Monday, February 27, 2017

US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Regulatory Relief Is on the Way

After a relentless, eight-year regulatory onslaught that loaded unprecedented burdens on businesses and the economy, relief is finally on the way. The president and leaders in Congress have quickly made good on campaign pledges to rein in the regulatory state.

In other US Chamber news...
Rule 1 for Trade Negotiators: No 'Own Goals'
Some trade proposals now being shouted from the sidelines—including some from progressives already in staunch opposition to the administration’s positions on a host of issues—certainly fit this description.
The Trump Administration should recognize these recommendations for the self-destructive proposals they are as officials consider negotiating new bilateral trade agreements and updating older agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Quality Over Quantity: We Need Digital Privacy Policies That Drive Economic Growth
As technology plays an increasing role in our daily lives, policymakers are trying to better understand how to respond to its role as both an economic driver and a disruptor. In many countries, the kneejerk response to our changing technological environment has been to regulate. But more often than not, these policies become barriers that restrict the benefits of the digital economy instead of driving growth.

U.S. Chamber and MetLife Team Up to Support and Celebrate America’s Small Businesses
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and MetLife (NYSE: MET) today announced a new multiyear collaboration to elevate the voice of America’s small business owners and highlight the important role they play in the nation’s economy.

A Model Trade Agreement? Congress Already Provided One
In light of President Trump’s pledge to pursue expanded trade that is both free and fair, it’s worth revisiting the question of how the federal government should pursue enforceable new trade agreements to advance these goals.

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News Notebook
Puget Sound Business Journal: Historic luxury yacht Olympus leaving Seattle after almost 70 years, sailing for New York
The classic motor yacht M.V. Olympus which has been the Pacific Northwest since 1942 has just been sold for an undisclosed price and will head out of Lake Union through the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard for the last time on Feb. 26.

PT. LEADER: Local banks dominate: National banks at bottom of Jefferson County market share report
For the first time in 20 years, the top three banks with the most market share of depositors in Jefferson County can be defined as local, Washington-based banks, not national institutions.

Sequim Gazette: Hiring event planned in March; boot camp readies job seekers