Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Editorial Comment: There's been lot to do over the attitude of Trump toward people with disabilities. The AAPD The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is a convener, connector, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power of people with disabilities.
They sent a questionnaire to the two presidential candidates, Trump and Clinton. Apparently didn't bother to send a questionnaire to third party candidates from what I saw.
The following are just examples of the questions asked and answered by both Trump and Clinton:

The vast majority of Americans with disabilities and older Americans prefer home and community based services that allow them to live independently in their communities, however, states and insurance providers of Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) still restrict access to community-based services which results in unwanted institutionalization, depriving institutionalized individuals of their fundamental freedoms and cutting short their lives.  This reliance on institutional placement is also far more expensive than services in the community.
If elected, will you support the Disability Integration Act (currently S.2427/HR.5689) – bipartisan civil rights legislation that establishes in statute the right of Americans with LTSS disabilities to receive services and supports in the community and be integrated in society – and sign this or similar civil rights legislation into law?
What other investments will you make in expanding long-term services and supports?

Answer: This is another example of inflexible federal regulations that waste money and fail to deliver the services needed. My administration will work with Congress and agencies to eliminate unneeded regulations to improve the services the government provides individuals with disabilities. I will consider all legislation that accomplishes that goal. ---Trump

People with disabilities rely on both public (Medicaid) and private insurance options to obtain coverage to meet their health care needs. Access to affordable comprehensive health care coverage is essential for people with disabilities to live independently and maximize the quality of their lives. Unfortunately, many people with disabilities continue to lack access to the services and supports they need. In addition, despite existing legal protections, people with disabilities are subject to discrimination in both the financing and provision of health care services.
What will you do to address discrimination in the financing and provision of health care services to people with disabilities? Will you make enforcement of existing health care nondiscrimination protections for people with disabilities a priority?
How will you work to expand access to affordable, comprehensive health care coverage for people with disabilities?
How will you work to improve the Medicaid program, including ensuring access to home and community based services and the elimination of the bias toward institutional services in the Medicaid program?
Inflexible, one-size-fits-all regulations in federal programs including Medicaid have harmed, not served, people with disabilities. The bias toward institutional care built into to regulations promulgated by the HHS waste money and fail to deliver the services needed. My administration will work to eliminate unneeded regulation and allow for greater flexibility in regulations to ensure programs including Medicaid better serve the needs of people with disabilities.---Trump
See full questionnaire:

Editorial Note: Does this show a person who has it in for people with disabilities? Granted It may have appeared he was mocking that NY Times Journalist who is disabled during one of his rallies, has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, he was acting out how journalist react at times of a cover up of some sort? Giving plausible deniability of a cover up of corruption of some sort while covering up their preferred candidate. Granted Trump made the mistake of acting out some reaction that was made by the journalist in question, he should have just stated the comment not go Mr. Broadway on the stage and act out a reaction the journalist who was probably not use to being confronted with facts.

Now for Clinton answers to the same questions:
The vast majority of Americans with disabilities and older Americans prefer home and community based services that allow them to live independently in their communities, however, states and insurance providers of Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) still restrict access to community-based services which results in unwanted institutionalization, depriving institutionalized individuals of their fundamental freedoms and cutting short their lives.  This reliance on institutional placement is also far more expensive than services in the community.
If elected, will you support the Disability Integration Act (currently S.2427/HR.5689) – bipartisan civil rights legislation that establishes in statute the right of Americans with LTSS disabilities to receive services and supports in the community and be integrated in society – and sign this or similar civil rights legislation into law?
What other investments will you make in expanding long-term services and supports?
Answer: I am proud to support efforts like the Disability Integration Act that will help shift more resources to providing home and community-based care for those who choose it. As an original sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) in 2008, I understand the importance of ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. I will continue to work with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to ensure the ADA is being upheld, and that states are complying with Olmstead’s mandate to provide community options for individuals with disabilities. I will work with the Department of Labor (DOL) to ensure that we are issuing policies that advance competitive integrated employment so that individuals have jobs that help them live full, quality lives in the community.
I will also launch the Autism Works Initiative to help connect Americans who are living with autism with employment opportunities. I look forward to continuing the tremendous work of the Administration for Community Living, formed over 4 years ago as part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), that has made significant progress in policies that support individuals and their access to quality long term services and supports.
Editorial note: Funny Clinton suddenly embraces disabled people into society. It was reported in some news outlets insulting people with developmental disabilities:

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Caught Making Fun Of Retarded Man In 1995 For Laughs---US Herald

Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt 'f***ing ree-tards' and referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s' while Bill called Jesse Jackson a 'damned n****r,' claims Bill's former lover---DAILY MAIL UK

*It is interesting that none of the main stream media has picked up on any of this, don't your think?

People with disabilities rely on both public (Medicaid) and private insurance options to obtain coverage to meet their health care needs. Access to affordable comprehensive health care coverage is essential for people with disabilities to live independently and maximize the quality of their lives. Unfortunately, many people with disabilities continue to lack access to the services and supports they need. In addition, despite existing legal protections, people with disabilities are subject to discrimination in both the financing and provision of health care services.
What will you do to address discrimination in the financing and provision of health care services to people with disabilities? Will you make enforcement of existing health care nondiscrimination protections for people with disabilities a priority?
How will you work to expand access to affordable, comprehensive health care coverage for people with disabilities?
How will you work to improve the Medicaid program, including ensuring access to home and community based services and the elimination of the bias toward institutional services in the Medicaid program?

Answer: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 20 million more Americans have health insurance, which among numerous other benefits, ensures that people with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage. As president, I will protect and expand upon this legislation to finish our fight to provide universal coverage.
To ensure care is more accessible, I will cap the prescription drug costs that people have to pay out of pocket, and limit excessive out-of-pocket health costs.  I will protect consumers from unjustified prescription drug price increases from companies that market long-standing, life-saving treatments and face little or no competition. I will also put forth new enforcement tools that make drug alternatives available and increase competition, broaden emergency access to high-quality treatments from developed countries with strong safety standards, and hold drug companies accountable.
I will fight for health insurance for the lowest-income Americans in every state by working with governors in the remaining 19 states to expand Medicaid—and make enrollment through Medicaid and the ACA easier. Under Medicaid, states are required to cover all medically necessary treatments for disabilities, including developmental disabilities, yet not all states are fully compliant.
I will expand access to rural Americans, who often have difficulty finding quality, affordable health care. I will double funding for community health centers, explore ways to expand access to telemedicine, and support our healthcare workforce. I am also committed to doubling the funding for primary-care services at community health centers over the next ten years.
In addition to strengthening health care coverage for people with disabilities across the board, I have proposed specific initiatives that will make a difference in health care and health coverage for people with disabilities, such as my autism initiative and mental health agenda. I am committed to improve how our healthcare system functions for people with disabilities and ensure that they are eligible for and can access the care that they need.
See full questionnarie:

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