sit down over coffee, to discuss her proposed ordinance in banning these aggressive panhandlers. Now this was before I knew what transpired during the last city council meeting over the fluoridation issue. But more on that in this posting. We had scheduled the meeting a day before but due to scheduling conflict we rescheduled the meeting. She was very apologetic about the whole affair, and seemed to really want to explain her reasons for traveling to the twin cities of Chehalis and Centralia. Apparently she read my article several weeks ago during the campaign between her and Dan Bateham for the city council position. When I compared her trip to Fort Lewis when she was Mayor, expressing her concerns over those Chinook helicopters buzzing the town back in 2012, to the commander of that training exercise, she traveled to Fort Lewis while she was mayor to ask the commander to apologize for the fly over and buzzing the city.
Council member Kidd pic taken from city webpage. She said I paid for the trip out of my own pockets. |
So, it was Wednesday morning and Cherie Kidd walks into the cafe carrying a file folder of material regarding the panhandling issue with a petition in hand with about 15 signatures of area businesses who want the ban on aggressive panhandlers, She ordered a orange juice, while I had one of those breakfast sandwiches that Shirley makes, with a cup of coffee.
So, since I am known to be a good listener, she talked while I munched. She wanted to tell her reasons and background for the proposed ordinance. She showed me the petition while telling me several stories of these panhandlers who impersonate being homeless, getting all of this tax free monies. She did say there were more business who were wanting the ban than those who were on the petition. This kinda all sound very and strangely familiar but on another issue that isn't remotely related except for the fact both cases involves petitions. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
She told me that she tried to inquire what can be done about the people imposing to be panhandlers, and about the ones who were harassing and hurling insults at customers coming to shop in many businesses which the panhandlers seem to park themselves asking for money. She was told nothing can be done by both the city attorney and the chief of police regarding to panhandling because many of these ordinances that ban panhandling are often overturned in court because it violates free speech and expression.
That's when she told me: "I don't like taking no for answer, I am not against the homeless, I am against those who impersonates the homeless, and behave like bullies both to other panhandlers and store owners. "
She also stated: "I am both trying to help the homeless who need assistance, and shop owners by adopting the same kind of zoning ordinance which Centraila passed which limits where the panhandlers can go." She told me when those cities passed those no panhandle free zones this would make the impostures move out of town. She told me stories where some of these people have homes, and then go out in raggy clothes to panhandle. Now readers most of what she was saying I actually agree with, we do have a influx of panhandlers who just seem to be playing the system, feeding on the charity of others, and taking advantage of that just to go by drugs or booze. However this shouldn't mean the end of those bell ringers you see during the holidays. She told me those who are truly homeless knows where they can go if they are seeking help, to the many charity organizations and churches.
Now another story or example of Cherie Kidd's of not like being told no. During the city council meeting on Tuesday evening, before our little coffee chat the following day On Wednesday. I didn't go to the city council meeting the night before, so I had no clue what transpired the night before until in the Thursday's edition of the Peninsula Daily News. With the headline which read: Port Angeles votes to continue water fluoridation; opponent to keep up work against treatment
During the coffee chat, unaware what had transpired I asked Kidd if Councilman Whetham got to make his motion on stopping the Practice of adding fluoridation? As you recall in Tuesday's edition of the Peninsula Daily News under the headline: Port Angeles water fluoridation: City Council member plans to make motion to end treatment at meeting today.
He was quoting in saying in that report posted: "City Council member Lee Whetham said Monday he intends to make a motion at tonight's regular council meeting if another council colleague does not that the city end fluoridation of the municipal water supply when a contract with the Washington Dental Service Foundation expires May 18. I am going to be looking for a second, Whetham said."
Apparently Whetham was upstaged by Kidd, she apparently made the motion to continue the practice of adding fluoride to the water system. And from what I read in Thursday's article it was a three ring circus when the council decided by a 4-3 vote. During the coffee chat on Wednesday, when I asked what transpired, she seemed uneasy and not to keen in giving any details, other being offended by the audience attending the meeting calling her a murder for supporting flourdation. She told me Whetham never had the chance to make his motion which he plan on doing. She made her motion to continue the practice before Whetham had a chance to. So yeah, that sure sounds like an upstage manuver. Now remember readers that little advisory poll? With nearly half of those who voted to stop the practice of adding fluoridation. Well that poll was another form of petition from the people of this town to their government, apparently that didn't mean squat because the council decided to just plain ignore the will of the people. I strangely finding myself actually agreeing with Whetham on this, that the will of the people should be upheld and not just be ignore.
related stories:
- Port Angeles officials look into tightening panhandling law with trip to cities with strengthened ordinances
" City Councilwoman Cherie Kidd and Police Chief Terry Gallagher plan to drive to the twin cities Tuesday to meet with officials and discuss their panhandling ordinances. What I know is that we have more panhandlers, Gallagher said last week. Centralia's law, which went into effect in June 2014, bans panhandling at certain intersections because it created safety hazards by people running into the street to ask for money, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill said Friday.' ---From a Peninsula Daily News story dated 10/10/15
- Chehalis bans aggressive panhandling
Starting Wednesday, the small South Sound town of Chehalis is banning panhandling in a number of spots around town in hopes of curbing aggressive behavior.---Seattle times article 9/1/15
- Panhandlers Pushed Out of Centralia by Ordinance Move to Chehalis
Centralia’s restrictive panhandling ordinance that went into effect last June has pushed people seeking handouts south to Chehalis, according to authorities.---from the Chronicle dated 3/ 9/15
- Port Angeles water fluoridation: City Council member plans to make motion to end treatment at meeting today
" City Council member Lee Whetham said Monday he intends to make a motion at tonight's regular council meeting if another council colleague does not that the city end fluoridation of the municipal water supply when a contract with the Washington Dental Service Foundation expires May 18. I am going to be looking for a second, Whetham said"----Peninsula Daily News dated 12/15/15
- Port Angeles votes to continue water fluoridation; opponent to keep up work against treatment
Quotes from story: " Dan Gase and Cherie Kidd voted for Kidds motion to continue fluoridating city water through midyear 2026. Mayor Dan Di Guilio and council members Lee Whetham and Sissi Bruch voted against continuing the practice, with Di Guilio and Whetham citing a recent advisory survey of water users that rejected fluoridation."
" Some at the meeting were stunned by a particular exchange during the meeting. After Kidd moved to extend fluoridation for 10 years and Gase seconded her motion, Whetham asked City Attorney Bill Bloor what it would take to recall a City Councilperson. Bloor said a council member would have to commit malfeasance or misfeasance in office, after which Whetham dropped the matter without explanation. Whetham said Wednesday he asked the question of Bloor on behalf of an anti-fluoridation person who asked him about it at the meeting." ---Peninsula Daily News---dated 12/17/15
* Apparently, Kidd beat Whetham to the punch when she made the motion to continue fluoridation.
- Integrity Lost, city council rejects will of the people
" I long for the days when the Hippocratic oath meant something.
Gase, Kidd, Collins and Downie knew from the start they would never honor the will of the people. You will never convince me otherwise. " ---PORT O CALL/ Willadsen
In other local news...
Clallam commissioners endorse Bill Peach to serve on state Board of Natural Resources
"Bill Peach has been endorsed by his fellow Clallam County commissioners to represent timber counties on the influential state Board of Natural Resources" ---Peninsula Daily News
Clallam County inks $720,000 deal with Federal Highway Administration for piece of Spruce Railroad Trail, restoration of McFee Tunnel
Clallam County has moved another step closer to restoring the historic McFee Tunnel at Lake Crescent — and paving a way to get to it---PENINSULA DAILY NEWS
'Water, sewer, electric rates to rise in 2016 for Clallam County Public Utility District customers
Electric, water and sewer rates will increase for Clallam County Public Utility District customers in 2016. Commissioners approved retail rate increases of 3.8 percent for electric and 6 percent for water and sewer customers as part of the district's 2016 budget at their regular meeting Monday.---PENINSULA DAILY NEWS
Capitalizing on COIN--Sequim Gazette
Commission adopts new sportfishing regulations---Forks Forum
Massey makes good---PT LEADER
TIMES COLONIST: Victoria police chief steps aside amid probes of his behaviour
TIMES COLONIST: Police watchdog rebukes mayors for lack of honesty
VICTORIA NEWS: Location sought for temporary shelter
ClALLAM COUNTY COMMISSION AGENDA HIGHLIGHT: Amendment 2 with the Peninsula Housing Authority adding an administration budget line
see full agenda:
Agenda details items:
“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, To give knowledge of salvation to His people By the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God, With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us;
Luke 1:76-78 NKJV