Saturday, November 12, 2016



According to the staff memo provided:
This is the required Notice of Property Tax Levy for establishing the 2017 General Purpose Property Tax as well as the Notice of Property Tax Levy for establishing the 2017 Road Fund Property Tax. Both levies are figured at the 2016 Implied Price Deflator (IPD) rate of .953o/o (the State's official rate of inflation), instead of the maximum allowed 1% (which would require a second resolution declaring "substantial need.

Editorial Comment: That is the same line that the city, and the port is using in justifying accepting the 1% increase "Substantial" need. What need? Is the roads being fixed? New schools being built? These people don't get it, when you raise property taxes again, and again, it's very unlikely you are going to convince the public in accepting things like school bonds and levies. But, hey as long we build a new park we don't really need, or do grunt work for the DOE. Even better yet to continue the failing EDC, who is going to notice right?

Another topic on the County work session of note: Agreement with Northwest Shooting Park Association for a conditional monetary contribution to the County
According to the staff summary report: The Peninsula Northwest Shooting Park Association (PNSPA), a tax exempt 501 (c) (3), would like to donate all funds raised over the years ($39,304.87) to Clallam County for the sole purpose of constructing a shooting range within Clallam County.
The proposal was discussed at the November 1, 2016 Park Board meeting where a motion was made to, "recommend to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners that the County accept a donation of approximately $40,000 from the PNSPA to be used solely for future development of a shooting range in Clallam County, and to be put in a trust fund with the Clallam County Treasurer." It was approved unanimously and recommended that staff bring it forward to the Commissioners for final approval.
See full work session agenda

During their regular meeting on Tuesday the highlight agenda items are:
Agreement with Clayton S. Jamieson for purchase of an easement for the Olympic Discovery Trail between Freshwater Bay and Camp Hayden Road
Amendment 1 with Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office to add funding for the purpose of supporting and implementing the preservation of salmon habitat
Notice of hearing to be held at 10:30 a.m., November 29 regarding Clallam County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code amendments for the Carlsborg Urban Growth Area
see full details on agenda items:
See full agenda:

For more meetings and on the spot commentary click here

Peninsula Daily News: 10-year-old Carlsborg girl puts together gift bags for homeless
CARLSBORG — A 10-year-old Carlsborg girl is making more than 500 gift bags that she plans to distribute to the homeless in Port Angeles and Sequim close to Christmas.

Editorial Note: An act of kindness doesn't go unnoticed, we should all do our part in helping those in need, and not just during the holidays.