Monday, April 10, 2017


The State of American Education and Workforce
Opportunity is at the heart of the American Dream, and at the heart of opportunity is a job. When the right person fills the right job, we all benefit—families, neighborhoods, businesses. We all grow and prosper. Yet, there’s a disconnect in our country. The national unemployment rate has fallen since the depths of the Great Recession, but we still have too many people without jobs and too many jobs without people.

Torts and Rules Can Stunt Tech Sector Growth
New innovations and technologies are fertile ground for economic growth. They lead to startup companies, job creation, and a rush of capital and investment. But once a technology gets big, it’s never long before government regulators and aggressive trial lawyers swoop in to crash the party. Hasty regulations and expansive liability stunt the sector’s growth and slam the brakes on job creation.

Chamber Snapshots: The First Quarter of 2017 in Photos
2017 is off to a busy start for the U.S. Chamber. From various activities on Capitol Hill to visiting Chambers across the country, there's never a dull moment. Read on to see the Chamber in action.

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch: A Victory For Free Enterprise
Today, following the actions of over 15,000 Chamber grassroots members and over 30,000 emails to the U.S. Senate, Neil Gorsuch was confirmed as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court by a 54-45 vote. This is a great victory for the American business community, as our President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue stated:

"We congratulate Judge Neil Gorsuch on his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court... Gorsuch’s qualifications have never been in doubt, and he will undoubtedly use his gifted legal mind to help our country sort through our toughest questions for years to come. We commend the U.S. Senate for overcoming the first partisan filibuster of a Supreme Court nominee to restore the court to a full nine justices."

The Clean Power Plan is Dead! Or is it?
There certainly has been a plethora of dramatic reporting on last week’s “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth” executive order signed by President Trump. Some view it as the rebirth of America’s coal industry, others say it will have little effect, and still others are lamenting the end of the planet.

For more Business and finance news headlines see page 2


REU: Kremlin, angry at Syria missile strike, says Putin won't meet Tillerson
The Kremlin said on Monday that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will not meet President Vladimir Putin when he visits Moscow on Wednesday, a move that could point to tensions over a U.S. missile attack on a Syrian air base last week.

Editorial Note: Putin, apparently thought that Trump was going to be a puppet president, guess what Vlad, he isn't. Now, the Russians can pony up and admit they had a hand in the Syrian gas attack, and try to make amends for what happened, or continue down the path of even more hard times ahead. Putin has an opportunity here to show he can play nice and meet the Secretary of State, regardless what happened, or play the avoiding game.