Saturday, April 20, 2019


They elected ILHAN OMAR to represent them.

Does that mean we bar all Muslims from serving in office?
By Peter Ripley, Publisher
Rep. Omar's callous disregard toward the event's of September 11th, 2001, sparks a wildfire of news stories in the mainstream media, and on the social media. Make me wonder how the people in Minnesota are responding or feeling about their so called representative?

Related news stories:
Ilhan Omar: A Hostage Situation.
Representative Omar, the Jew-hating Minnesota Democrat, is engaged in one of her usual games of misdirection, a pattern of hers that by now is familiar enough to be predicted: She says something outrageously stupid, offensive, anti-Semitic — or all three at once — and then attempts to parry the thrust of inevitable criticism by characterizing it as an attack on Muslims, women, women of color, Muslim women of color, etc.---National Review

Further  quote: " In this case, Representative Omar characterized the events of September 11, 2001, this way: “Some people did something.” Someone assembled a video intercutting her blasé account of mass murder with images of that day’s events, and Donald Trump, who serves simultaneously as president of the United States and the nation’s social-media intern, tweeted the video, along with some vintage all-caps emoting: “WE WILL NEVER FORGET!”

‘Here’s your something’: New York Post smacks Ilhan Omar over the head with ugly, brutal truth
Though the story about Omar’s remarks broke Tuesday, the Post presumably waited until Thursday to publish the cover to give her time to apologize for her choice of words. But the anti-Semitic congresswoman never apologized. Instead she appeared to doubled down.---BPR Business news

NY POST: Trump has no regrets about attacking ‘very disrespectful’ Rep. Ilhan Omar
Quote: President Trump said he has no second thoughts about blasting Rep. Ilhan Omar for her controversial comments about the 9/11 terror attacks while on a swing through the Democratic lawmaker’s home state of Minnesota.
Asked during an interview on Monday with KSTP-TV if he would apologize to Omar after the freshman lawmaker said his tweet led to death threats against her, the president said, “No. not at all.”
“Look, she’s been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel. She is somebody that doesn’t really understand life. Real life,” Trump told the ABC affiliate in Minneapolis where he was touting his tax cuts.
Trump went on to question Omar’s loyalty to the country.

PJ MEDIA: Dems Insist Criticism Is Violence, and Also Violence Is Good
Over the past week I've learned two important things from our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left: 1) Free speech that criticizes a Democrat is tantamount to violence, and 2) Actual violence committed by a Democrat is a form of free speech.
For the first part of this oxymoronic equation, let's go to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Last week she made the news again for summarizing the 9/11 attacks as "Some people did something." And now she'd like you to stop criticizing her for it

Trump slams Omar again: 'She's got a way about her' that is 'very, very bad for our country'
Quote: "A top critic of the Israeli government, Omar has vowed that the criticism would not deter either her love for the U.S. or her desire to affect change in the Middle East.
"I did not run for Congress to be silent. I did not run for Congress to sit on the sidelines. I ran because I believed it was time to restore moral clarity and courage to Congress. To fight and to defend our democracy," she tweeted earlier this month.
"No one person — no matter how corrupt, inept, or vicious — can threaten my unwavering love for America. I stand undeterred to continue fighting for equal opportunity in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans," Omar continued." ----The Hill

In Attacking Ilhan Omar, Trump Revives His Familiar Refrain Against Muslims.
Quote: " Now, with 19 months until the 2020 election, Mr. Trump is seeking to rally his base by sounding that theme again. And this time, he has a specific target: Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress.
In Ms. Omar, a Somali refugee whose family received asylum in the United States when she was a teenager, Mr. Trump has found a perfect foil: a progressive whose embrace of the boycott-Israel movement and attacks on supporters of the Jewish state have already made her a divisive figure within her own party. As the first woman to wear a hijab on the House floor — she pushed for a rules change to allow it — she is also a powerful, and visible symbol for Muslims and refugees.
Mr. Trump and his team are trying to make Ms. Omar, who is relatively unknown in national politics, a household name, to be seen as the most prominent voice of the Democratic Party, regardless of her actual position. In February, the president pounced when Ms. Omar unleashed a firestorm with her comments on Israel, rejecting her subsequent apology and calling for her to resign.---The New York Times

Allen West: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 Comments Should Offend All Americans
Quote: " Could any of you imagine a U.S. Member of Congress, 18 years after the December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor attack saying the same thing? What has happened in our country? And who are these people who would support this anti-American rhetoric? This is not about castigating people as racist because of their responses to what Rep. Omar said. Last time I checked, I am an American black man, who is angered by Rep. Omar’s statement.
This is a person, someone, who should be removed from our House Foreign Affairs Committee, someone who should not be granted access to the classified information of this country." ---Allen West, CNSN News

 Nets Run Wild With Dem Claims of Trump ‘Inciting Violence’ Against Omar
On Monday, all three network morning shows recited the same nasty accusations from Democrats that President Trump was “inciting violence” against left-wing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar simply by criticizing her offensive comments downplaying the September 11th attacks. Glossing over Omar’s incendiary rhetoric, hosts and correspondents feared for the liberal lawmaker’s safety.---News Busters

Imam Fires Off on ‘Clueless’ AOC After Her Take on 9/11
“Ilhan Omar is a genuine & honest person. She is telling us exactly what she believes because she is in a position of power. She makes it clear that she is against the US and its values; and pro Sharia, terrorist CAIR & Co. Those making excuses for her: Pelosi & AOC are the liars,” he tweeted.---Western Journal

Qanta Ahmed: Ilhan Omar is a disgrace to Islam and doesn’t represent my Muslim religion
"Rep. Ilhan Omar continues to be an embarrassment and a disgrace for me and other American Muslims with her outrageous, ignorant, anti-Semitic and now anti-American comments.

And while Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, holds herself out as a proud Muslim, she repeatedly projects a distorted and patently Islamist interpretation of Islam – a religion that in reality stands for the values of justice, peace and ethical conduct.

Sadly, Omar gives millions of Americans a false impression of what Islam is and what we Muslims believe and stand for. While she denounces prejudice against Muslims, her aberrant views on Islam fuel prejudice against me and my coreligionists by distorting who we are while defaming and dishonoring the great monotheism of Islam." ----Fox News

Editorial Comment: There were some calls on Facebook from regular citizens, no news outlets, to bar all Muslims from running for office ever again. With a mob mentality we all fall into temptation in attacking groups of people, instead of focusing on the individual person.
 But when I see postings on Face Book that spew things like barring certain people from holding office, I have to check my own self to not be taken and join the high school IQ crowd, and jump on the bandwagon.  It would be like barring anyone from different religions, or ethnic groups, or  race, or disabilities, ever holding office.  By the time you're done barring people because of race, ethnic, or religion beliefs you'll have no one left to run the government.

 How about this, we stop pinning blame on groups, instead pin the blame on individuals who actually do the evil deeds?  From what I been reading about,  Rep. Omar apparently has no regard for our nation or culture. So, yes Rep. Omar, some people did something alright, the people of Minnesota elected you in office.

Cantwell, Van Hollen, Colleagues Send Bipartisan Letter Urging Increased Funding for Affordable Housing

Press release issued on 4. 15. 19

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and a bipartisan group of 39 of their colleagues sent a letter urging increased funding for the Section 4 Capacity Building affordable housing program at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Section 4 Program works with local community development organizations around the country to improve affordable housing, finance small businesses, and provide for other community needs.

“The Section 4 Program allows HUD to partner with national nonprofit community development organizations to provide education, training, and financial support to local community development corporations (CDCs) across the country,”  the senators wrote. “Section 4 funds are required by law to be matched 3:1 with private investments, but program funds have consistently leveraged substantially higher amounts.”

“We are disappointed that the President’s budget has slated this program for elimination after decades of successful economic and community development,” the senators continued. “Since the HUD Demonstration Act was authorized in 1993, Section 4 has proven to be a valuable and cost-effective program that has produced tangible results. Through a nationwide support network, Section 4 provides programmatic and training assistance to local organizations, ensuring program goals are met while granting the necessary flexibility to meet community-specific needs. As communities across the country continue to look for ways to expand economic development and provide affordable housing, funding for Section 4 remains critically important.”

Full text of letter:
Dear Chair Collins and Ranking Member Reed:

We write to respectfully request that as your Subcommittee works to complete its FY 2020 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies appropriations bill, you support a funding level of $40 million for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Program.

The Section 4 Program allows HUD to partner with national nonprofit community development organizations to provide education, training, and financial support to local community development corporations (CDCs) across the country. Section 4 funds are required by law to be matched 3:1 with private investments, but program funds have consistently leveraged substantially higher amounts. For each dollar of Section 4 funding, a total of $20 or more in private investment has been brought into local communities for economic and community development. From 2014 to 2018, Section 4 helped 973 local CDCs nationwide leverage approximately $7.7 billion for community and economic development and helped to build or preserve more than 39,000 homes in low-income neighborhoods. Since the Program’s inception, Section 4 has benefitted all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The targeted federal investments made through Section 4 attract and accelerate private sector involvement and funding into critical local community development projects. 

We are disappointed that the President’s budget has slated this program for elimination after decades of successful economic and community development. Since the HUD Demonstration Act was authorized in 1993, Section 4 has proven to be a valuable and cost-effective program that has produced tangible results. Through a nationwide support network, Section 4 provides programmatic and training assistance to local organizations, ensuring program goals are met while granting the necessary flexibility to meet community-specific needs. As communities across the country continue to look for ways to expand economic development and provide affordable housing, funding for Section 4 remains critically important.

As the Subcommittee works through the process of determining how to effectively appropriate federal funds, it is our hope that you will continue your support for Section 4 in FY 2020. We thank you for your consideration.

Cantwell, Hassan, Warren, Colleagues Request Increased Funding for Title X Program
Senators emphasize importance of Title X in providing essential preventative health, family planning services to millions of low-income Americans
Press release issued 4. 16. 19

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) joined Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), as well as a group of 27 of their Democratic colleagues, in calling on the Senate Appropriations Committee to request that the FY 2020 budget include $400 million for the Title X family planning program.

Title X health centers rely on federal funding to provide essential preventive health and family planning services to millions of low-income Americans. Title X has been shown to save taxpayers money in the long run by saving in Medicaid-related costs. It is estimated that Title X brings in a net saving of $7 billion a year for federal and state governments.

“Title X is the only federal program dedicated to providing family planning services for low-income patients and serves more than 4 million people at nearly 4,000 health centers around the country each year,” the senators wrote. “Because of this funding, these centers provide high-quality reproductive and sexual health care, including cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, contraceptive services and supplies, pregnancy testing, complete and medically accurate information about all pregnancy options, and other basic health care. Title X centers offer care to populations that often face severe barriers to accessing quality health care such as people with low incomes, people of color, people in rural areas, and LGBTQ people.”

“Unfortunately, access to Title X services has been seriously jeopardized by funding cuts in recent years. In 2016, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of Population Affairs, and George Washington University estimated that Title X would need $737 million annually to deliver family planning care to all low-income uninsured women in the United States,” the senators continued. “The gap between funds appropriated and funds needed has continued to grow in recent years: between 2010 and 2014, Congress cut Title X’s funding by $31 million, even though the number of women in need of publicly funded family planning care grew by 1 million in that period.”

In the letter, the senators also noted efforts by the Trump Administration to undermine this essential program, including by publishing a domestic “gag rule” that, if implemented, will restrict women’s access to critical reproductive health services.

“As separate efforts progress to stop implementation of this devastating rule, it is critical that Congress unequivocally demonstrate its support for the Title X program in its current form and increase funding for the program,” the senators concluded.

UNESCO experts ready to assist reconstruction of iconic Notre Dame, following devastating blaze.
Two-thirds of the largely medieval roof of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris have “gone” after the devastating fire in Paris on Monday evening, but UN cultural experts are standing by to offer help where it is needed in rebuilding the iconic structure.

France opens the question: should Notre-Dame be rebuilt as it was?
PARIS (Reuters) - France will open the redesign of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral’s historic spire to international architects after Monday night’s catastrophic blaze that gutted the oak-framed roof and sent the towering spire crashing through the vaulted ceiling.

Factbox: Donors pledge nearly 900 million euros to rebuild Notre-Dame cathedral
PARIS (Reuters) - Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral went up in flames on Monday , a blaze that devastated the landmark, destroying its wood-beamed roof and collapsing the iconic spire, a searing loss for Paris and France.

Notre Dame to close for up to 6 years during ambitious rebuild effort
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to rebuild the cathedral before Paris hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics — a breakneck pace for a huge project. The government also will hold an international architecture contest to replace the iconic 19th-century spire that collapsed in this week's fire---WP

Notre Dame: A Bad Omen or a Sign of the Strength of Western Civilization?--PJ MEDIA
This catastrophe in Paris today is a sign to all of us Christians, and a sign to all people in the West, especially those who despise the civilization that built this great temple to its God on an island in the Seine where religious rites have been celebrated since the days of pagan Rome. It is a sign of what we are losing, and what we will not recover, if we don’t change course now.

What the Notre-Dame Fire Reveals About the Soul of France
While a subdued Paris promises to rebuild, the shock of the potential loss has raised difficult questions about Catholicism, secularism and Islam.--NY TIMES

" She gone from some people did something, to some art building burn down?" At least that's the implication from some people on twitter.
Twitter Erupts After Ilhan Omar Issues Statement on Notre Dame Cathedral Fire
" Rep. Ilhan Omar, fresh off the fallout from downplaying the 9/11 attacks, apparently hasn’t learned a single lesson from the tidal wave of outrage she faced.
The Minnesota Democrat’s response to the Notre Dame fire is conspicuously absent of any mention of the religious purpose of the cathedral itself, or its place in Western Christianity as one of the most iconic churches in the world." ---Western Journal

Jihadists Celebrate Devastating Notre Dame Cathedral Fire
( – Jihadists and sympathizers took to social media to celebrate the fire that gutted parts of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, with some viewing it as a good omen for Muslims and some as punishment for the enemies of Muslims.

In other world news headlines...
World ‘Not Keeping Pace’ in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals, Secretary-General Stresses, as Development Financing Forum Begins
Citing a fragile world economy and unravelling multilateral alignments, delegates at the Economic and Social Council’s 2019 forum on financing for development follow-up today also spotlighted a crucial window of opportunity to render the global financial system fairer and more fit for purpose.

General Assembly Adopts Resolutions Endorsing Outcome Document of Conference on South-South Cooperation, Strengthening Francophonie Partnership
Endorsing a new international declaration on the critical role South-South cooperation plays in tackling sustainable development challenges, the General Assembly today adopted a related resolution and a package of other texts, including several recommended to it by its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) and a draft on the Organization’s partnership with French-speaking nations.

Progress against torture in Afghan detention centres, but Government needs to do more, says UN report
Based on interviews with more than 600 detainees and published jointly by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), their latest report on the treatment of prisoners indicates that an average of nearly one in three, provided “credible and reliable” accounts of suffering.

UN Security Council condemns Taliban offensive as a blow against ‘sustainable peace’
The United Nations Security Council has condemned the announcement by Taliban militants in Afghanistan of its spring offensive, saying it will result in more “unnecessary suffering and destruction for the Afghan people”.

Turn toxic e-waste into a source of ‘decent work’, UN labour agency urges
A “toxic flood of electric and electronic waste” that is growing by the day across the world, should be urgently converted into a source of decent work, that can also protect populations from its harmful effects, the United Nations labour agency said on Wednesday.





Appalachian Regional Prescription Opioid (ARPO) Strike Force Takedown Results in Charges Against 60 Individuals, Including 53 Medical Professionals

Online Lending Company Agrees to Settle FTC Charges It Engaged in Deceptive and Unfair Loan Servicing Practices.

Inslee signs bill that protects ACA health care insurance practices

Nonfarm payroll employment soars back in March