Saturday, November 14, 2015


 By, Peter Ripley Publisher

Readers, last Friday the Peninsula Daily News reported that the fluoridation surveys were mailed out to water utility customers. See their report they posted last Friday:
Related story, from last week's edition of the PDN: Fluoridation survey to be mailed out today to water users in Port Angeles area

So, readers here's yours truly sat waiting to receive my survey question, and low and behold I come to find out since those who like me, live in Housing Authority housing projects which Housing pays for the water bill, we don't get to vote on the subject on whether or not the city should continue adding fluoride in the city water system! Your truly wrote the following email to the local mayor and council:

Mr. Mayor, and Council
The surveys have been mailed out last Friday on the fluoridation issue right? How come I hadn't got mine? I live in one of the housing authority apt buildings. Live in PA. Should my neighbors and me be getting these questionnaires too?
One City Council member did respond, Dan Gase responded with the following email:
Hi Peter,
Just to verify, yes, the surveys have been mailed out. I received mine on Tuesday.
If you receive a utility bill for water in your name you should receive a survey. If by some chance you pay your electricity but the complex you reside in pays the water bill then you most likely will not receive a survey.
Dan Gase Councilmember, City of Port Angeles

You tell me readers is that fair? Granted one could argue that those who don't get to vote on the survey can express their opinion by voting in the general election between the two contenders in the last city council race between Kidd and Bateham. Of course if that is under the assumption all those 1800 votes that went to Bateham were voting on the fluoride issue alone, but there is no way of telling the motives of the voters.

Remember readers, the city is banking on this survey to help to decide on continuing the program of adding fluoride to the city water system. They rejected the idea of placing this issue as a ballot measure in the general election. It was Gase who stated to yours truly sometime ago that just having registered voters have a say on the issue, would exclude people who don't vote during the general elections! How ironic! Now you have water utility rate payers having a say on this matter, but excluding a section of the community in particpating in the survey simply because the Housing Authority pays the water bill! They should have done both putting this issue on the ballot of the general election, and done the survey to the water utility rate payers that way all citizens would participate in the process, and none would feel left out.

Related stories from the PORT O CALL: Women lead the way on health issues including Fluoridation
In our local duke-out over continued fluoridation of our water, let’s  remember women like Alice Hamilton, Rachel Carson and Erin Brockovich.---PORT O  CALL DATED 11/ 12/15

Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb
" Today, two thirds of U.S. public drinking water is fluoridated. Many municipalities still resist the practice, disbelieving the government’s assurances of safety.' ----PORT O CALL/ CSMONITOR

In other local news...

Clallam County commissioners rescind taxing district set up five years ago to pay for Striped Peak Road safety improvements
PORT ANGELES — Clallam County has rescinded a junior taxing district that was set up five years ago to pay for safety improvements to Striped Peak Road. County commissioners voted 3-0 Tuesday to rescind a September 2010 resolution that created the Striped Peak Road Improvement District west of Port Angeles near Freshwater Bay.---Peninsula Daily News

Port Angeles port to seek property tax increase of 1 percent
" Commissioners Jim Hallett and Colleen McAleer may seek the full increase allowed by law. Commissioner John Calhoun voted against introducing the resolution, which commissioners must adopt at their Nov. 24 meeting when they consider approving their 2016 budget of $16,964,832. If they pass the resolution in two weeks, they will bypass a guideline called the Implicit Price Deflator, which would tie tax increases to the rate of inflation"---Peninsula Daily News

 Movie focuses in on tribal fishing rights
Magic of Cinema and the Peninsula College House of Learning Longhouse will host a screening of Sandra Osawa’s “Usual and Accustomed Places” from 12:30-2:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 13, in the Peninsula College Longhouse.---SEQUIM GAZETTE

Soroptimist International of the Olympic Rain Forest offer scholarships
Applications are now available for the Diane Demorest Nursing Scholarship. Although Diane Demorest was only 43 when she died of cancer, her love of nursing and caring for people lives on through this scholarship named in her honor.---FORKS FORUM

JCHS collects stories, hosts events for West End Weekend, Nov. 13-14
Jefferson County Historical Society’s (JCHS) seventh annual West End Weekend, taking place Nov. 13-15, focuses on the theme of logging on the Olympic Peninsula.---PT Leader

PTSD board gets first look at Grant Street design
With voter approval, Port Townsend school officials plan to open a brand new Grant Street Elementary by the start of the 2018-19 school year.---PT LEADER


Trudeau orders ban on oil tankers off B.C. north coast

Trudeau directs reopening of Coast Guard base, action on Fraser salmon

NHL player to plead guilty in grizzly kill: Crown


Notice of hearing to be held December 1 at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. regarding the proposed
2016 Clallam County Budget and consideration of general fund and road levies

CITY OF PORT ANGELES MEETING AGENDA HIGHTLIGHT: 2015 Hydrogeologic Services Feasibility Study 
Summary: The City of Port Angeles is exploring the development of new ground water sources to supplement the City’s current surface water sources from the Elwha River. The ultimate goal of the project is to lessen the City’s demand on its Elwha River surface water source. The City has contracted with Robinson Noble to provide a groundwater source feasibility assessment to define the possibility of producing groundwater from one or more wells within or in proximity to the City limits.
Funding: As of November 12th, the 2015 Water Utility Fund for Professional Services (402-7380-
534-4150) has a balance of $119,630.71 with a sufficient unobligated amount for this change
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the
2015 Hydrogeologic Services Feasibility Study Professional Services Agreement with RobinsonNoble in the amount of $2,500 for an agreement total of $27,310, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. 


Ordinance 3137, Related to Interim Land Use Regulations in the Vicinity of 6th and 10th Streets and Howard Street and Discovery Way; Re-Enacting and Extending Ordinances 3130, 3124, 3116 and 3111 (which Amend Chapters 17.18 and 17.20 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code) for an Third Additional Six-Month Period or Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment Relating to Zoning in the Affected Area

Action: Move to Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance 3137, Related to Interim Land Use Regulations in the Vicinity of 6th and 10th Streets and Howard Street and Discovery Way; Re-Enacting and Extending Ordinances 3130, 3124, 3116 and 3111 (which Amend Chapters 17.18 and 17.20 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code) for an Third Additional Six-Month Period or Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment Relating to Zoning in the Affected Area.

How the Holy Spirit Bears Fruit
The Bible clearly teaches that Christians are to bear fruit. Jesus said, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he cleanseth it, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:2). Jesus expects His followers to bear much fruit: Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; and so shall ye be my disciples (John 15:8).----TRUTH FOR THE WORLD