- Ethics Ordinance
Staff memo: The City’s current ethics ordinance lacks a provision that expressly addresses multiple complaints and claims against a public official based on conduct arising from a single action or event. The proposed ordinance adds a provision for guiding Council and staff through this process. The proposed ordinance also adds a defining provision for the term single action or single event. These two additions will clarify the code and provide a process for handling multiple complaints without subjecting public officials to repetitive complaints based on the same conduct or event.
Editorial note: This will be the first reading of this revised code. When passed, it will not be retroactive, the current ethic complaints filed against Kidd, Gase, and Downie. Will be under the old code.
- Bonneville Power Administration Third Purchase Period Election for Tier 2 Power Supply
According to staff memo from agenda packet: Summary: The City is required to make its third purchase period election with the Bonneville
Power Administration (BPA) for its Tier 2 power supply by September 30, 2016. As shown in
Figure 1, the City remains well under any Tier 2 power requirement. While the election necessity is moot, BPA’s contractual requirements must be fulfilled. Therefore, the recommended election is BPA’s Tier 2 Short-Term product for 100% of the City’s electric load that is above its High Water Mark (Tier 1) allocation, with a 10 megawatt ceiling.
This election is for October 2019 through September 2024. In the unlikely event that any Tier 2 power would need to be purchased, the cost impact, either positive or negative, would be factored into the City’s retail electric utility rates at that time.
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to notify the BPA, in
accordance with Section 2.4 of Exhibit C of the BPA Power Sales Agreement, No. 00PB-12054,
the City should elect Section, the Tier 2 Short-Term rate alternative, for the period of
October 2019 through September 2024 for 100% of its above High Water Mark (Tier 1) load, with a 10 megawatt ceiling. The Utility Advisory Committee forwards a favorable recommendation for the authorization of this election.
- Customer Service Standards Resolution – Cable Television Franchises
According to the staff memo provided from the agenda packet: The proposed Cable Customer Service Standards (Standards) are applicable to all entities that provide cable services under a cable franchise in the City of Port Angeles. The Standards are intended to provide basic “rules of the road” related to the interactions between cable franchise holders and residents and users of cable service in Port Angeles.
Editor's notebook: This item was postpone last time, because council wanted to hear from PAPA on this matter before proceeding in accepting this item.
- Civic Field Lighting Replacement Project, Project Pk03-14, Award Lighting Construction Project to Colvico, Inc. & Approve the RCO Amendment to the Grant Agreement
According to staff memo: Summary: Bids were solicited for the replacement of the Civic Field lighting. Two bids were opened on April 26, 2016. The lowest responsible bidder with base and an additive bid, in the amount of $562,292.48, including tax, was Colvico, Inc. of Spokane, Washington.
Funding: Total funding from grants received will be in the amount of $407,700. Other funds
contributed by the City and the School District total $155,000, giving us a grand total of $562,700.
Recommendation: (1) Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Colvico,
Inc. in the amount of $562,292.48, including tax, for the replacement of the athletic field lighting at Civic Field and; (2) Allow the City Manager to sign the Amendment to the grant Agreement through the Washington State Recreation Conversation Office (RCO), and make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary
Editorial Notebook: With a proposed minor league baseball club thinking in coming to Port Angeles, I would think more would be needed done than just replacing stadium lights at this point.
- Fluoride Ad Hoc Committee Update / Report by Councilmembers Bruch and Collins (verbal report)
See full agenda: http://wa-portangeles.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/View/2935
In other What's on tap for next week items:
Clallam County work session agenda item highlight: Proposed agreement from Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to allow outside counsel to continue work on one matter of pending litigation, specifically Lange, et al. v. Clallam County, et al., Kitsap County Superior Court 14-2-01064-0 (2a)*
See full agenda: http://websrv7.clallam.net/forms/uploads/bocc_worksession_agenda.pdf
Agenda item details: http://websrv7.clallam.net/forms/uploads/bocc_worksession_packet.pdf
Clallam County regular meeting agenda highlight item: Award of Contract with Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc. of Port Angeles for crushed rock product supply and to authorize execution of the contracts by the Chair of the Board once the Contractor has approved and signed the contracts and returned them
See full agenda: http://websrv7.clallam.net/forms/uploads/bocc_meeting_agenda.pdf
See details on agenda items: http://websrv7.clallam.net/forms/uploads/bocc_meeting_packet.pdf
CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AGENDA MEETING HIGHTLIGHT ITEM: 2008 Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) Bond Refinancing Options
Action: Move to approve pursuing an advance refunding of the 2008 bonds in the early part of calendar year 2017, to include the addition of new money borrowing of $1.5 to $2.0 million, and direct the City Manager to submit for approval an amended Capital Plan and budget incorporating the recommended supplemental projects and funding.
ref: http://cityofpt.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=4&event_id=828&meta_id=122724
See full agenda: http://cityofpt.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=4&event_id=828
Details: http://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/commissioners/Agenda/2016%20Attach/050216_cabs01.pdf
See full agenda: http://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/commissioners/Agenda/2016%20Agendas/05-02-16.pdf
Washington making progress in contaminated site cleanup and storm water management---Gov. Inslee press release
Statement from Inslee regarding the Native American Determination for Kennewick Man---Gov. Inslee's press release
Workshops prep Yakima Valley farmers to explore and expand local market opportunities---WSDA
AG recovers record $46.7 million for the state Medicaid program from pharma co. Wyeth’s underpayments
Public encouraged to attend oil spill-response workshop May 12 in Pasco Help develop a response plan to protect the Snake River---DOE
Draft environmental study released for coal export proposal near Longview Public can comment April 29 through June 13---DOE
New collaboration gives local students inside view of marine science--WDFW
State's fisher recovery efforts help to avert federal ESA listing---WDFW
State disciplines health care providers--DOH
State to honor fallen workers during April 28 ceremony at L&I
State’s wildfire force readying for summer fire season --DNR
Retail sales up 7.7 percent in last quarter of 2015---DOR
2016 Letters About Literature champions announced ---Sec. of State
Alaskan Way Viaduct closes Friday - It’s not too late to make a plan---WSDOT
Contractors pay the price for violating dig law---UTC
What Are Your Goals for Your Children?---Gospel Way