Saturday, January 30, 2016



By, Peter Ripley, Publisher.

You know the saying? One in every crowd. I guess that goes everywhere you happened to involved yourself in any organization or church. People who want to take control of meetings, or insist in their way, then end up quitting, or just choose not to participate period because of badgering or harassment. I experience this first hand twice in my terms in previous boards and commissions, and my apartment building's tenant association. I would suppose you would have to be in my shoes, or close to it to appreciate the irony, I saw in wider community of Port Angeles due to recent news articles about these elected officials who seem to have a lot more going for them then the peasants they serve, or claim to serve.
Take for example the feud between the County Treasure and County Commission for example, do you recall the dispute of the opportunity grant funding issue? The Treasure withholding grant funding to these various local projects. To refresh your memory see PDN article:   Clallam Commissioner Mike Chapman to bow out of closed session on grants dispute at board meeting Tuesday---PDN dated 8/24/15

County Treasurer Selinda Barkhuis, seemed to be hell bent on having her way, because the opportunity grants were slated for the Carlsborg sewer project for 2015. Now in her case it may have just been her looking out for the public good, but it was that act of insubordination that irked the County Commission. Similarly that happened in the tenant association, act of insubordination had been displayed by fellow board members, like withholding the treasurer books, after the treasurer quit, because the treasurer wanted, to be a check signer on the tenant associations account. The treasurer then withheld the books, demanding the President, me,. to sign off on a inventory of items she had. I wasn't about to give in what was tantamount to hijacking the books. However, Housing did give in and signed off on the laundry list.

Another example: Consider the callus disregard that some on the city council showed regarding the fluoride issue. The majority polled in the "citizen advisory poll" voted to stop the practice of adding fluoride in the water system. But, the so called f4 decided to ignore the will of the people and continue the practice, in essence telling those who descent to sit down and shut up! However, this same bunch, when it comes for election time don't mind hearing descent about how things are, and things needs to change. And now a former mayor as decided to chime in and say in essence telling the detractors of the current city council to take their medicated water and shut up!
In my experience as president in the building's tenant association I had former officers come in and usurp themselves, and take control over meetings. In essence telling current board members to shut up and do things how they saw fit. Both instances displayed ego trips about the size of a supernova either telling the majority they don't know what's good for them,. and the other former officers meddling and usurping authority they no longer have, on both accounts.

Now lastly, Jim Hallet and his circumstance fits right in what recently transpired in the tenant association meeting that lead an other officer, and me to resign.
Apparently, Port Commissioner Hallet didn't like the idea of the other two Port Commissioners changing the dates and times of the bi monthly meetings, also didn't appreciate the other two commissioners doing interviews in the local media outlets, without him being invited. Both Commissioners Beauvais, and McAleer denied any wrong doing in meeting without Hallet or meeting with the media. This part kinda ties in to what I had been trying to do on the tenant association that all tenant association business should be conducted during scheduled meetings, not in the back door. Some however couldn't help themselves and often talked about association business outside of a regular meeting. Another part of this, was meeting management. I can empathize with Hallet that Port meetings shouldn't be scheduled around board members employment schedules, or for personal reasons. Its a matter of meeting management. I feel the same in the regarding of meeting management, that the chair person sets the time and how long a speaker has their say, city council sets a time limit of 3 minutes per speaker, so I tried and set a similar standard, but, a former president came in and decided that I had no right to set such a standard. Can you believe that!?
This falls right into the third point, about the wanton lust for power. Now that Port Commissioner is no longer commissioner, who will step up and fill his shoes? I'm sure there's someone who has that need or want for power, we seen that during the last Port Commission election! So I am sure there are equal and needy people who long for power and control to take over my posting as chairman of the tenant association now I am gone. Do I regret leaving not at all, to me this wasn't something I wanted to do in the first place, glad I took a walk off the board. Now you may ask and rightly so, why on earth Ripley you would get involved with something you weren't interested in being in the first place?  I guess I let my ego get the better of me, I was sweet talked into it firstly, and partly out of compassion on my part.

Related stories:
Commissioner Hallet Resigns

During today’s regular Port of Port Angeles commission meeting, Commissioner James Hallett announced his resignation as the District 2 Port Commissioner. Per RCW 42.12.070, the sitting commissioners shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy within ninety days.

Commissioner Hallett was elected in 2011 and began his six year term in January 2012. During his tenure, Commissioner Hallett has provided guidance and leadership on the PenPly/KPly mill site clean-up, the formation of the Composite Recycling Technology Center, the strategic planning process, convening the marina advisory committee and advocacy efforts for “keeping the public waterfront public.”

Commissioner Hallett will be honored for his public service via Port resolution at the next regular commission meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2016.--from a press release issued 1/26/16

James Hallett to resign from Port of Port Angeles position; he claims fellow commissioners violated open meeting ethics---PDN

Related story: Resigning Port of Port Angeles Commissioner Jim Hallett to be recognized for work Feb. 9

City official: Major projects spur growth in building permits in Port Angeles---PDN

Clallam County opens bids to build Carlsborg sewer system--PDN

Port of Port Angeles searching for alternatives after airline delay--PDN

Clallam County Public Utility District gets clean audit from state auditor--PDN

“Sit Down and Shut UP”---PORT O CALL/ BOYD

School tours set for next two Saturdays---Sequim Gazette

City councilors support effort to improve safety on Highway 101--SEQUIM GAZETTE

Homeless count starts this week in Jefferson County--PT LEADER

Fishing Rule Change---FORKS FORUM

Going off the Grid — Part 6 Mini-Meltdown---FORKS FORUM


Councillors consult design panel on Cook Street Village condo plan--TIMES COLONIST/ VICTORIA BC

Pair in major Port Hardy cocaine bust loses court appeal---TIMES COLONIST/ VICTORIA BC

Fairfield residents oppose supportive housing project---VICTORIA NEWS/ VICTORIA BC


Landfill Cell Stabilization, Project SW0212, Change Order #12, Magnus
Pacific Corporation
Summary: During the Landfill Cell Stabilization work, the contractor, Magnus Pacific,
encountered asbestos containing materials (ACM) far in excess of the amounts anticipated by the contract documents. The ACM required special handling, for which Magnus was entitled to
additional compensation. The amount of the compensation was disputed. To address that, the
parties agreed to mediation. It was conducted on January 22, 2016. By that date, additional claims had arisen. In the course of the mediation, the parties reached a proposed final settlement with Magnus Pacific on all outstanding claims.
 a) The project originally was approved by Council on May 20, 2014 with a contract
contingency of $1,962,994. The construction management agreement has had two additive
amendments valued at $299,927, and the construction contract has had eleven change orders for a total value of $1,153,927. With other miscellaneous budget expenditures, the Finance Department reports that there is currently $903,332 of available uncommitted budget remaining.
b) In addition, the construction management team reports that the construction contract has five pending change orders, four of which were acknowledged in the settlement mediation that would be priced separately, and one new change order. With these pending change orders and quantity take-off variances that will reduce the total cost, there is an expected cost reduction to the final contract amount of $488,913. With this, the current projected amount of surplus funding available in the project is estimated to be $1,398,245 which is more than sufficient for this amendment.
Recommendation: Ratify the Settlement Agreement by approving and authorizing the City
Manager to sign change order #12 to the Landfill Cell Stabilization Contract (Project SW0212)
with Magnus Pacific Corporation in the amount of $300,000 including tax, increasing the total
contract amount to $14,540,552.64.

See full agenda:

CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM HIGHLIGHT:  Agreement with Parrish Parrish Bartee, LLC to purchase easement for the Carlsborg sewer system
See full agenda:
Agenda items details:

PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA HIGHLIGHT ITEM: Ordinance 3145 Related to Utility Rates and Billing Procedures; Clarifying Eligibility for Low-Income Rates; Clarifying the Purposes and Procedures for Utility Billing, Stating the City’s Intent that these Clarifications be Retroactive, and Amending Chapters 13.02 and 13.05 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code
See full agenda:

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2 NIV