Monday, November 21, 2016


This coming Thursday, your's truly is taking the day off for Thanksgiving holiday. Usually on Thursday I do a report focusing on State news headlines. However, on Friday there will be a double reports on both state and local headline news, and commentaries....other than that the usual reports as scheduled up to Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Editorial note: The following was on the US Chamber of Commerce webpage today, a letter to President -elect Trump:

US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Dear President-Elect Trump: Let’s Get Back to Business
Dear President-elect Trump,
On behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, congratulations on your election as the 45th president of the United States. As the nation’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses, chambers and associations of all sizes, sectors, and regions, we stand ready to help you unite our country around a mission all Americans can support: To grow our economy, create jobs, and expand opportunities for all citizens.
We applaud the strong emphasis you have placed on accelerating economic growth.  During his excellent presentation to the Chamber’s board of directors last week, Vice President-elect Mike Pence underscored your commitment to new economic policies and reforms that will unleash growth and the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people.

The business community has been particularly encouraged by your comments concerning our country’s need to rebuild infrastructure, develop all forms of U.S. energy, reduce and reform taxes, and remove unnecessary regulations and modernize the federal rulemaking system. In addition, we have been pleased to hear that you plan to bring significant change to America’s healthcare and public education systems.

The Chamber looks forward to working with your administration and the incoming Congress on these priorities, and we will mobilize our grassroots federation of Main Street businesses and local chambers in support of them.

We also believe that in order to achieve the level of growth our country needs, we must increase international trade. We should avoid any course of action that constricts, rather than expands, trade. Indeed, throughout the campaign you spoke of your desire to boost U.S. exports around the world and to negotiate new trade deals that would be good for the country. Upon taking office, you will inherit presidential Trade Promotion Authority, which the Chamber helped persuade Congress to pass in 2015—a critical tool that will help you achieve those goals. The Chamber is prepared to work with you here, as well.
Meanwhile, on immigration—a challenge that has roiled the country for years—we hope you and Congress will chart a balanced course that increases security and enforcement while also improving America’s legal immigration and visa systems. As you know from your business career, the ability of companies to attract talent at all skill levels is a strong factor in keeping and expanding operations and jobs in the United States.

Mr. President-elect, our country needs a strong president to help ensure peace, security, and prosperity at home and abroad. In the days ahead, we will agree on many issues and we may disagree on a few—but we share your commitment to this country and we stand ready to work with you and the new Congress to unleash a new era of growth and opportunity. Together, we can put Americans back to work, we can get our economy back on track, and we can get our country back to business.

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PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNAL: U.S. job growth strongest in Washington state, faltering in energy states
The Pacific Northwest has become the pacesetter for U.S. job growth, according to new employment data released Friday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.