Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The White House: Remarks by the President at DCCC Luncheon

Quote: We have made unbelievable progress over the last eight years: Taking an economy that was in a tailspin and cutting the unemployment rate in half; creating jobs for 72 consecutive months; reducing poverty by the largest percentage since 1968; seeing wages increase by the largest percentage ever recorded over the last year; providing 20 million people with health insurance that didn't have it before; locking in a climate change plan that has actually reduced our greenhouse emissions, even as the economy has grown and mobilizing 200 nations to join us in that effort.
None of this I could have done had it not been for the partnership with the Democrats in the House of Representatives. A lot of the work that we got done that saved the economy and put us on a clean energy track and ensured that health care got done was in those first two years when we had the Democratic majority. It was when we had a Democratic majority that we were able to significantly expand the help that we provide young people going to college, increasing the levels of Pell grants, making sure that we had a Consumer Finance Protection Bureau that is looking after consumers. A whole range of the initiatives around Wall Street reform that has made our financial system more stable. We could not have done that unless we had courageous, thoughtful members of Congress in partnership with me.
Now, I'm confident that we will have an incredibly capable Democratic successor in the White House by the name of Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Applause.) And when I say I'm confident, I'm not overconfident. (Laughter.) So we've still got a lot of work to do and nobody knows that more than she does. But even if we're able to maintain the White House, the ability of Hillary to build on the legacy that we’ve established these past eight years is going to depend on, ultimately, what happens in the House, as well as our ability to take back the Senate.---President Obama
Read full statement: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/10/07/remarks-president-dccc-luncheon

In other White House press releases:

Weekly Address: Continuing to Strengthen the Middle Class
Quote: " Strengthening benefits at work helps, too. Last week, for example, I took action to make sure up to one million more workers can earn seven days of paid sick leave on the job. We’re also helping states expand opportunities for workers to save for retirement. But there’s a lot more we should do to strengthen the middle class and help more Americans get ahead. Making childcare more affordable, for example. Making sure women earn equal pay for equal work. Guaranteeing paid family and sick leave. Increasing the federal minimum wage. Preparing workers for the jobs of the future. And closing tax loopholes that benefit just the wealthy and big corporations. " ---President Obama

Remarks by the President on the Paris Agreement
Quote: " Ten months ago, in Paris, I said before the world that we needed a strong global agreement to reduce carbon pollution and to set the world on a low-carbon course.  The result was the Paris Agreement.  Last month, the United States and China -- the world’s two largest economies and largest emitters -- formally joined that agreement together.  And today, the world has officially crossed the threshold for the Paris Agreement to take effect. " ---President Obama

FACT SHEET: Let Girls Learn – A Comprehensive Investment in Adolescent Girls Education
“The single best indicator of whether a nation will succeed is how it treats its women. When women have health care and women have education, families are stronger, communities are more prosperous, children do better in school, nations are more prosperous.... If you want your country to grow and succeed, you have to empower your women."
 President Barack Obama (July 28, 2015)

For more World and National news click here...

Editorial note: Can this nation really afford another four years of Obama's failed policies under Hillary?


Port to hold telephone meeting on October 12th, canceling out the second Port Commission meeting this month, but instead calling for two special meetings, during this month. So, their next regular meeting won't be until November. The topic of the meeting which will be a call in meeting the decision regarding Agent Agreement and Marina Lease.
See agenda: http://www.portofpa.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/10122016-190