Friday, August 19, 2016


As I said it was...tit for tat! Along with stories of potty mouth councilmembers, and other hot topics during city council meeting.

The first story which happened during Tuesday's meeting, was a letter which the city received from the last ethics complaint circus was yet another withdrawal of the complaint against: Whetham, Merideth, Collins, and Bruch. Marie Wiggins, wife of former mayor Glenn Wiggins, stated in her letter to the city council Tuesday, that her motives for filing the complaint was to show the anti-fluoride crowd that the ethics complaint vehicle was and is for both sides of the issue to use. If that isn't a prime example of tit for tat I don't know what is. You can read the full letter in PDF format which was sent to this publication after I made a request for a copy of the letter:

Shouldn't there be a code that fines people for filing petty ethics complaints against elected officials?
Now for some on the spot commentary on news headlines....
Whetham gets censored both for being a potty mouth, and questioning motives of some council members in forming yet another advisory board on fluoridation.

Related Stories....
Port Angeles City Council to form subcommittee focused on education, fluoride options
Move to inform water users on maintaining dental health follows decision to halt public fluoridation.--PDN

Quote from the article posted: " Whetham said it would be “ludicrous” to hear from public health officials about “how we are going to spread the news.”

Editorial Note: So let's start with every ones favorite topic, you guess it, fluoridation. First of all during the first open public comment session one of the speakers Dr. Tom Locke who now lives in Sequim spoke scolding the council for stopping adding fluoride for 17 months. WAIT! Didn't another Sequim resident,  Eloise Kailin, came and spoke on the same issue just a couple of weeks ago, on the merits of removing fluoride in the Port Angeles water supply, and was scolded by Kidd, and Gase in not being a resident of Port Angeles?

Yet, not a word one in pointing out Locke is not a resident of PA, by either of them. Why do you suppose Locke was given a pass on that issue and not be censored by Kidd, or Gase in not being a resident of the city, yet they censored Kalin when she started speaking a couple of weeks ago. I say what is good for the gander is good for the goose don't you think? This wasn't an agenda item, it was presented to the council for consideration to form this "educational" or should I fluoride propaganda by overzealous dentist on a future agenda.
Whetham questioned the motives of forming this "educational" advisory board, but Kidd voiced her objections of Whetham questioning the motives, which by the way he had the right to question the motives. Kidd cited rules of conduct over questioning the motives of other council members and censored Whetham for doing to. That would later come a topic of discussion later in the meeting regarding the rules of meeting behavior by both the council, and the audience during meetings.

other related stories...
Fluoride fight not over in Port Angeles---Port O Call

Quote from article posted: " Two top medicos, Dr. Scott Kennedy of the Olympic Medical Center and Dr. Tom Locke, president of Delta Dental Foundation, came to scold the city council for voting to remove fluoride from the city’s drinking water during the last council meeting."

Another perspective on forced fluoride---Port O Call

Quote from article posted: " It’s time to end the exaggerations of benefits of water fluoridation being rammed down the throats of Clallam County Citizens by Dr. Thomas Locke, MD, MPH, Health Officer for Clallam and Jefferson Counties and Chair, Washington Dental Service Foundation and his cohort Dr. R Scott Kennedy, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Olympic Medical Center and member of the Washington Dental Service Foundation Board of trustees."

Taxpayer-paid doctors schilling for Delta Dental---Port O Call

Maybe, the council should listen to Eastwood,
if not the folks regarding conduct of Council members.
The question is, should our leaders be of the people or for the people?

Review of the staff memo regarding protocol and procedures:
Summary: Council has worked to review and discuss changes to the Rules of Procedure on
several occasions. Most recently, Council held a public hearing on the Rules of Procedure at
its June 21st meeting and ultimately decided to continue the matter to a future meeting.
Tonight, Council is being presented with three versions of the Rules of Procedure for
consideration:  Version 3 is the most recent version which incorporates suggested changes from Council member Bruch.

Editorial note: Version 3 of the code was approved by the council during their meeting on Tuesday. With a 6-1 vote, Whethem voting against. The discussion began when Whetham cited the need for the council to review the entire ethics code, something I agree with. But, both the mayor and deputy mayor censored Whetham for bring up the topic, the Mayor promptly told Whetham that the topic was the rules and procedures, and silenced him. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the topic of discussion they weren't interested in hearing anything but what was the root cause of that code of ethics, and reasons behind what it says in regards of foul language by council members during meetings....think back folks...our pal..Max Mania!

So, naturally Kidd was citing a rule that was formed back when Mania was on the council, and was at times using colorful language. But! Whetham wasn't the only one that should have his mouth washed out with soap, at times the newest member of the council, Michelle Merideth uses "colorful" language during meetings. Why, Kidd didn't cite Merideth for using foul language, and just Whetham? Good question. Could it be the real reason that Kidd discovered that Whetham wasn't going to play ball as she hoped by just dutifully doing what she expected of him by going along approving things like fluoridation? Could that be it? I recall when he was running for office she had his campaign signs on her lawn, and she seem to fawn over the guys when he attend meetings while campaigning what happen since then, now they are at odds I wonder?
The issue here is using good common sense, and showing a higher degree of professionalism while holding public office. Not to use tavern like language during public meetings while you are in office. After all those who sit in positions of authority will before the highest Judge of all...God, one day and will have to give account for their actions and deeds while holding positions of authority.

Being a potty mouth during public meetings doesn't exactly show how mature you are in being able to hold office. Our leaders represents us, not their own self interests. So the question is,  our leaders of the people? Or, for the people? If our leaders wants respect, and honor by the folks, then they should show respect for their office they hold.
Whethem should of ask regarding review of the entire ethics code, "If not now when?" that is what he should have asked not just live it at that.

Related stories.....
Port Angeles City Council outlaws profanity from its members
Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd’s suggestion prompted by Councilman Lee Whetham’s words.

Quote from the article posted: “Will we have a list of profane words?” Whetham asked Kidd at Tuesday’s meeting.
Video clips of Aug 2 meeting which Kidd claims that Whetham was a potty mouth.

In other local news headlines...

County Hit With Tort Claim By B&B Developer--KONP Radio

Clallam County eyes Solmar intersection improvements---PDN

Locals flock to county fair in PA this week---Sequim Gazette

Clallam County offers back-to-school immunizations---Sequim Gazette

Going Off the Grid .... Hansel, Gretel and Ralph---Forks Forum

PUD audits: A 'perfect storm' leads to disclaimed, unusual audits--PT LEADER

Prosecutor quiet as rare theft case dismissed---PT LEADER


Surge in overdose deaths continues in Victoria---Times Colonist

Salt Spring double-drowning leaves neighbours perplexed---Times Colonist

Butchart Gardens ejects U.S. couple for dressing in Victorian-era garb---Victoria News


Today's featured video clip the City's approval of their contract with the EDC

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Tongue-Speaking and Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2
In the context of Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles who were assembled in Jerusalem for the Jewish feast of the Pentecost (vv 1-4). This coming of the Spirit was accompanied by the following characteristics:
(1) A sound from heaven like a great wind filling the place where they were sitting.
(2) Divided (cloven -- KJV) tongues like fire sat on each one of them.
(3) They spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. We will see from the context, as we proceed, what the nature of these tongues were.---Gospel Way