Friday, October 28, 2016


Making towns like PA to think twice about not adding fluoride.

DOH: Public Health Advisory for Port Angeles Water Utility Customers In the absence of fluoridated water, residents should protect against tooth decay
OLYMPIA -- The Department of Health advises Port Angeles Water Utility customers to seek additional sources of fluoride due to the absence of community water fluoridation.
“Fluoride in water is the most efficient way to prevent tooth decay in people of all ages, education levels, and income levels. Community water fluoridation has been shown to be safe for children and adults,” said Dr. Kathy Lofy, Washington State Health Officer.
On Aug. 3, Port Angeles Water Utility stopped adding fluoride to the drinking water.
In the absence of water fluoridation, individuals and families should consult their dentist or health care provider to discuss their risk for cavities and specific oral health needs.
Fluoridation reduces rates of tooth decay for all ages; however, young children, those without regular dental care, and seniors who often have receding gums or dry mouth are especially impacted when water is not fluoridated.
Community water fluoridation is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Editorial Comment: You probably seen the above press release issued by the Washington State Dept. of Health yesterday on facebook, being passed around like a joint, declaring the benefits of fluoride! These propagandist tout the benefits of toxic chemicals in your drinking water, yet they don't mention the risk involved in smoking pot. Oh, I forgot pot is legal now!
The DOH are just mouthpieces for pro fluoride zealot dentist who are out to play daddy warbucks. You see folks dentist knows what's best for you because of those degrees they got, we simple folks who never earned  a degree aren't smart enough to make our own choices. This is also a tactic  used by DOH to shame local governments to comply with dentists who think they know what's best.

FBI to review more emails related to Clinton's private email use: letter (REU)
The FBI's head said on Friday that the agency would investigate additional emails that have surfaced related to Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server to determine whether they contain classified information, adding that it is unclear how significant the new materials may be.

Editorial Comment: This could mean the end of Hillary's bid for the White House.