Sunday, February 28, 2016


Rarely does a member of the media makes news. This one probably won't even get mention. But thanks to an good Samaritans, I at least am able to tell the tale.

It happened this morning on my way to church services. Typically, when the whether is fowl and a mix bag of weather conditions, one moment rainy and windy, then the next sunny I stay home from services. I use my electric wheelchair to get around in town, and there is no bus services running on Sundays.
Anyway I put on my rain poncho, and those things aren't really designed for someone who uses a chair, at least the ones you get from the local stores aren't. They do have rain ponchos in specialty stores that caters to the needs of the disabled, but none of those types of stores are here that I know of. But, that is beside the point. I thought I tucked the edges of the rain poncho that would otherwise get got under my wheels of my chair securely enough, apparently not. The church I attend is on Front and Liberty, I live on east 6th. I make the track there every Sunday safely. Well not this week. I was traveling along South Peabody, thinking I tucked away the corners of the poncho, then suddenly a corner of the poncho got caught up on one of the front wheels, causing me to bend over and get trapped with the back of the poncho baring down on the back of my neck. The chair kept moving forward to a point, I could not shut off the chair because the controller was being being caught under the poncho as well, and I was bent over under the poncho, with it caught under the wheel, still going forward! I was being tipped in the chair ready to fall out of it, but couldn't even do that because the poncho was having a choke hold on me from the back. I could not even turn off the device. I was stuck! Being hanged as it were from my own chair, and poncho I was wearing. I yelled for help! Fortunately, a resident from the Manor apartments I think happened to hear my cries for help, and some cops were driving by, and they assisted me out of my situation I found myself in. I jokingly mention that members of the media never makes headlines!  They Sheriff Deputies, and one local Police officer should be thanked for their assisting me. Along with the good Samaritan. The Paramedics were called and they checkout my neck, and back, and ticker. So thanks to them as well.
I managed to make it home alright, with a slight muscle strain of my back and neck.
So it goes to show there are goodhearted folks in our police and fire departments despite the bad press these folks get on the national level. My many thanks to the Clallam County Sheriff Deputies,City of Police,  EMTS, and the Good Neighbor!



At least Dan Gase and I agree about one thing in all of this..See I told you so. (That is in regards to a quote that the PND mentioned sometime ago, about forming the ad hoc committee regarding the alternatives to fluoride, which he said, " I don't want another see I told you so.) A play on words folks. You'll have to look up the PDN article to get the jest of what I was referring to.

I told you readers if the city had put this issue of fluoridation as a ballot measure on November's ballot. I have a hunch none of what is going on right now would be happening.

And another see I told you so:  Looks like those stories about transparency paid off, the Port seeing the light of day perhaps. Or was it the state assistance attorney's opinion, plus what was posted on the PDN, and here, that gave the Port something to ponder about being completely open and transparent?

Related stories:
 District 2 Commissioner Candidates Identified and Interviews Set

Late Friday the Port of Port Angeles Board of Commissioners decided to interview all seven District 2 Commissioner candidates on March 4th beginning at 9am. Each commissioner candidate will be allotted approximately forty five minutes for their interview with the commission. Candidates will not be allowed to observe other commissioner candidate interviews before they are interviewed.

The Commission also decided to release the names, supplemental questionnaires and conflict of interest statements of each candidate after receiving verbal permission to do so from each candidate. The candidates are:

Mr. Brent Berry
Mr. Steven Burke
Mr. James Haguewood
Mr. Randall Johnson
Mr. Thomas Pope
Mr. Melvin Rudin
Mr. David Sellars

You can view each candidates supplemental questionnaire and conflict of interest statement by clicking on their name above.

Related news stories:

Meanwhile: City Council still stuck Quamire of flouride and ethics

Two points I want to make here, one now that the city attorney is facing a ethics complaint of his own, does his opinion on the matter of possibility changing the form of government have any baring? Secondly regarding the petition mentioned in the PDN article today, yes, I signed that petition of a change of the structure of the city government. To hopefully send a message to the council that you don't ignore the majority of the people, regarding a topic that conserns everyone clean drinking water. Do I really want to change the way the city is govern? NO! I think no one in their hearts of hearts really does. The council made the wrong moves in ignoring the citizen advisory poll, which mounted as being nothing more than a straw poll, and ended up being ignored anyway. They made the mistake of not putting this issue as a ballot measure back on November's ballot, they would not have so easily ignored the results of that vote, as they did with the "straw poll" they decided to do I would think.

Related stories:

  • Summary: A complaint invoking the City’s Code of Ethical Conduct was filed on February 19,

2016. This one alleges that Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd and Councilmember Dan Gase violated
that code. This is the second of two complaints that center on events that transpired at Council’s February 2, 2016 meeting.
The Port Angeles Municipal Code directs that Council assemble a three-member Board of Ethics
to receive, investigate and make recommendations for disposition of the complaint. On February 16, Council chose Grant Meiner, Danetta Rutten and Frank Prince from a pool of pre-approved applicants to serve on the Board of Ethics to review the first complaint. That board is scheduled to meet on March 8, 2016.  page I-1 of agenda packet

Other News Commentaries:

Has Rubio Hurt Cruz More Than Trump for Super Tuesday?--PJMEDIA

No, Seriously, Trump Is a Fascist--PJMEDIA

Christie's Endorsement of Trump Is an About-Face--PATRIOT POST

Psst! ‘Plastics’ needs to be reformed--CSMONITOR

* OH PLEASE! This again? The environmental wackos still can't come up with an alternative solution in how are people going to depose of waste material without using plastic bags to depose of garbage.  Supermarkets would have to get rid all of those plastic bags, and invest in these cloth bags for people to buy. Yet, there have been reports that those cloth bags if not routinely washed will contaminate food bought at the store. Meaning, the shopper will have to spend more money to replace the food that was spoiled. I mean really who is going to continually wash those cloth bags? Many people on fixed incomes and they are not going to buy cloth bags that don't carry very much to begin with, and spend money on washing them again, and again.

US Should Call ISIS Actions Against Christians What They Are, Genocide--CNSNEWS

The Inconvenient Facts the Media Ignore About Climate Change--DAILY SIGNAL


World burns as Obama fiddles: Territory, power and victory are so 20th century--NY DAILY NEWS

Trump Won't Disavow David Duke, KKK Support, 'I Will Do Research On Them'---WEEKLY STANDARD

That Coke Can Is Back--NY TIMES

Chief Beck needs to explain why we need thousands of extra cops---LA TIMES

In Washington, D.C., reminders of America’s dark history of segregation---WASHINGTON POST

The Importance of Truth---Gospel Way