Thursday, February 2, 2017


Something liberals, and the liberal media establishment will never understand..

SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he is filing a lawsuit in federal court today against President Donald Trump, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and high-ranking Trump Administration officials. Ferguson’s complaint asks the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington to declare unconstitutional key provisions of President Donald Trump’s immigration Executive Order.
Editorial Note: What Fergusion can't seem to comprehend is that Trump is trying to do in my opinion to protect our way of life here, to oppose those who want to impose Sharia law on us, who don't believe in what they believe. We live under God given liberties to believe or not to believe. God doesn't force himself on anyone. We should practice that too, by not forcing our believes on others, too bad not all agrees with that thought, some want us to worship the way they do, or die! I stand by, the bill of rights, and Jesus, not a pretender. Ferguson will never understand that I don't think, he like so many Trump critics wants to overturn an election because they didn't like the outcome of an election. Which is childish and petty. What I been saying over, and over again, you can't convert people to your religion by a point of a weapon, one religion does Islam, does anyone think that is how they win so many converts? I dare say not by actual believe but by death threats! Is that what we really want?
The following is a article from the Truth for the World you may consider: Jesus or Mohammed?
One of the fastest growing religions in the world today is Islam. Islam began in Arabia in 622 A.D. It was started by Mohammed, a camel driver who could not read or write. Mohammed became discouraged with idol worship in his home city of Mecca. He had learned from Jews and Christians that there is only one true God.

Editorial comment: You convert people through study, and debate, not force of arms readers. Now some may say we shouldn't be passing judgement on other beliefs, here is another article by The Gospel Way: Criticizing Other People's Religion
We frequently hear people say, "I don't believe in criticizing other people's religion." Some people become angry - even violent - when people criticize their beliefs. Surely we should not condemn beliefs that are pleasing to God, but does this mean we should even avoid pointing out the religious errors of others?

Editorial note: These articles are not meant to sound mean or hateful, they're pointing out truths that people should read and consider. I'm not trying to sound mean or hateful either, I just like the idea of a religious sect coming to this nation to override our bill of rights to suit them, and impose their beliefs on others, simple as that. If they want to come and assimilate in our culture, and obey OUR laws that's one thing, all fine and good. Let me put it this way, it would be like me trying forcing at gunpoint for everyone to read this publication or else! That's what you get under Sharia law, either you follow our ways or else! I think people are too blinded from their destain toward Trump to see the real threat. So I ask, what's wrong in wanting to protect our God given rights of free will?

For more state related news click here..


Even some Muslims are catching on to this!

Faith Wire: Despite the fact that many critics are calling President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration from seven Islam-majority countries a “Muslim ban,” some Islamic adherents and former Muslim devotees are actually speaking out in favor of it.