Monday, June 1, 2015

PA BEST EVER?---Port Angeles Digest Special report

Port Angeles continues its David vs. Goliath bid for 'Best Town Ever' against Chattanooga (** WITH SIDEBAR — Former PA woman now in Chattanooga still supports her hometown ** )
(PENINSULA DAILY NEWS) PORT ANGELES — “Only a tiny Northwest city stands between Chattanooga reclaiming the top spot it held three years ago in Outside magazine's Best Town Ever contest.”

Editorial Note: Since the voting on this contest ends on June 6th, I decided to address this now instead of waiting on doing this on Saturday which I usually talk about local issues.
A reader of this blog suggested I get on the "band wagon" and promote Port Angeles. Which clearly is a promotional being done already on the Peninsula Daily News, which they are into these kinds of contest, while most of the readers of this blog count on yours truly on focusing on more important issues of the day. Readers count on me to talk about politics, and news events that effects them! Like for example the front report today was about business and finance, not local contest. So to put this to rest I went ahead and voted for PA on their webpage. I don't like breaking my routine very much, I have a set order on this blog, and certain days I talk or report on focused news reports. So with that said I am breaking my routine to address this because the voting will end on June 6th.
So, if you really want to know what I think. A community can be define on how it treats it's less fortunate in society i.e The Disabled, do we treat those with disabilities like people? or like objects? That's a question you need to reflect on. Also, on it's local economy, and do people feel safe walking down the streets. Not on how many restaurants, it has, or parks, other recreational features it has. I guess what sets apart a community from others on how it  preserves it historical land marks.

This landmark church building which now houses 
the Serenity House thrift store built in 1888. Serving the needy and homeless.
So in a way the mission of this old community church building is continuing it's Christian heritage, and mission.

The landmark old Clallam County Courthouse.
Everyone who comes into town sees this building, and visits it annually.

I was asked do I care if we become labeled as "best ever" 
I believe I already contribute showing how life in Port Angeles is, by doing my weekly updates on Saturday's sharing news stories on issues of the day, which reflects how life in Port Angeles is. So, I don't know what more people want. Again this whole thing was a PDN deal, I focus on my deal.
Now, if I didn't care about my home town I wouldn't try and run for city council several times, or bother get involve on key issues, or publish this news blog!
I just don't do silly contest like this, I focus on real issues of the day, my readership expects that from yours truly. Maybe I am a stick in the mud, but I just think there are more important issues to focus on. My true friends knows I don't go for these sorts of things. I take my publication seriously, I hope you do too. In essence this news blog is about new stories and topics that interest me.
Oh by the way I took these pictures off my digital camera.