Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Stopping oil production in America from being oil production independant is another thing.

Stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline which endangers the water supply to Native American reservations.

201,724 SIGNED 100,000 GOAL
The Dakota Access pipeline is set to be constructed near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, crossing under the Missouri River which is the only source of water to the reservation. The pipeline is planned to transport approximately 470,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The potential of oil leaks would contaminate the only source of water for the reservation. While Dakota Access claims oil leaks are unlikely, an oil leak from a separate pipeline in North Dakota was discovered (8/15/16) to have leaked over 500 barrels of oil since the leak began on July 19, 2016. You can read the article here: A leak like this from the Dakota Access pipeline would leave the Standing Rock Sioux without any clean water.

Editorial Comment: On the surface, the above petition which I signed in good faith, seemed to only address the issue of protection the water system which the native Americans need who live on the reservations. But apparently left wing environmentalist zealots bent on throwing us back to the days of the horse and buggy by completely ban oil production throughout the country. The stories from the US Chamber of Commerce paints the picture pretty clear enough I would say. The more this nation becomes overly dependant on foreign oil, the more likely any of those Arab nations that we buy our oil from will use it to gain political favors, including their main goal be rid of Israel. We can no longer be fully dependant on foreign which could fall into the hands of those who would blackmail this nation in getting what they want.

Related stories:
US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: ‘Uncivil’ Disobedience is Name of the Game for Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters
One of those national leaders, Jane Kleeb, who fought the Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska, wants to replicate her “success” in North Dakota. Only her idea of success means less energy for her fellow Americans.
And Bill McKibben, who equates fighting energy development with world war, wants to turn the Dakota Access Pipeline into a presidential campaign issue.
The involvement of a man who has written, “We have to keep 80 percent of the fossil-fuel reserves that we know about underground,” shows us what this protest is really about.
Read more:

‘Keep It in the Ground’ Takes Pipeline Protest to the White House---US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
In the aftermath of the Obama administration blocking construction of part of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, all sides have dug into their positions. Needless to say there are plenty of people upset with the Obama administration’s decision to block permission to build at the 11th hour and give in protestors’ uncivil disruptions.

What If Our Energy Stayed In the Ground?---US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
We’ve heard lots of rhetoric during this campaign from anti-energy candidates and “Keep It in the Ground” activists about their desire to restrict or even ban oil, gas, and coal production on federal lands and waters. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wondered what would happen if they got their way. And the results aren’t pretty

Read more Law & Justice, and Advocacy news here