Friday, November 18, 2016


"Just you watch, Klallam Tribe will come knocking on the door for council support for whaling"

As you recall readers I mentioned that discussion over the issue of the city support of Standing Rock protest. I shared with you links of stories from the US Chamber of Commerce all saying that the tribes in the Dakota region had prior knowledge of the pipeline running through those lands, and at the time seemed okay with the prospect. In the US Chamber article: President Obama Just Made the Dakota Access Pipeline Situation Worse

It's quoting in saying: " The pipeline’s builders, Energy Transfer Partners, did what they were supposed to do: They worked with state and federal regulators, applied for the appropriate permits, held local hearings with people concerned about the project—including Native American tribes—and spent years making adjustments to the pipeline’s route after hearing concerns—140 times in North Dakota alone(!) to preserve cultural sites and minimize environmental harm."

Editorial note: You see the tribes in the Dakota's knew this before hand, why didn't they voice their concerns before one inch of pipe was laid in those lands?

It also is quoted in saying in the article: " It’s worth keeping in mind that almost the entirety of this pipeline traverses private land. “In fact, DAPL needs almost no federal permitting of any kind because 99% of its route traverses private land,” Obama-appointed federal judge James Boasberg wrote in his September opinion rejecting arguments against the pipeline from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. It’s actually more than 99 percent. It’s like 99.8 percent. Just 0.2 percent of this pipeline is on federal land. But Obama, apparently, thinks that 0.2 percent gives the federal government the authority to re-route the 99.8 percent of the pipeline on private property."

Editorial note: Let us not forget readers this all lands on Obama's watch. Read the article in the US Chamber you might get a clearer picture in what's really going on a few states away from here in Washington State.
Now with support of the anti- energy producing nit wits who rather us be depended on foreign oil, rather than actually start producing our own, has managed to stir up old resentments of the past among tribes, and the rest of the nation.
Apparently, Chairwoman of the lower Klallam tribe, Francis Charles, thinks probably that we be better off not using fossil fuel to operate our cars, and trucks, even though she uses the very thing she is protesting against, fossil fuel to run her car....
Click here for more.