Saturday, July 27, 2024

Proposed Port Angeles pilot project seeks to test technology to pull harmful carbon dioxide out of the air.


Carbon pollution is the main driver behind the higher temperatures and severe weather that threatens our environment and economy. Much of the short-term focus of addressing the threat of climate change is on reducing emissions, but new technologies engineered to pull carbon out of the air also promise to be an important part of how we meet the challenge ahead of us.   

A pilot project proposed in Port Angeles is designed to test a new approach to removing carbon pollution. “Project Macoma,” as the proposed pilot is named, is an effort by a company called Ebb Carbon to test whether they can use seawater to soak up more carbon dioxide from the air.  

Read on to learn more about the project.   

What is Project Macoma?  

Project Macoma is a first-of-its-kind pilot project that has the potential to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from marine waters. The project would use new electrochemical technology to speed up how fast the ocean can absorb CO2.  

The technology will pull seawater from Port Angeles Harbor and treat it to make the water less acidic, then return the water back into the ocean where it will act like a sponge to soak up C02 from the air.   

This two-year project would use a barge and onshore facilities at the Port of Port Angeles log yard.  

What is our role in this project?  

Our regulatory role is ensuring the project does not impact water quality in the harbor; we are not vetting the potential climate benefits of this project at this time.    

Ebb Carbon applied for an individual water quality permit called a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) so it can safely discharge the less acidic (alkaline) water back into Washington’s marine waters.  

We have developed a draft discharge permit for the processed ocean water, and will oversee the company to make sure it complies with the permit rules.   

We want to hear from the public  

As we work to understand the project’s impact, we are holding a public comment period on the draft water quality permit from July 19-Aug. 18, 2024. The comment link opens online at 12 a.m. July 19 and closes at 5 p.m. Aug. 18. Ecology will review and respond to all comments when we make a final permit decision in the coming months. 

This is just one permit the company is applying for; the project needs certain permits from other government agencies to operate.   

If we grant the permit, it will last for two years. Ebb Carbon would need to go through Ecology’s permitting process again for any future projects.  

How will we know if this project helps fight climate change?   

These types of technologies have the potential to help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but many are so new that we don’t yet know how effective the technology can be. That’s why real world testing like that proposed with Project Macoma is so important: it’s the first project in the country to test this technology in the real environment.   

Projects like this give us the chance to gather data, see what works, and better understand the potential benefits and impacts./ DOE RELEASE 7/19/24



Ecology upgrades Washington air quality map in time for wildfire smoke season.


With the 2024 wildfire season underway, the Washington Department of Ecology is launching an enhanced air quality monitoring map to help Washingtonians track air pollution and take steps to protect their health and the health of their families./DOE

State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers.

Jefferson County

In June 2024 the secretary of health and Alexander Lockwood (CG61213278) agreed to the suspension of his agency affiliated counselor license. Lockwood may not petition for reinstatement for at least 12 months. Prior to reinstatement, Lockwood must pay a $500 fine and complete 12 hours of continuing education in the areas of boundaries and law and ethics. In July 2022, Lockwood provided a patient, who is a friend, with money to purchase fentanyl, a schedule II drug./DOH

Chelan County mental health and agency affiliated counselor credentials suspended due to sexual misconduct/DOH

New US 101 Elwha River bridge opens to traffic/WDOT

DNR, Squaxin Island Tribe Announce Formal Partnership to Conserve Kelp Bed/DNR



TACOMA, WA – Today, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) has awarded nearly $1 million in federal funding through the Fiscal Year 2024 Small Shipyard Grant Program to two organizations in Washington’s Sixth District. This investment includes nearly $400,000 for Inventech Marine Solutions in Bremerton and more than $578,000 for Motive Power Marine in Tacoma./Press release issued 7/25/24


TACOMA, WA – Today, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) issued the following statement: “President Joe Biden has spent his entire life working on behalf of our nation to leave it better, fairer, and stronger for future generations. He has led one of the most successful and historic administrations in history – pulling us out of the COVID pandemic, signing laws to lower health care costs, to invest in our infrastructure and in American manufacturing, and to combat the climate crisis. Time and time again, he has fought for people and communities that are too often left behind. His legacy of public service is profound. Today - on behalf of the folks I represent - I have a simple message. Thank you for your outstanding service, Mr. President.”/Press release issued 7/21/24

* Editor's note: Oh yes, Biden as lead this nation into an economic void with high prices in the grocery stores, at the pump, and so forth. Oh yes a true leader! Cough! Cough!

Mount Vernon To Get New Court Location After House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill Sponsored By Cantwell & Murray

New location will shorten travel times, shrinks administrative costs & help North Puget Sound defendants avoid serious consequences - including arrest - over missed court dates./Press release issued 7/25/24

Cantwell Applauds $16 Million to Boost Yakima River Drought Resistance

Cantwell-championed Yakima River Basin Integrated Plan laid groundwork for completing fish passage projects/ From a press release issued 7/25/24

Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Commerce-Justice-Science, Interior-Environment, State and Foreign Operations, and Transportation-HUD Appropriations Bills./from a press release issued 7/25/24

Senator Murray Applauds U.S. Department of Energy Awarding the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association Phase 1 Status

ICYMI: Senator Murray Announces $1 Billion for New Hydrogen Hub in Pacific Northwest Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law./from a press release issued 7/24/24



Human Impact of Gaza Conflict 'Will Haunt All of Us, Not for Years, But for Generations', Briefer Tells Security Council

(Note:  A complete summary of today's Security Council meeting will be made available after its conclusion.)

The Security Council met today to consider the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question, and were briefed by Antonia Marie De Meo, Deputy Commissioner-General for Operational Support, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and Muhannad Hadi, Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process./UN PRESS RELEASE

‘Western Weapons Not Cause of Senseless War’ in Ukraine, Delegate Tells Security Council, stressing Kyiv’s Right to Self-Defence under United Nations Charter

Russian Federation Wasting Organ’s ‘Precious Time, Resources’ by Repeatedly Requesting Meetings on Ukraine, Representative Underlines/UN PRESS RELEASE

Citing Focus on Displacement Crisis, Artificial Intelligence, Financing Gaps, New President Presents Priorities, as 2025 Economic and Social Council Session Opens

The Economic and Social Council opened its 2025 session today, with the incoming President establishing the global displacement crisis, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to expedite achievement of sustainable development, and greater engagement with international financial institutions to address financing for development gaps as his top areas of focus for the coming year./UN PRESS RELEASE

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East/USUN

The United States-ASEAN Relationship/US STATE DEPT

Secretary Blinken will travel to Vientiane, Laos on July 27 to participate in the United States – Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Post-Ministerial Conference, the 14th East Asia Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, and the 31st ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).


Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New AI Actions and Receives Additional Major Voluntary Commitment on AI/WH

Remarks by Vice President Harris Following Meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel/WH

Pentagon Visit Gives Ukrainian University Students Insight Into U.S. Support/DOD

Justice Department to Publish Final Rule to Improve Access to Medical Care for People with Disabilities/DOJ

HUD Awards $3.4 Million to Public Housing Authorities to Prevent Homelessness Among Vulnerable Youth Exiting Foster Care

38 Public Housing Agencies in 19 states will use funding to keep foster youth housed./HUD


Biden-Harris Administration Invests in Rural Communities to Lower Energy Costs and Create Jobs in 39 States and Guam as part of Investing in America Agenda/USDA

Opening Remarks

Governor Michelle W. Bowman

At "Advance Together: Celebrating the Achievements of Texas Community Partnerships," a public event at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas/ THE FED

IRS shares more warning signs of incorrect claims for the Employee Retention Credit; urges businesses to proactively resolve erroneous claims to avoid penalties, interest, audit/IRS

FTC and Justice Department to Host First Public Strike Force on Unfair and Illegal Pricing Meeting/FTC



IN FOCUS: DNR Enacts Public Safety Closure of Ahtanum State Forest.

Popular Recreation Area will Close Temporarily Due to Activity from the Retreat Fire


The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Southeast Region has temporarily closed the Ahtanum State Forest due to increased activity from the adjacent Retreat Fire burning near Rimrock Lake.


All Ahtanum State Forest recreation sites will be closed until further notice, except for the Ahtanum and Ahtanum Meadows campgrounds. The closure also extends to the BBQ Flats and Cascade Camp recreation areas and Wenas Valley Green Dot Road system, which the Black Canyon Fire impacts.


“We are asking the public to remain clear of the area in the interest of public and firefighter safety. The Retreat Fire is approaching the Ahtanum State Forest from the north. With so many fire resources committed to fires around the region, we have closed our lands in the Ahtanum out of an abundance of caution,” said Stephanie Margheim, DNR State Lands Assistant Region Manager.


Closures will be marked at entrances and access points, and an estimated time for reopening will be made available as soon as the fire threat is lessened. The public can access the most up-to-date closure information at



Clallam County Commission work session for 7/29/24

Clallam County Commission for for 7/30/24

Housing Solution Committee meeting for 8/2/24

Weekly devotional

BIBLE VERSE: Hebrews 12:1 (New International Version)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

Weekly Bible Lesson:   

The New Covenant

Christians today are not under the law God gave to Israel at Mt Sinai. While this law (covenant) was in effect, Jeremiah, the prophet, foretold the Lord would make a new covenant with His people ( Jeremiah 31:31-34). This was fulfilled when the New Testament was given (Hebrews 8:6-13). --TFTW

Free bible studies (WBS)

Learn English using the bible as text (WEI)

(Join us in worship every Sunday starting at 10:30AM Church of Christ)

 1233 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362


Israeli Prime Minister Delivers Speech to Joint Meeting of Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the U.S. and Israel “must stand together” as the world is in a state of “upheaval.” The prime minister addressed lawmakers during a joint meeting of Congress. Outside, thousands of protesters gathered to protest his speech. Prime Minister Netanyahu criticized demonstrators and said they stand with hate and Hamas murderers. He also called them “Iran’s useful idiots” saying Iran funded the demonstrations. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech lasted nearly one hour. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a Palestinian American who is against the Israel-Hamas War, could be seen holding up a “war criminal” sign during the speech./C-SPAN


Former President Trump speaks at a Turning Point Action event in West Palm Beach, Florida, with the bandage taken off his ear for the first time./Frobes vid

Glenn Beck Reacts LIVE to Joe Biden Speech & EXPOSES Secret Service Failures.

Glenn responds live to Joe Biden's speech from the Oval Office — the first address made by the president since he announced both his departure from the 2024 presidential campaign and his endorsement of VP Kamala Harris on social media last weekend. What does this mean for the Democrat Party moving forward, and how does it affect Democrats' chances this November? Then, the slight turn of his head at the last millisecond is the only reason why Donald J. Trump was able to accept his nomination for the presidency at the Republican National Convention last week. Earlier this month, he survived an assassination attempt that was too close to fathom. 

Many are calling it a miracle — something that’s unexplainable except by the divine hand of God. And even though U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has stepped down, there are STILL questions that need explaining: Namely, how the HECK did the Secret Service let this assassination attempt happen? In this Wednesday Night Special, Glenn poses three questions to the U.S. Secret Service that MUST be answered for the American people. He maps out the timeline and location of the shooter, details the shocking reason why Cheatle claimed there were no security personnel on that roof, and lays out how DEI nearly got the 2024 Republican presidential candidate killed.--Glenn Beck

Sunday Worship 7/21/2024-Four Lakes C. of C




The Port Angeles Globe is a weekly Publication, every Saturday-- Publisher, Peter Ripley