Thursday, November 30, 2017

Senator Murray Blasts Tax Hikes on Middle Class Families, Health Care Sabotage in Republican Tax Plan

Press release issued 11/ 28/ 17

Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) sharply criticized the Republican tax plan as a “massive giveaway to the rich” and highlighted how the bill would hurt middle class families, including provisions in the bill that would raise taxes on middle class families in exchange for a tax cut to the richest Americans and spike health care premiums for millions of working people. Senator Murray, a senior member of the Senate Budget Committee, questioned the Republican tax plan’s purported benefits for middle class families during a committee hearing, citing how the GOP tax plan would dramatically raise taxes on working people, increase the nation’s debt, worsen economic inequality and pave the way for cuts to critical safety net programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. During the hearing, Senator Murray urged her Republican colleagues to reject the partisan proposal and begin working with Democrats to craft a tax plan that actually benefits middle class families.
Senator Murray also underlined the GOP tax bill’s negative impact on working people earlier in the day, voicing her strong opposition to Senate Republicans’ most recent proposal to include a provision in the tax bill that would strip millions of their coverage in order to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy. Responding to reports that Senate Republicans may now support a bipartisan plan negotiated by Senators Murray and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) to stabilize health care markets and lower costs for patients, as an incentive for their votes for the Republican tax plan, Senator Murray made clear that the Murray-Alexander stabilization plan, currently backed by 60 Senators and counting, won’t undo any of the damage that this latest Republican health care repeal effort would cause and will ultimately take money out of the pockets of middle class families.

Full text of Senator Murray’s remarks below.

Thank you Chairman Enzi and Ranking Member Sanders.
Before I start I want to make some quick clarifications—since it sounds like some of my Republican colleagues are confused and may be at the wrong hearing.
If anyone is here to mark up a bill that cuts taxes for the middle class—this is the wrong room, sorry.
If anyone is here to mark up a bill that actually creates jobs and invests in our workforce, and doesn’t just pay lip service to it—this isn’t the right place.
If anyone is here because they care about the deficit and debt—and want to vote for a bill that reduces it—again, wrong room.

I’m not sure where you want to go—but I can tell you that it’s not here, and it’s not this bill.
But if anyone is looking for the markup of a bill that RAISES taxes on the middle class, hands another massive tax cut to the richest Americans, increases health care premiums for millions of patients, makes a back-door attempt to drill for oil in one of our planet’s most pristine regions, and blasts a massive hole in our deficit that puts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in grave danger, well—then you are in the right place!
Chairman Enzi—I know I shouldn’t be shocked any more—but I have to admit, I am.

I have sat next to so many Republicans over the years who have told me—with straight faces—that they care passionately about the deficit and debt, who have sat here in this room and gone to the Senate floor with charts and graphs and big arrows pointing to the sky, talking about how much the deficit will increase under Democratic proposals to invest in the middle class.
Presenting this as not just a budget issue—but a moral issue. It’s about our children and grandchildren, they said. It’s about the future of our country—they insisted.
Well—where are all those so-called deficit hawks now? Where are those charts and graphs? I would like to see them today. Where is the moral outrage? Where is the concern for our children, grandchildren, and the fiscal health of our nation?
When Democrats wanted to increase investments in education, health care, and middle class tax cuts, deficit hawks were front and center, leading the opposition.
But now that Republican leaders are trying to jam through this massive tax cut for the rich, which every analysis has shown would blast a historic hole in our deficit. Well, the silence, so far, is deafening.

So once again, I shouldn’t be shocked any more—but I really am.
This is an issue that should be bipartisan. There is absolutely no reason that Republicans leaders had to try to jam this partisan bill through.
There is no reason this had to be such a massive giveaway to the rich. There is no reason—absolutely no reason—that this has to include a health care provision that would lead to 13 million more people without insurance, showing up in emergency rooms, and increasing premiums for everyone else.
There is no reason for this—because Democrats have made it very clear: if Republicans want to work with us to cut taxes for the middle class—we are ready to get to work!
If they want to work with us to actually deliver on the promises President Trump made on the campaign trail to put workers and the middle class first, which he has spent every day breaking, we will be there.

And it’s not too late.
This is a bad bill. Not if you’re a millionaire or a billionaire—then it’s fantastic.
But for workers, patients, the middle class, and those who go to work every day trying to join the middle class—it’s awful.

If you truly care about the deficit and debt—it’s a disaster.
And there are Republicans on this Committee who have the power to stand up, do the right thing, and get to work in a bipartisan way on a bill they can truly be proud of.
I know it won’t be easy for them to buck the leadership of their party who have already made a terrible mistake by going down this path.
But I am hopeful it happens.
And I am ready to get to work with them if it does.

RELATED STORY: RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "Democrats were for tax reform before they were against it"---Shared news story from the Washington Examiner posted on the White House page.
Original Washington Examiner posted article (link source)

Quote: " The country is ready for tax reform. It’s great news, then, that the House of Representatives passed its tax cut bill, and they did it on the same day the Senate Finance Committee passed its version. The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act is steadily making its way through Congress and will be a welcome relief to families, businesses, and workers, letting everyone keep more of their hard-earned money.

Now, as the full Senate prepares to consider the bill, Democrats in Congress vowing to oppose the bill should remember what they themselves once supported.

Just take Democrat leadership, for example. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said this August that his party wanted a plan that would ease the tax burden on the middle-class. He even said he would negotiate with Republicans to get that done. Last year, he was in favor of cutting the corporate tax rate to make American businesses competitive worldwide.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in May spoke in favor of reforms to create a fair tax system and grow the economy – and she specifically cautioned against ideological negotiation in the process. Last year she also highlighted the need for a lower corporate tax rate, and previously spoke in favor of repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax – part of the Republicans’ own tax plan.
Schumer and Pelosi are joined in hypocrisy by a slew of their Democrat colleagues: Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri has called for tax reform. So have Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bill Nelson of Florida, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan agreed this year, as did Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio.
In fact, Democrats were in favor of key provisions of the new tax cut package before there ever was a plan. They supported expanding the child tax credit. When former President Barack Obama proposed in 2012 slashing the corporate tax rate, they were on board. In 2010, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., wanted a repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax. Just last year, then-Democratic presidential primary candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., wanted it replaced with a simpler flat rate.
Early this year, Democrats said they would set partisanship aside to work on these much-needed reforms. Then, when President Trump and Republicans offered a framework to do just that, they reversed course and adopted a disingenuous narrative that paints the plan as a scheme to help the wealthy.
It’s anything but that.

Statement from the Press Secretary on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Passing the Senate Budget Committee
President Donald J. Trump applauds the Senate Budget Committee on taking an important step toward passing historic tax relief and reform and clearing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act this afternoon. The momentum driving our shared priorities of job growth, economic competiveness, and fiscal responsibility through tax reform is undeniable, and this Administration is encouraged by the progress the Senate has made toward achieving these priorities. The President looks forward to providing tax cuts for hardworking Americans by the end of the year.


10 reasons to say ‘no’ to the GOP’s budget-busting, millionaire-windfall tax plan--from the Governor's blog page.

Republicans are blowing a $1.5 trillion hole in the federal budget to fund massive tax cuts for the wealthy and leave Washington’s middle-class families behind.
The GOP tax plan being jammed through Congress is a bad deal for the middle class, a bad deal for Washington state, and a bad deal for America.
Let’s take a look at 10 reasons Congress should just say “no” and try again.
1. Middle-income Washingtonians would be forced to pay hundreds of dollars more in federal taxes. Thanks to the elimination of the state and local tax deduction (SALT), about 1 million hard-working Washingtonians would no longer be able to claim this deduction, increasing their federal taxes by hundreds of dollars each year on average. Eighty-five percent of Washingtonians who claim this deduction are middle-income.
2. Makes it more expensive to be a teacher. Under the bill passed by the House, Washington’s 64,000 teachers would lose deductions for classroom supplies. Teachers spend, on average, $500 of their own money each year on supplies. Guess who would get to keep their deduction for supply expenses? Corporations.
3. Makes it more expensive to be a senior. Washington’s 1.6 million seniors would lose their ability to deduct medical expenses. If you think that’s a tough enough hit on seniors, the GOP tax plan would also result in $25 billion in cuts to Medicare nationally, which would amount to roughly $500 million in cuts in Washington state.
4. Makes it harder to afford a college education. The GOP plan would eliminate the student loan interest deduction, forcing more than 275,000 Washingtonians to pay over $1,000 more each year, on average, on their student debt. It also would impose massive tax and tuition increases on thousands of graduate students at the University of Washington and Washington State University, and would prevent major employers in our region — such as Amazon and Starbucks — from continuing to offer tax-free tuition assistance programs to their workers.
5. Harms the retirement of Washington’s teachers, firefighters and law enforcement officers. The GOP plan effectively would take money out of the pockets of nearly 320,000 public workers in Washington — including teachers, fire fighters, law enforcement officers, public safety employees and judges — by unfairly taxing public pension plans to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. These workers already pay more than $3.6 billion each year toward their retirement. At a time when too many Americans are having trouble saving for retirement, we should not be making it even harder.
6. Reduces incentive to give to charity. Washington is home to some of the leading philanthropic organizations working on cures for devastating diseases, eradicating poverty and improving public education. According to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), 32 million fewer Americans would donate to charitable causes under the House bill — and charitable donations would drop by $95 billion each year.
7. Immediately stops development of affordable housing and worsens the homelessness crisis. The GOP plan would immediately halt the development of more than 2,000 affordable housing units in Washington, by eliminating tax-exempt bonds that have already produced almost 55,000 apartments and supported more than 87,000 jobs across the state. The immediate effects would deny affordable housing to an estimated 4,000 families in Snohomish, King, Clark, Pierce, Whitman and Spokane counties, including more than 1,000 elderly households and over 300 people with disabilities.
8. Ends incentives to hire veterans, people with disabilities and unemployed Americans. The GOP plan would eliminate the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), which helped more than 50,000 disadvantaged workers in Washington find jobs last year — including 2,000 veterans, almost 500 of whom were unemployed for six months or more and over 40 of whom were veterans with disabilities. WOTC has shown tremendous success in increasing self-sufficiency and moving people from public assistance to employment.
9. Threatens infrastructure projects and thousands of construction jobs across Washington. The GOP plan would abolish an essential financing tool used by entities across the state — including colleges, ports, hospitals, charities, municipal governments, businesses and nonprofit organizations — to develop 21st century infrastructure and put Washingtonians to work. Tax-exempt bond financing creates thousands of jobs each year that help build new educational facilities, expand manufacturing operations, conduct environmental restoration, and more. Without these bonds, thousands of Washington jobs and dozens of critical infrastructure projects would be lost.
10. This plan increases the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion to benefit the wealthiest 1 percent.
On September 27, 1994, Minority Whip Newt Gingrich joined hundreds of Republicans to sign a “Contract With America” that included legislation to enact a balanced budget requirement and “restore fiscal responsibility to an out-of-control Congress.”
Yet here we are today, with sweeping legislation that balloons the deficit by a whopping $1.5 trillion. And instead of using tax savings to help working families, it heaps nearly 50 percent of the benefits on the wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers while increasing taxes on 36 million middle-class families.
It is clear the plan will have damaging and far-reaching consequences for Washingtonians — from exacerbating homelessness to worsening student debt. The decision to release the GOP tax plan less than a month before scheduling a vote in Congress means federal lawmakers and our state — not to mention Washington families — have been given no meaningful opportunities for input on wide-ranging tax proposals that affect each and every Washingtonian. That should be considered an essential step to crafting thoughtful policy that benefits, rather than harms, our state.
That’s why I have called on the state’s congressional delegation to reject this partisan approach. We can and must do better.

(PAGE 3)


Press release issued 11/ 28/ 17

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a multi-million dollar consumer protection lawsuit against ride sharing company Uber, alleging thousands of violations of the state’s data breach notification law. Uber discovered a data breach potentially affecting 57 million passengers and drivers around the world, including the names and driver’s license numbers of at least 10,888 Uber drivers in Washington.
Under a 2015 amendment to the state’s data breach law requested by Ferguson, consumers must be notified within 45 days of a breach, and the Attorney General’s Office also must be notified within 45 days if the breach affects 500 or more Washingtonians. This is the first lawsuit filed under the revised statute.
“Washington law is clear: When a data breach puts people at risk, businesses must inform them,” Ferguson said. “Uber’s conduct has been truly stunning. There is no excuse for keeping this information from consumers.”
The complaint, filed today in King County Superior Court, alleges thousands of violations of Washington’s data breach law by failing to notify affected drivers and the Attorney General’s Office within 45 days of the breach.
In November 2016, an individual contacted Uber claiming he had accessed Uber’s user information. Uber investigated and confirmed that person and one other individual had in fact accessed the company’s files, including the names, email addresses and telephone numbers of about 50 million passengers worldwide. If Uber’s assessment of the compromised data is correct, this type of information does not require notification under Washington’s law.
However, the hackers also obtained the names and driver’s license numbers of about 7 million drivers for the company. About 600,000 of those drivers live in the United States, and at least 10,888 live in Washington.
Uber notified the Attorney General’s Office of the breach Nov. 21, 2017, roughly 372 days after it discovered the breach. Rather than reporting the breach as required by law, the company has admitted to paying the hackers to destroy the stolen data.
This lawsuit does not address any data security issues that may have led to the breach. Today’s lawsuit does not preclude future action on other issues.
The office argues each day Uber failed to report for each individual qualifies as a separate violation under the law. Ferguson’s lawsuit asks for civil penalties of up to $2,000 per violation, which should result in a penalty in the millions of dollars. The state also asks for recovery of its costs and fees.
Senior Counsel Shannon Smith and Assistant Attorneys General Tiffany Lee and Andrea Alegrett are handling the case.

Data breach notification in Washington
Ferguson updated Washington’s data breach notification laws with agency request legislation passed in 2015. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Zack Hudgins (D-Tukwila) and Sen. John Braun (R-Centralia).
Washington has two data breach laws: One applying to individuals and businesses, the other for local and state government agencies. The laws are essentially the same and require notification to Washingtonians at risk of harm because of a security breach that includes personal information, meaning someone’s name and any of the following:
Social Security number;
Driver’s license number or Washington identification card number; or
Bank account number or credit or debit card number, in combination with any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to an individual’s account.
This FAQ document lays out the data breach law for businesses. 
Since reporting began in 2015, the Attorney General’s Office has produced annual reports examining the data from the previous year. The most recent report found that breaches affected nearly 3 million Washingtonians, more than six times the number affected in the previous 12 months.

( page 4)

60 days behind bars for former insurance agent in $233K workers' comp scam---Press release from the Labor and Industries, posted 11/ 27/ 17

Everett – A Lake Stevens man who ran his own insurance agency while claiming he was too disabled to work must serve 60 days in jail.
James C. Kooy, 53, was sentenced today, Nov. 27, on one count of first-degree theft for wrongfully receiving more than $233,000 in workers' compensation payments from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I).
Kooy had pleaded guilty to the felony charge in Snohomish County Superior Court in September. Judge Bruce Weiss also ordered Kooy to repay the state for an amount to be determined at a hearing in March.
"This case was truly outrageous. He worked for at least five years in his own business without telling us or his doctors," said Elizabeth Smith, assistant director of L&I's Fraud Prevention & Labor Standards.
"By cheating to get cash benefits, he took money away from legitimately injured workers who really do need help to heal and get back to work."
Business generated $800,000 in revenue
An L&I investigation determined Kooy owned and operated By the Lake Insurance Inc. at the same time he claimed to be too injured to work and was receiving workers' comp benefits. Over that five-year period ending in April 2015, the investigation found the Lake Stevens business generated more than $800,000 in revenue.
The Washington Attorney General's Office prosecuted the case as an "aggravated," or especially serious, offense because it happened over a long time, and involved multiple acts as well as the loss of a large amount of money. Aggravated cases can result in more severe punishment.
Said he would sell business
Kooy, who had earlier twisted his knee while working as a heavy equipment operator, began receiving partial wage replacement benefits from L&I in 2008.
In June 2010, he opened his insurance agency, so L&I stopped providing the cash benefits. The department later reinstated the wage replacement checks after his lawyer said Kooy was unable to work and planned to sell the company, according to charging papers.
Fails to tell doctors, falsely declares to L&I
In 2015, L&I began investigating Kooy after receiving information that he did not sell the business and was likely working. The investigation found Kooy still owned the business and was selling insurance policies, attending business meetings and personally communicating with clients and vendors.
At the same time, he didn't tell his physicians and vocational counselor he was working, and falsely declared on L&I forms that he was not working — all deceptions that enabled him to keep getting state wage replacement checks.
Injured workers must tell L&I if they work
L&I administers the state workers' comp insurance system that provides medical, vocational and other services to help employees injured on the job heal and return to work.
Injured workers are sometimes eligible to receive limited replacement of their wages, if their doctor confirms they can't work because of the injury. Workers, however, must notify L&I if they do work.

EFSEC votes to deny proposed Vancouver oil terminal 

Council directs staff to draft final recommendation report for Gov. Inslee---A UTC press release issued 11/ 28/ 17

OLYMPIA, Wash. – The Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) today voted to recommend the governor deny the proposed Vancouver Energy project.
The council voted unanimously to submit a recommendation to deny the project and directed staff to draft its final recommendation report. The report will be presented to the council for approval at meeting on Dec. 19.
After the final report is approved in December, EFSEC will submit its formal recommendation and the accompanying record documents on Dec. 29 to Gov. Jay Inslee. The governor then has 60 days to make a final decision.
In 2013, Tesoro Savage Petroleum Terminal LLC, also known as Vancouver Energy, applied for a site certification agreement from EFSEC to construct and operate the Tesoro Savage Vancouver Energy Distribution Terminal at the Port of Vancouver, Washington. At full operation, the project would be capable of receiving up to 360,000 barrels of crude oil transported by train, per day, for delivery to refineries primarily located on the West Coast.
EFSEC held a public meeting to vote on its recommendation Tuesday afternoon in the J.A. Cherberg Building in Olympia. No public comment was taken.

TVW’s broadcast of the meeting can be found online at
Key findings of the final Environmental Impact Statement, which evaluates the potential environmental impacts of constructing and operating the proposed terminal, were presented to council members during a Nov. 21 public workshop in Olympia.
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project was released in November 2015 and received approximately 250,000 comments.
EFSEC was created by the state Legislature in 1970 to provide one-stop licensing for large energy projects. The council's responsibilities include siting large natural gas and oil pipelines, thermal electric power plants that are 350 megawatts or greater and their dedicated transmission lines, new oil refineries or large expansions of existing facilities, and underground natural gas storage fields.

Daily Bible Verse:  [ The Day of the Lord ] But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
2 Peter 3:10-11 NKJV

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(Join us in worship every Sunday starting at 10:30AM Church of Christ)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


WH: Remarks by President Trump at an Event Honoring the Native American Code Talkers---White House press release 11/ 27/ 17

Quote from speech: " THE PRESIDENT: That's fantastic, thank you. That's fantastic. Thank you very much. Beautiful.

That was so incredible, and now I don't have to make my speech. I had the most beautiful speech written out. I was so proud of it. Look. And I thought you would leave out Iwo Jima, but you got that in the end, too. (Laughter.)
And I want to tell you -- you said you're 90 years old? That's great, because you have good genes. That means the press has got me to kick around for a long time. (Laughter.)
That was beautiful. I loved that and I loved your delivery. And the Code Talkers are amazing. And seriously, it is what I said. So what I'm going to do is give you my speech, and I want you to hold that. And I know you like me, so you'll save it. But that was so well delivered, from the heart. That was from the heart.
So I want to give you this speech because I don't want to bore them with saying the same thing you just said. And you said it better, believe me, because you said it from here. And I mean it from there too.
And you have a lot of great friends. Tom Cole is here, and you know Tom. And you know Jeff. So I want to thank you both, Jeff Denham. I want to thank you both for being here, and you too for being here.

Also, General Dunford, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Kelly. And I have to say, I said to General Kelly --- I said, General, how good -- here he is right there, the Chief; he's the General and the Chief. I said, how good were these Code Talkers? What was it? He said, sir, you have no idea. You have no idea how great they were -- what they've done for this country, and the strength and the bravery and the love that they had for the country and that you have for the country.
So that was the ultimate statement from General Kelly, the importance. And I just want to thank you because you're very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here, although we have a representative in Congress who, they say, was here a long time ago. They call her "Pocahontas."
But you know what, I like you because you are special. You are special people. You are really incredible people. And from the heart, from the absolute heart, we appreciate what you've done, how you've done it, the bravery that you displayed, and the love that you have for your country.
Tom, I would say that's as good as it gets, wouldn't you say? That's as good as you get.
General Kelly, just come up for one second. I want to just have you say what you told me, a little bit about the Code Talkers. Because it really has been -- learning about you and learning about what you've done has been something that I'd like General Kelly to say to the press." ( see link for full comments)

Hiroshima to Host Twenty‑seventh United Nations‑Japan Conference on Disarmament Issues, 29‑30 November---UN PRESS RELEASE ISSUED 11/ 27/ 17

NEW YORK, 27 November (Office for Disarmament Affairs) — The twenty‑seventh United Nations‑Japan Conference on Disarmament Issues will take place in the International Conference Centre in Hiroshima from 29 to 30 November.

The annual event is organized by the Office for Disarmament Affairs, through its Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific, in cooperation with the Government of Japan and in partnership with the 2017 hosts, the Prefecture of Hiroshima and the City of Hiroshima.

More than 50 representatives from Governments and intergovernmental organizations, as well as research institutes, academia and non‑governmental organizations will gather at the Conference.  Izumi Nakamitsu, Under‑Secretary‑General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, and Tomoyuki Yoshida, Director‑General for Disarmament, Non‑Proliferation and Science Department in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will open the event.  Hideki Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, and Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima City, will welcome participants.
The City of Hiroshima continues the tradition established in 1989 of different cities hosting the United Nations‑Japan Conference on Disarmament Issues.  The event provides a forum for frank and interactive dialogue on pressing security, disarmament and non‑proliferation issues.  The 2017 Conference will reflect on the prospects for nuclear disarmament, taking into account recent and current developments and their impact in the lead‑up to the 2020 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, including regional non‑proliferation challenges.  Furthermore, the Conference will address the importance of education on nuclear disarmament and non‑proliferation.
The Conference is financed by the Government of Japan, through its voluntary contribution to the Office for Disarmament Affairs, the Prefecture of Hiroshima and the City of Hiroshima.
On the eve of the Conference, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Hiroshima, will hold a screening of the documentary film Paper Lanterns as a side event in the Memorial Hall of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum on 28 November.

Upcoming Talks Could Offer Hope for Ending Conflict in Syria, Special Envoy Tells Security Council, Urging Support of Action towards Peace---UN PRESS RELEASE ISSUED 11/ 27/ 17

Pointing to signs of emerging common ground towards implementing the United Nations process for ending the conflict in Syria, the Secretary‑General’s Special Envoy for that country today called on the Security Council to support meaningful progress in the eighth round of talks, due to begin in Geneva on 28 November.

Speaking to the 15 member Council via video teleconference from Geneva, Staffan de Mistura emphasized that emerging threads of consensus must be stitched into a universal resolve to implement Security Council resolution 2254 (2015).  That text outlined a course of action, under the aegis of the United Nations, to draft a new constitution and hold inclusive elections as the basis for a Syrian-led, Syrian-owned process to end the conflict.

Following several international meetings and the ouster of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) from its headquarters town of Raqqa, new opportunities for progress existed, he said.

He had been stressing to the parties that they should come to the talks with no preconditions, he continued.  The Government and the opposition delegations should be ready to negotiate, with the opposition united in its position, he said, adding that he looked forward to progress on the path to a new constitution and elections supervised by the United Nations.

In addition, all other initiatives for peace must support the United Nations process based on resolution 2254 (2015), he underscored.  There had been positive signals in the recent meetings in the Russian Federation that brought together the Russian and Syrian Presidents, as well as the Presidents of Turkey and Iran.  Reports on the matter had noted that Syrian President Assad had expressed support for the resolution and the Geneva process.  Given those reports, Mr. de Mistura said that, although those officials had not yet arrived in Geneva, he hoped for the Syrian Government’s full participation in the upcoming talks.

He also noted that full support for the implementation of resolution 2254 (2015) had been expressed by the Russian Federation and the United States Presidents after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Viet Nam.

Reporting on his activities at a meeting of Syrian opposition groups in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mr. de Mistura welcomed their wide diversity, including some who had previously participated in the first Riyadh meeting, the Cairo platform and the Moscow platform.  He particularly welcomed the active participation of women, as well as independent representatives, activists, established political parties, tribal leaders and businessmen.  He called on them to move ahead in unity.

On the results of the Riyadh meeting, he said that a Negotiation Commission had been formed and was now on their way to Geneva, having agreed to negotiate without preconditions on the resolution’s basis.  In addition, participants had unequivocally rejected terrorism and had agreed that the solution to the Syrian crisis was political, not military.

Building the foundations for a wider Syrian process, more than 200 civil society actors would be engaged in Geneva as well, he said.  The Women’s Advisory Board, Syrian constitutional experts, human rights groups and refugee community leaders based in neighbouring countries would all attend.

He said he would urge political principles to move into serious discussions and progressive negotiations, again without preconditions.  He would be looking to see how parties engaged in the room, regardless of their public statements on the issues.  With good will, it should be possible to narrow the differences on their vision of the future, as well as make progress on issues such as abductees, detainees, missing persons and counter-terrorism.

“The time has come to demonstrate to the Syrian people that they care about their survival and their lives,” he said, referring to the obligations of leaders of all parties.  The support of the Security Council would be essential if the process was to move forward in a meaningful way, he stressed.
Luis Homero Bermúdez Álvarez (Uruguay) pointed out that a military victory by the Syrian Government would be a Pyrrhic victory.  Welcoming the loss of power by terrorist groups, he underlined the importance of accountability for their crimes and commended efforts to unite the opposition and to have women present at negotiations.  The de-escalation areas were temporary and the territorial integrity and unity of Syria must be preserved, he stated.
Sacha Sergio Llorentty Solíz (Bolivia), paying tribute to the Government and people of Syria in their fight against Da’esh, emphasized the importance of preventing the formation of new terrorist groups.  Any unilateral military action was illegal and contrary to the principles of the United Nations Charter.  Welcoming the holding of meetings, he urged all stakeholders to deliver on urgent decisions and deal with the issue of detainees, abductees and missing persons.  He also stressed that an inclusive political process that safeguarded the sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of Syria was the only way forward.
Ahead of the briefing, the Security Council stood in silence in memory of the victims of the recent terrorist attack on a mosque in Ismailia, Egypt.

(PAGE 2) Security Council Committee Concerning Libya Amends Entry of Vessel on Its Sanctions List---UN PRESS RELEASE ISSUED 11/ 27/ 17

On 27 November 2017, the Committee enacted the amendment specified with strikethrough and underline in the entry below on its List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and other measures relating to attempts to illicitly export petroleum, including crude oil and refined petroleum products, from Libya (the Libya Sanctions List), set out in paragraphs 15 and/or 17 of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) and/or paragraph 19 of resolution 1973 (2011), or paragraph 10 of resolution 2146 (2014) as extended and modified by paragraph 2 of resolution 2362 (2017), adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.


Violence drives more Rohingyas to Bangladesh; in Myanmar, Pope appeals for tolerance – UN
28 November 2017 – While their numbers have dropped in recent weeks, hundreds of Rohingya refugees are still crossing the border into Bangladesh from Myanmar every day, the United Nations migration agency said Tuesday.

UNESCO chief calls for investigation into killing of Nigerian photographer
28 November 2017 – The head of the United Nations agency defending press freedom on Tuesday denounced the killing of a Nigerian photographer, calling for an investigation into the incident.

‘No preconditions’ accepted from Syrian parties, UN envoy says ahead of Geneva talks
27 November 2017 – Ahead of fresh intra-Syrian talks on Tuesday in Geneva, the United Nations mediator said Monday that the crisis now has the potential to move towards “a genuine political process.”

UN strongly condemns attack that kills peacekeeper in Central African Republic
27 November 2017 – Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Security Council have strongly condemned Sunday's attack allegedly perpetrated by the anti-Balaka group against a convoy of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic, in which one peacekeeper from Egypt was killed and three others were injured.


Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)----Ambassador Nikki Haley

Thank you, Mr. President, and thank you, Ms. Keita, for your briefing.

Every member of this Council is familiar with the horrifying statistics being produced by the violence in South Sudan. Millions of South Sudanese are facing famine and have been driven from their homes. Tens of thousands are dead. Thousands of children have been forced into conflict as child soldiers. I, too, knew these statistics before I traveled to South Sudan in October. But that knowledge did not prepare me for the suffering that I saw there.
I saw a civilian population that is deeply traumatized by the violence they have experienced. And a population that is unacceptably vulnerable to further violence. I saw families living under tarps, on mud floors. I lost count of the number of women who told me they had been raped – often repeatedly. I heard more stories of husbands being shot and babies being taken and killed than anyone should ever hear.
But maybe the most disturbing thing I saw was the seed of hate being planted in future generations. In the refugee camps, children roam around, malnourished and uneducated. Young boys are traumatized and bored. But soon they will be adults. And they will be uneducated, untrained, and resentful of the conditions they’ve been living in. If we don’t do something about the way South Sudanese kids are being raised, we will be dealing with them as adults on the battlefield.
I took pictures of these children and showed them to President Kiir when we met. I told him he could not deny what the pictures represented. To his credit, he didn’t try and deny it. But that’s not enough – it wasn’t then and it isn’t now. Simply acknowledging the problem is not enough. President Kiir must act.
It is the government that bears the primary responsibility for the killing, raping, and torturing in South Sudan. And it is the government that bears the primary responsibility for ending the violence, easing the suffering, and saving future generations of South Sudanese. President Kiir said all the right things in our meeting. He made promises that he’s made before. But now things are different – and I told him so.
Going forward, the United States will judge President Kiir and his government by their actions, not their words. And the actions needed are clear. There is a way to end the violence in South Sudan. As a first step, President Kiir needs to adhere to the ceasefires he has declared many times. No more promises. We need action.
There is a way to reinvigorate the peace process in South Sudan. The country’s leaders – both government and opposition – must take responsibility and seize the opportunity presented by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development.
No more pointing fingers. The process must be inclusive. The parties must be willing to reconsider the parts of the 2015 peace agreement that aren’t working. And the leaders must now lead.
And there is a way to provide for and protect innocent civilians in South Sudan. It’s not complicated. It’s actually very simple: President Kiir and his government must end the violence and allow the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan to do its job.

Every month we continue to receive a report that shows restrictions being placed on the peacekeeping force. Government security forces stop peacekeeping patrols at checkpoints, ask for documents that are not required, and deny UNMISS personnel entry into South Sudan in violation of the status of forces agreement. Every month we see reports detailing how peacekeeping personnel are deliberately and repeatedly harassed, threatened, and even physically assaulted by government forces. The government has stooped so low as to impede peacekeepers from providing water to their own personnel and the people they are supposed to protect. It’s petty, it’s cruel, and it must end.
Words are no longer sufficient. The United States is prepared to pursue additional measures against the government – or any party, for that matter – if they do not act to end the violence and ease the suffering in South Sudan.
That means putting down their weapons, coming to the negotiating table through the High-Level Revitalization Forum, and ending the harassment and obstruction of UNMISS and other organizations that are trying to help the South Sudanese people.
President Kiir’s recent order requiring free and unhindered access for humanitarian groups in South Sudan was a good sign – it was a welcome sign. We encourage him to follow through on his commitment. And to help encourage him, we make this commitment in return: we will be watching. We’re not interested in one-time concessions or a stop-and-go approach to allowing humanitarian access in South Sudan.
The South Sudanese need sustained access to food, water, and basic supplies. We are encouraged by the government’s promise to provide sustained humanitarian access. Again, only actions will prove whether this intent is genuine.
In the midst of all the suffering I saw, I was struck by the hope and the dignity of South Sudan’s people. They want nothing more than to live normal lives. They want to be productive and self-sufficient.

In every camp we visited, we asked the children: if there was one wish they could have come true, what would it be? In each and every case, they said they wanted to go to school.
Most amazing of all were the mothers. With all the physical and emotional hardship they have suffered, and the constant fear of being raped, they did what mothers do. They were still more worried about their children than they were about themselves. They see the promise of their young country slipping away. More importantly, they see their children’s futures being lost to chaos and hate. These mothers’ desire for their children to have a better life should motivate us to act.
It should make us intolerant of more promises and impatient for results. Because these mothers know better than any of us ever could that time is running out for the children of South Sudan.

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security in Libya---Ambassador Michele J. Sison

Press release issued 11/ 28/ 17
Thank you, Mr. President. And thank you also to UNHCR High Commissioner Filippo Grandi and IOM Director General Bill Swing for their timely updates.

Over the past week, a video of African migrants sold as slaves in Libya has rightly sparked moral outrage around the world. It is an abomination to see human beings bought and sold. These reports should be profoundly disturbing to all of us, and they should inspire us to act. As Ambassador Haley said last week, “there is no place in our world for slavery.” We must hold the perpetrators of such acts accountable for their crimes.

We welcome the Libyan Government of National Accord’s condemnation of slavery and human trafficking and its announcement that it is conducting an investigation into the latest reports. The United States reiterates our call for a full investigation and for those involved to be brought to justice as soon as possible.

This video was the latest of many deeply disturbing reports about the treatment of migrants and asylum seekers in Libya. The fact is that ruthless smugglers are preying on desperate migrants and refugees with no regard at all for human dignity. Human traffickers detain these people in appalling conditions, where beatings, torture, and rape have become commonplace. Migrants and refugees who cannot afford exorbitant ransom payments are abused and exploited. They are forced to work on farms, on construction sites, as part of armed militias and gangs, or as we saw, sold off to the highest bidder.

Under these circumstances, the United States welcomes international efforts to provide assistance and protection to displaced people and migrants in Libya, including the efforts by UNHCR and IOM that we’ve just heard about. The international community must support greater documentation of abuses in Libya, as well as programs to ensure humane treatment for migrants and refugees.

Since 2011, the United States has contributed generously to UNHCR, IOM, and other partners’ regional humanitarian assistance programs, and more than $150 million dollars specifically to help refugees and vulnerable migrants in Libya as well as those displaced internally by violence. Upholding international protection obligations is vital.

We urge the European Union and all Member States to ensure that there is consistent vetting of Libyan partners and an international presence at disembarkation points and in detention facilities, as well as a process to ensure access to protection. Of course, the only long-term solution to the challenge of migration through Libya is to stabilize Libya.

The smugglers responsible for abusing migrants and refugees are part of sophisticated transnational criminal networks that thrive in ungoverned or unstable spaces. These migrant smuggling and human trafficking networks also smuggle arms, narcotics, and illicit fuel across borders. Their earnings support terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qa’ida affiliates. Their presence contributes to Libya’s instability, as well as security challenges that affect the entire Mediterranean and the Sahel. Instability breeds criminal behavior and human rights abuses, which in turn lead to further instability and additional abuses, and the cycle continues.
We should continue looking for any opportunity to disrupt criminal networks in Libya using the tools of this Council, including our Libya sanctions regime. But while we face an immediate imperative to disrupt and dismantle smuggling networks, the members of this Council must also recommit to supporting the UN’s efforts to advance a more stable, unified, and secure Libya. The only viable way to achieve this goal is for all of us to lend our full support to the political process organized by SRSG Ghassan Salamé on the basis of the Libyan Political Agreement, which remains the only valid framework throughout the transitional period.
We must all use our influence to make sure that all actors in Libya engage with the UN in good faith, and stress that political dialogue is the only way forward. Any attempt to assert false deadlines, cut short the UN-facilitated political process, or impose a military solution will only further destabilize Libya, which would only help the smugglers responsible for abusing migrants and refugees.
The United States reiterates its commitment today to ending all forms of slavery, cracking down on the perpetrators, and promoting stability in Libya. It is vital that we work together to achieve these goals. We must rally support to end impunity for these abuses and ensure human rights for all in Libya.

Remarks at a UN Security Council Open Arria-Formula Meeting on Partnership between Afghanistan and Central Asia---Ambassador Michele J. Sison

Thank you, and I want to thank Ambassador Umarov, Ambassador Heusgen, and you, Ambassador Saikal, for organizing this meeting. And thank you also to our three briefers this afternoon. Ambassador Umarov, we look forward to Kazakhstan’s upcoming Presidency of the Security Council in January. In particular, we look forward to the Council’s mission to Kabul in January to gain a first-hand perspective on the challenges facing Afghanistan, a perspective which will more fully inform the Council’s work, we hope.

I would like to make three observations about the U.S.’ approach in Afghanistan and how it is in strong alignment with the topic we are discussing here this afternoon.

First, the U.S. agrees that only a comprehensive, consistent, and sustained approach toward Afghanistan, defined by coordinated political, security, and development efforts, offers the prospect for a lasting and sustainable peace in Afghanistan. We’re encouraged that the United Nations and our international partners continue to align their efforts with the commitments made at the Brussels Conference, and we look to the Afghan government to continue working toward its commitments to internal reforms. Indeed, it was this recognition that led to the commitments of the Afghan government and the international community at the Warsaw and Brussels Conferences, to continue support to foster economic development, improve regional economic cooperation, and support the development of Afghan institutions. Ensuring that we maintain that alignment and press for the fulfillment of the commitments made in Brussels will contribute to a coherent international approach in Afghanistan between now and the year 2020.

Second, while we discuss a comprehensive approach, we should recognize that efforts to address the significant security threats currently facing Afghanistan are complementary to those intended to support peacebuilding and development. In announcing the new United States regional strategy for South Asia in August, President Trump made clear that we will continue to support the Afghan government and security forces in Afghanistan in their fight against the Taliban and in their efforts to prevent reestablishment of international terrorist safe havens. The purpose of this support is to demonstrate to the Taliban and to their supporters that they cannot win on the battlefield, while also making clear that there is a real path to peace through negotiations. In this spirit, all of our activities, along with those of our NATO allies, are aligned towards the goal of achieving a political settlement via an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned, inclusive peace process. At the same time, UNAMA and other actors are well-positioned to support local confidence-building measures, strengthen engagement with civil society, and to support national dialogue initiatives that will help prepare the country for a peace process when it begins in earnest.

Third, we are in full agreement that addressing the challenges in Afghanistan requires a regional approach. A central tenet of the United States strategy is that Afghanistan’s security and stability are tied to the security and stability of the entire region, and that we must enlist the region in efforts to bring about peace in Afghanistan. So in addition to deepening economic integration and strengthening efforts to address cross-border threats such as the narcotics trade, we also need to see the region working together politically to support an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process and to use existing channels and influence with the parties in Afghanistan to press them towards negotiations.

(Page 4) U.S. Government Efforts To Advance Business and Human Rights in 2017---US STATE DEPT PRESS RELEASE ISSUED 11/ 27/ 17
The U.S. government is committed to supporting and advancing respect for human rights among businesses, and has continued to take steps toward this objective in 2017. This document is meant to provide a snapshot of a few examples of the work undertaken in this regard.

Laws and Policies

U.S. government enacts Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Under this law, any foreign person or company that utilizes North Korean labor, which is presumed to be forced labor, in their supply chains could be subject to sanctions. The law is an example of how the U.S. government takes action to promote internationally recognized labor rights for all workers and creates consequences for entities complicit in human rights abuses. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has a factsheet to guide companies on supply chain due diligence, including under this law.
USAID launches global alliance to promote legal and sustainable seafood. Launched in October, the Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability “SALT” brings together the seafood industry, governments, and non-governmental organizations to collaborate on innovative solutions for legal and sustainable seafood, with the goal of increased transparency in seafood supply chains and strengthened management of fisheries.

U.S. government addresses trafficking in persons in federal supply chains. The U.S. government continues to implement the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), “Ending Trafficking in Persons,” which prohibits federal contractors, sub-contractors, and their agents from engaging in human trafficking or activities known to facilitate trafficking. The Department of State continues to conduct training for new acquisition personnel on their roles and a responsibility related to the FAR, and engages other governments to encourage them to examine their own supply chains.
U.S. government commits to publishing a fourth Open Government Partnership (OGP) National Action Plan. In October, the U.S. government notified OGP that it would publish its fourth National Action Plan, and related documents, in early 2018. This extension will allow the additional time needed to work with trusted civil society partners to develop a comprehensive plan reflective of our national priorities.

U.S. National Contact Point undertook a Peer Review September 28-29, 2017. The Peer review assessed how the National Contact Point process is working in practice and how it helps to promote responsible business conduct within the United States.
U.S. government joins G20 leaders' summit declaration, which includes a commitment to labor, social, and environmental standards. Leaders convened in Hamburg on July 7-8 to address major global economic challenges and to contribute to prosperity and well-being. Commitments included establishing and fostering the implementation of policy frameworks on business and human rights and underlining the responsibility of business to exercise due diligence.
U.S. government co-sponsored UN Human Rights Council resolutions that advance business and human rights. In June 2017, the U.S. co-sponsored a resolution extending the mandate of the UN Business and Human Rights Working Group to promote dissemination and implementation of the UN Guiding Principles (GPs). The resolution also calls upon all business enterprises to meet their responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the GPs. In March 2017, the United States co-sponsored a resolution renewing the mandate of the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders.

The Special Rapporteur’s 2017 annual report focused on defenders in the field of business and human rights. In its interactive dialogue on the issue, the U.S. noted the important role that human rights defenders play in protecting and advancing the fundamental freedoms that create the enabling environment for successful businesses to thrive around the world.
U.S. government submits amicus brief in Jesner et. al. v. Arab Bank. The Jesner case asked whether a corporation can ever be held liable under the Alien Tort Statute. The U.S. took the position, consistent with its position in Kiobel, that the court below “erred in holding that a corporation can never be subject to a ‘civil action’ for a ‘tort’ in violation of the law of nations” under the Alien Tort Statute, but that other obstacles might prevent this particular case from moving forward.

U.S. government joins U.K. Call to Action on Human Trafficking. The U.S. government endorsed U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s Call to Action to end Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Released on September 20, 2017, and endorsed by 37 states, the Call To Action expresses a political commitment to “combating the exploitation of human beings for the purposes of compelled labour or commercial sex through the use of force or other forms of coercion, or fraud.”

U.S. Department of Labor releases new “Comply Chain” mobile app. The app is designed to help companies and business groups develop robust social compliance systems to root out child labor and forced labor from global supply chains.
U.S. Department of State awards $25M to Global Fund to End Modern Slavery. This award is for a three-year program to reduce the prevalence of modern slavery in specific countries or regions around the world. A portion of the $25 million will support grants focused on combating human trafficking in select industries. The Program will seek to raise commitments of $1.5 billion in support from other governments and private donors.

U.S. Department of State updates tools to prevent human trafficking in global supply chains. The State Department and NGO Verité are adding new sector-specific materials to the Responsible Sourcing Tool, an online platform with resources to help federal contractors, acquisitions officers, and businesses identify, prevent, and address human trafficking risks in their global supply chains. The site contains information on sectors and commodities at risk for trafficking or trafficking-related activities, as well as 10 risk management tools and a set of seafood sector specific tools. Recent efforts include increased data analytics, marketing, and evaluations to analyze current usage, drive new users to the site, and enhance the tools’ effectiveness.
USAID undertakes Three Responsible Land-Based Investment Pilots. The three pilots are with Illovo Sugar in Mozambique, the Moringa Partnership in Kenya, and Hershey in Ghana. USAID partners with the private sector to better understand and mitigate land tenure risks associated with agribusiness investments in the developing world. Through these partnerships, USAID works to secure legitimate land rights and to improve livelihoods and other outcomes for communities in the investment areas.

U.S. Department of Labor supports project to reduce child labor in production of vanilla in Madagascar. The project works with vanilla exporters to develop a supply chain traceability system to ensure their supply chains are free of child labor.
U.S. Department of State and USAID renew Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade. It was renewed for another 5 years. The U.S. Department of Labor also joined. The Alliance consists of thirty members from NGOs, trade associations, and private companies to address conflict minerals in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
USAID launches a second Land Tenure and Property Rights Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in 2017. The course, publicly available, includes three new modules on geospatial data and technology, customary and community tenure, and USAID programming as it relates to land tenure and property rights.
USAID updates Land Governance Profiles. USAID creates and/or updates 15 such profiles (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burma, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Ukraine and Zambia) to be completed by May of 2018. These profiles are an invaluable introduction for businesses that are looking to make land-based investments in a given country, and are conscientious about investing in an ethical and responsible manner.


Attack in Egypt Highlights Need for U.S. Involvement in Region, Official Says
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2017 — The Nov. 24 attack on an Egyptian mosque in northern Sinai that killed at least 305 men, women and children is an example of why the United States must remain involved in the Middle East, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Rob Manning said today.

U.S. Forces Ready to Fight, Win, Says Chairman’s Enlisted Advisor
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2017 — The military’s top enlisted advisor said today that on the worst day of his military career, he knew he was in good hands with the U.S. armed forces.

Inherent Resolve Strikes Target ISIS in Syria, Iraq
SOUTHWEST ASIA, Nov. 27, 2017 — U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria yesterday, conducting 11 strikes consisting of 36 engagements Nov. 24 and 25, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Daily Bible Verse: [ Thanksgiving to God for His Enduring Mercy ] Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever.
Psalm 136:1,26 NKJV

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kilmer to Hold Telephone Town Hall Thursday

Press release issued 11/ 27/ 17

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In order to hear from constituents about the issues that matter to them, Representative Derek Kilmer (D-WA) will hold a telephone town hall on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. PT. Participants will have the opportunity to ask Representative Kilmer a question or leave a message with their comments.

“Congress is heading into a crucial series of votes in December, and it always helps me to hear from folks back home as I form my decisions on how to vote,” Kilmer said. “I hold a series of town halls in person and over the phone each year so I can stay accountable and accessible to you. I hope you’re able to participate in this upcoming call to share your ideas and concerns.”

Residents of the 6th District who would like to join the call can send an email to with their name and phone number by noon PT on Thursday, November 30.

Residents who sign up before the deadline will receive a phone call a few minutes before 6:15 pm on Thursday, November 30 inviting them to the town hall.

WHO:Representative Derek Kilmer, Residents of the 6th District

WHAT: Telephone Town Hall

WHEN: Thursday, November 30 at 6:15 p.m. PT

WHERE: Residents of the 6th District who would like to join can send an email to The deadline to sign up is noon PT on Thursday, November 30.

Residents who sign up before the deadline will receive a phone call on Thursday, November 30 inviting them to the town hall.
In 2017, Kilmer has already held 13 town halls, including in Tacoma, Bremerton, Aberdeen, and on a ferry route from Bainbridge Island to Seattle. He also hosted four town halls this year at local colleges and universities in the region and a number of employee town halls at local businesses. In 2016, Kilmer held seven town hall meetings across the district. In addition, Kilmer consistently holds telephone town halls, open office hours, and meets with constituents on ferries, public buses, and at their places of employment.


US DEPT. OF EDUCATION BLOG: Proud to Serve Again
By, Elmer Harris 
Post date 11/ 21/ 17

Each year our school hosts a Veterans Day assembly and breakfast. After this year’s assembly, a number of students shared how they were surprised and excited to see my military photo during the slideshow tribute. Some were shocked and amused to see a serious looking and clean shaven Master Sergeant Harris instead of their bearded and smiling classroom teacher, Mr. Harris. I suppose the topic of my 22 years of military service and transition to teaching isn’t something I routinely discuss with students.
Teaching is a family tradition for many educators. That’s not my story.
Teaching was never on my radar while growing up. The idea to teach was planted many
years ago while working within a school but in a different capacity. I was a military recruiter in my early 20s and regularly visited local high schools in an effort to enlist young men and women into the Air Force. During visits to one school, one of the guidance counselors would always walk past my table and casually say, without stopping, “You should consider teaching.” I’d always laugh and reply, “No thanks” to his back as he waved and kept moving to another task in his building.
Fast forward several years and it seems that guidance counselor’s not-so-subliminal messages worked. After retiring from the Air Force I eventually began the process to become a teacher through the Troops to Teachers program.

The Joys And Challenges
While many assume that structure and discipline are key traits that make teaching a good fit for veterans, the ability to be compassionate and relatable have been vital to my success with military students and families. I’m able to engage military parents in the education process because I’ve been in their position of feeling slightly lost while continually navigating new homes, jobs and school environments. I also understand and adjust when children occasionally act out of character when their mothers and fathers deploy or return from war zones.
I’ve never had a student who lost a parent, but I’ve met many on their first day of school accompanied by a parent with a prosthetic limb or cane due to war-related injuries. While some may stare and silently wonder what happened, I’m eager to engage and have them share about their time in service. It’s a simple way to quickly establish relationships with military parents.
The Veterans Day assembly was a success. Parents enjoyed breakfast, and my students walked around with their heads high and chests out after their presentations. I was proud as well.
Despite the upheavals and occasional uncertainty faced by my military students and their families, they continue to show amazing resilience. I’m proud that I get the opportunity to support those who continue to serve, and I’m extremely proud and honored to play a role in shaping the lives of their most precious treasure. While it would feel odd to thank another vet or active duty person for their service, I never have a problem routinely asking a very simple question….Have you ever considered teaching?----Elmer Harris is a 2017-18 School Ambassador Fellow at the U.S. Department of Education

US DEPT. OF LABOR BLOG POST: Apprenticeship Helps Montana Woman Keep the Lights On---dated 11/ 21/ 17

Only 3 percent – or 23,000 – of the estimated 774,000 electricians working in the country are women. Sierra Smith is one of them, thanks to hard work, determination, and an assist from Montana’s apprenticeship program.
After a few years in college, Sierra ultimately decided that the classroom wasn’t the place for her. She wanted to work keeping the lights on.
“I’m fascinated by electricity, it makes everything go,” she said.
She entered a five-year apprenticeship program in 2016 after going to work as a parts runner, earning $12.84 an hour for the electrical company where her fiancé’s father works. Five times a year, she travels to Helena to go through an intense one-week training where instructors teach everything from motors to theory to OSHA safety guidelines.
“I learned that you do it the safe way first so you don’t get yourself or anyone else on the job site hurt,” Sierra said.
Now earning $19.52 an hour, Sierra hopes to enjoy a long career as an electrician, eventually running big jobs with a crew. She is always supportive when she sees other women working in trades at job sites, often going out of her way to approach and encourage them.
“If I can encourage one woman to get out of her bubble and get into a trade, I’m happy,” she said.
There are more than 540,000 apprenticeships across the country, with more opportunities added every day. Find a program or learn how to sponsor one at

USDA: USDA Scientists Honored as AAAS Fellows
Press release issued 11/ 21/ 17

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2017 – Two USDA scientists have been honored as 2017 Fellows by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, who serves as Administrator for USDA’s Agriculture Research Service as well as Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics, and Dr. Autar K. Mattoo, an ARS plant physiologist, were named Fellows in a vote by the AAS Council in recognition of their contributions to science and technology, scientific leadership, and extraordinary achievements across disciplines.

AAAS has been awarding the Fellows distinction since 1874. Past honorees include inventor Thomas Edison, anthropologist Margaret Meade, and five of the 2017 Nobel Laureates. Along with other new AAAS Fellows, Dr. Jacobs-Young and Dr. Mattoo will be recognized at a Feb. 18 Fellows forum at the 2018 AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.

Dr. Jacobs-Young has headed ARS, the USDA’s chief scientific in-house research agency, since February 2014 and previously served as ARS’ Associate Administrator for National Programs. Prior to her tenure at ARS, she served as the Director of the USDA Office of the Chief Scientist, as Acting Director for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and as a senior policy analyst in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. A native of Georgia, she holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from North Carolina State University.

Dr. Mattoo is an ST Level senior scientist at the ARS’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory in Beltsville, Md. Prior to returning to bench research in 2004, he served as a Research Leader for 16 years - nine years heading the Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory and seven years heading the Vegetable Laboratory at USDA-ARS. He specializes in Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and his findings include the targeting of key genes in the fruit ripening process, and those in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, to prolong the shelf life and increase the nutritive value of tomatoes. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India.


NASA to Highlight Science on Next Resupply Mission to Space Station
Press release issued 11/ 21/ 17
NASA will host a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Nov. 29, to discuss a number of science investigations and instruments launching to the International Space Station on the next SpaceX commercial resupply mission.

SpaceX is targeting no earlier than Dec. 4 for the launch of its Dragon spacecraft on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

Kirt Costello, deputy chief scientist for the International Space Station Program at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, and Mike Roberts, deputy chief scientist at the Center of Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), will kick off the call with an overview of the research and technology aboard Dragon. Also participating in the briefing will be:

Andrew Rush, president and chief executive officer, Made in Space, will discuss its Fiber Optics payload, which will test manufacturing fiber optic filaments in a microgravity environment. This could lead to production of higher-quality fiber optic products both in space and on Earth.
Brian Hess, chief executive officer, and Grayson Allen, chief financial officer, both of LaunchPad Medical, will discuss an investigation using synthetic bone material to accelerate bone repair.
Dong Wu, project scientist at the NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and Peter Pilewskie, lead scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, will discuss NASA’s Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS), a new instrument launching to station that will measure the Sun’s energy input to Earth.
Joseph Hamilton, principal investigator, NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, will discuss the Space Debris Sensor, an external tool which will measure the orbital debris environment around the space station.
Yasaman Shirazi, mission scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, will discuss an investigation testing drug delivery systems for combating muscle breakdown in microgravity.
To participate in the teleconference, media must contract Cheryl Warner at 202-358-1100 or by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, for dial-in information.

Daily Bible Verse: Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!
1 Chronicles 16:8 NKJV

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Monday, November 27, 2017


US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLOG: Giving Thanks To America’s Small Businesses

Blog posted 11/ 27/ 17

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and football—but it’s also the starting gun for the holiday shopping season. Many Americans hit the ground running last week with Black Friday, braving the crowds and traffic to visit their favorite stores for great deals. The following day, while maybe not as well known, was another nationally recognized day for shoppers: Small Business Saturday.

First observed in 2010, Small Business Saturday has become an important day to show our appreciation for the backbone of our nation’s economy: small businesses. No matter where you live, you can be sure that your local community benefits greatly from the restaurants, retail stores, manufacturers, service providers, and other small businesses that create jobs and drive economic growth in your area. By designating a day in their honor, we remind ourselves that these businesses rely on our patronage, especially during important consumer shopping seasons such as this.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is proud to stand for millions of small businesses in communities all across America. We fight for their interests every day in Washington, D.C. on the big policy issues before our government, including tax reform, health care, regulatory reform, and so many others. But we also know that small business success begins and ends with customers. So this season, as you shop for that perfect gift, don’t forget about the many small businesses that support your local economy and employ your friends and neighbors.
Today offers a prime opportunity to support them—without even leaving our homes. Cyber Monday is a day for excellent digital deals at online retailers large and small, including many stores in your community that you might not even realize have an online presence. The Chamber’s latest Small Business Index found that 81% of small businesses are online in some form, whether on social media, by selling through major online retailers, or with their own branded shopping websites.
Our Index also found that the holiday shopping season is important to many small businesses. Unfortunately, three-quarters of all small business owners report that holiday season revenue is either the same or lower than the rest of the year. All of us can help change that. Small Business Saturday may have passed, but together we can make every day a small business day. By dining at locally owned restaurants, shopping at small retailers, and visiting our community stores in person and online, every American can help support the small businesses that are pillars of our local economies.---Thomas J. Donohue is president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Count Out Counterfeits this Holiday Season: Top Ten Tips to #ShopSafe
Counterfeit goods bypass important safety and quality tests, and they can harm consumers
Counterfeit goods are created and distributed without proper regulation, meaning they’re the result of shoddy work. The shoddy work that hallmarks the counterfeit trade translates into downright dangerous products.

Counterfeiters know exactly what’s on your holiday shopping list: whatever you’re shopping for, you can guarantee there are counterfeit versions on the market.

Counterfeit clothing often fails fire resistance standards, and fastenings, dyes, and other materials used in the production process reeks of chemicals and metals that can affect your health.
Counterfeit cosmetics tout high levels of mercury, arsenic, and even traces of urine and feces, all of which can cause severe allergic reactions and possible long-term harm to your skin, eyes, and hair.
Counterfeit toys are built with flimsy parts that pose undisclosed choking hazards and contain high levels of lead and other dangerous chemicals.
Counterfeit electronics, like phone chargers and battery-powered gadgets, will melt, catch fire, or even explode.
Counterfeit medicines may contain uselessly low or dangerously high amounts of active ingredient. Some counterfeit medicines contain no active ingredient; others contain a different active ingredient altogether.
With your health and safety in the balance, you can’t overestimate the damaging weight counterfeits can carry.
Counterfeit impacts every sector of the economy and stifles economic growth
Globally, counterfeit has nearly doubled in value since 2008 – amounting to $461 billion annually. That’s more than double the 2014 profits of the world’s top ten companies combined. Additionally, studies estimate that counterfeiting costs the U.S. 750,000 jobs a year.

It’s clear that counterfeit products steal market share from legitimate businesses. But counterfeit also undermines innovation, one of the largest drivers of economic development. Counterfeit robs businesses the ability to benefit from the breakthroughs they make in creating new products and services, discouraging future innovative activity.

Moreover, counterfeiters avoid paying taxes, so governments lose valuable tax revenue that could be used to develop important initiatives, like public health and education.
Counterfeit funds organized crime and rewards the exploitation of workers
It’s clear that counterfeit escapes regulatory certifications, taxes and duties, and other relevant legal checkpoints. But counterfeit also finances crimes of a much larger scale.
Counterfeiting funds international illicit trade and criminal groups. Terrorist networks and organized crime rings use the profitable counterfeit industry to sponsor their organizations’ activity, from drug smuggling and weapons trafficking to military operations and member recruitment.
Counterfeit also perpetuates the systematic exploitation of labor. Counterfeit employees are low paid and vulnerable, exposed to egregious violations of labor laws and basic human rights. Many counterfeit producers also infringe upon child labor laws.
According to the International Labor Organization, the majority of the 246 million child laborers work in the “informal” economy, the economy hidden from government and other authoritative supervision, which includes counterfeit.
Counterfeiting is certainly not a victimless crime, affecting people and communities in the U.S. and around the world.
We can work together to combat global counterfeiting
Businesses and law enforcement agencies are working tirelessly to fight fakes. But they need consumers’ help.

Make sure you know how to avoid counterfeit – and help teach your friends and family.

Here are GIPC’s top ten tips to shop safe:

Trust your instincts. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
Insist on secure transactions. When doing business online, make sure your payments are submitted via websites beginning with “https” (the “s” stands for secure) and look for a lock symbol at the bottom of your browser. This helps you know that you are working with a trustworthy retailer.
Watch for missing sales tax charges. Businesses trading in counterfeit goods often do not report their sales to financial authorities – a difference you may notice in the price you ultimately pay, particularly in states that collect sales taxes.
Seek quality assurance in the secondary market. Reputable and reliable resellers have comprehensive inspection and authentication procedures and technicians to inspect the equipment they sell.
Buy medicines only from licensed pharmacy websites. Reports suggest that 96% of online pharmacies do not meet safety or legal standards. Trustworthy websites should be licensed by the relevant state board of pharmacy, should provide a licensed pharmacist to answer questions about your purchase, and should always require a prescription for prescription medicines.
Be vigilant when buying abroad. When shopping on international websites, look for trusted vendors that use identifiable privacy and security safeguards and have legitimate addresses.
Guard your personal information. Illicit websites often install malware that can steal your credit card information and other information stored on your computer. Don’t install add-ons or apps if you don’t know their purpose and don’t click on suspicious pop-up ads.
Scrutinize labels, packaging, and contents. Look for missing or expired “use by” dates, broken or missing safety seals, missing warranty information, or otherwise unusual packaging.
Report fake products. Report unsafe products to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  Consumers can play an important role in keeping the market free of fakes.
Spread the word. Share these tips! Teach your family, friends, and coworkers about counterfeits.

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Press release issued 11/ 24/ 17

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a ninety (90) day delay – through April 1, 2018 – of the applicability date for ERISA plans to comply with a final rule amending the claims procedure requirements applicable to disability benefits.

The three month delay of the applicability date announced today is intended to give interested stakeholders the opportunity to submit, and for the Department to consider, data and information related to concerns by some insurance industry and employer groups, and some members of Congress, that the claims procedure amendments will drive up disability benefit plan costs, cause an increase in litigation and, in so doing, impair workers’ access to disability insurance benefits.

The final rule amending the disability benefits claims procedure requirements for ERISA plans was published in the Federal Register on Dec. 19, 2016. The amendments were to become applicable to claims for disability benefits filed on or after Jan. 1, 2018. In response to the concerns noted above raised by stakeholders, and pursuant to Executive Order 13777 on Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda, the Department published a notice in the Federal Register on Oct. 12, 2017, seeking comment on a proposed 90-day delay of the applicability date for plans to comply with the claims procedure amendments. The comment period on the proposed delay ended on Oct. 27, 2017. In that same document, the Department asked for comments that provide data and information germane to a re-examination of the merits of repealing, replacing, modifying or retaining the rule. That comment period ends on Dec. 11, 2017.


Press release issued 11/ 22/ 17

WASHINGTON, DC – To allow affected employers additional time to become familiar with a new electronic reporting system launched on August 1, 2017, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  has extended the  date by which employers must electronically report injury and illness data through the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) to December 15, 2017.

OSHA’s final rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses sets December 15, 2017, as the date for compliance (a two-week extension from the December 1, 2017, compliance date in the proposed rule). The rule requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness information they are already required to keep under existing OSHA regulations.

Unless an employer is under federal jurisdiction, the following OSHA-approved State Plans have not yet adopted the requirement to submit injury and illness reports electronically: California, Maryland, Minnesota, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.  Establishments in these states are not currently required to submit their summary data through the ITA. Similarly, state and local government establishments in Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, and New York are not currently required to submit their data through the ITA.

OSHA is currently reviewing the other provisions of its final rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses, and intends to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking to reconsider, revise, or remove portions of that rule in 2018.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA’s role is to ensure these conditions for America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance. For more information, visit

REMINDER FROM THE IRS: IRS, State Tax Agencies and Tax Industry Announce National Tax Security Awareness Week, Nov. 27-Dec. 1; Event Focuses on Protecting Tax, Financial Data in Advance of Holidays, Filing Season --press release dated 11/ 17/ 17
WASHINGTON ― For the second year, the Internal Revenue Service, state tax agencies and the tax industry will host National Tax Security Awareness Week to encourage both individual and business taxpayers to take additional steps to protect their tax data and identities in advance of the 2018 filing season.

Starting Monday, Nov. 27, National Tax Security Awareness Week will focus daily on one issue that poses a threat to individuals and businesses and offer steps they may take to better protect themselves from cybercriminals.

The IRS, state tax agencies and the tax industry, partners in the Security Summit, have enacted a series of defenses in recent years that have made significant inroads into tax-related identity theft. While the Summit partners continue to improve defenses, they also recognize that they need help from taxpayers, tax preparers and businesses to continue progress against identity theft.

Summit partners and other consumer, business and community groups will be hosting a series of more than 20 events across the country to raise awareness during National Tax Security Awareness Week. This is especially timely as the holiday season brings out not only online shoppers but online thieves seeking to trick people into disclosing sensitive information that could be used to help file fraudulent tax returns.

The week also comes amid continuing disclosures that more than 145 million Americans have had their names, addresses and Social Security numbers stolen from a variety of places. No one yet knows how cybercriminals will use this data or try to make money from it.

The IRS and states have put many new defenses in place to help protect taxpayers from identity theft. The new IRS protections have worked well to protect taxpayers, and some key indicators of identity theft on tax returns have dropped by around two-thirds since 2015.

These protections are especially helpful if criminals only have names, addresses and SSNs – which was the information stolen in recent incidents. However, there are continuing concerns that cybercriminals will try to build on this basic information by trying to obtain more specific financial details from taxpayers and tax professionals to help them file fraudulent tax returns.

During the upcoming 2018 filing season, the IRS urges tax professionals, businesses and others to join with the Security Summit partners in sharing the security information through organizations, customers and partners.

During National Tax Security Awareness Week, people will learn about the basic steps necessary to protect themselves and their tax data online, such as using security software, strong passwords and data encryption. They will learn what steps they should take if they are a data breach victim, such as placing a freeze on their credit accounts and the signs of tax-related identity theft.

They will learn how cybercriminals use phishing emails to bait them into disclosing information. Employers will be warned about the dangerous W-2 scam that has made identity theft victims of thousands of employees. Finally, Summit partners will remind small businesses that they, too, are subject to identity theft and should take steps to protect themselves.

There are three key steps the Summit partners urge people to take to protect tax and financial information:

Learn to recognize and avoid phishing emails, threatening phone calls and texts from thieves posing as legitimate organizations such as banks, credit card companies and government organizations, including the IRS. Do not click on links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious emails.
Always use security software with firewall and anti-virus protections. Make sure the security software is always turned on and will automatically update. Encrypt sensitive files such as tax records stored on computers. Use strong passwords.
Protect personal data. Use strong, unique passwords for each online account. Don’t routinely carry Social Security cards, and make sure tax records are secure. Treat personal information like cash; don’t leave it lying around.
The IRS, state tax agencies and the tax industry came together in 2015 to join forces in their fight against tax-related identity theft. Learn more about their efforts and their progress at Security Summit on

Increasing public awareness about people’s role in protecting their own data is a critical part of the Security Summit efforts. Partners launched the “Taxes. Security. Together.” awareness campaign in the fall of 2015.

THE FED: Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, October 31-November 1, 2017

The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday released the attached minutes of the Committee meeting held on October 31-November 1, 2017.
The minutes for each regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee ordinarily are made available three weeks after the day of the policy decision and subsequently are published in the Board’s Annual Report. The descriptions of economic and financial conditions contained in these minutes are based solely on the information that was available to the Committee at the time of the meeting.
FOMC minutes can be viewed on the Board’s website at


State Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds launches accessible website
Press release issued 11/ 27/ 17

OLYMPIA, WA – The Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds has launched a new website at where visitors can learn what the office is doing, submit complaints and access other resources for people with disabilities. The website was created by AccessibilityOz, a company specializing in the creation of webpages that are accessible to people with disabilities.

The website is one way to submit a complaint to the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds. Complaints can also be made by phone at 1-833-727-8900 and in person when the ombuds visits community residences, programs or state facilities. Call or visit the website for information on requesting a visit.

Anyone, including disabled individuals, friends, family or care staff can submit a complaint about developmental disabilities services. Complaints may be about, but not limited to, abuse and neglect, quality and access to services or possible exploitation.

“Complaints about abuse, neglect and exploitation are priority,” said Betty Schieterman, State Developmental Disabilities Ombuds. “Our goal at the DD Ombuds is to address complaints in a person-centered manner by listening to people with developmental disabilities and resolving issues to their satisfaction.”

The DD Ombuds is a private, independent office focused on improving the lives of persons with developmental disabilities in Washington State. The DD Ombuds also provide information to the community, monitor and review facilities, conduct investigations, write reports, and recommend changes to Washington State policy-makers.

The Department of Commerce awarded Disability Rights Washington the contract to provide ombuds services for the new Washington Developmental Disabilities Ombuds program earlier this year.
“Investing to increase our state’s capacity to better serve vulnerable people is a key priority of Commerce’s work to strengthen communities,” said Commerce Director Brian Bonlender.
The state Legislature created the Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds to help protect the health and well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities. The office will monitor and report on the services provided in Washington state for potential situations of abuse and neglect.
“I sponsored the bill to create this office because too many of our most vulnerable residents have been left in unsafe and abusive conditions,” said Sen. Steve O’Ban, R-University Place. “This provides an advocate for families to work with the Department of Social and Health Services on ensuring the safety of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.”
The Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds will monitor residential facilities, residences, and services, and make recommendations to the Legislature for reforms.
“We are honored to do this work and are confident these efforts will lead to improved service delivery systems across Washington,” Schwieterman said.

(Page ) White Collar Crimes

DOJ: Tobacco Companies to Begin Issuing Court-Ordered Statements in Tobacco Racketeering Suit
Press release issued 11/ 22/ 17

Several of America’s major cigarette manufacturers will begin issuing court-ordered “corrective statements” in major daily newspapers and on television beginning Friday, November 24, 2017. The statements will clarify for the public the effects of tobacco use and will appear in full-page print ads in the editions of more than 50 newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, and Washington Post over four months.  The same statements will also appear in television markets across the country beginning the following week for the next year.

Following a nine-month civil racketeering trial, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the tobacco companies, including Altria, its Philip Morris USA subsidiary, and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, to issue the corrective statements as part of a permanent injunction in 2006 designed to “prevent and restrain” further deception of the American people regarding tobacco use. Multiple appeals following the 2006 permanent injunction delayed issuance of the statements until now.

In its 2006 permanent injunction, the district court found that “Defendants lied, misrepresented, and deceived the American public,” on a host of topics. These topics included:

Fraudulently distorting and minimizing the health effects of smoking;
Falsely denying and minimizing the addictiveness of smoking and nicotine;
Designing cigarettes to create addiction;
Fraudulently presenting light/low-tar cigarettes as less dangerous;
Falsely denying marketing to youth; and
Falsely denying the hazards of secondhand smoke.
The court concluded that, absent court action, the tobacco companies were “reasonably likely” to continue engaging in this behavior and imposed a permanent injunction to prevent future violations. Among other things, this injunction requires the tobacco companies to issue these “corrective statements” in multiple mediums: newspaper, television, company websites, and package “onserts.” Another placement for the statements, at retail point-of-sale, was set aside on appeal by the D.C. Circuit, and whether to reinstate it remains pending before the district court.

Numerous Justice Department attorneys have played a role in this case over the years.  In the most recent phase of the litigation, the United States was represented by Trial Attorneys Daniel K. Crane-Hirsch and John (Josh) Burke of the Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch; Linda McMahon of the Commercial Litigation Branch; and Melissa Patterson, Alisa Klein, Mark Stern, and Lewis Yelin of the Civil Appellate Staff.

Six public health organizations – the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, National African American Tobacco Prevention Network and the Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund – joined the Department of Justice case as intervenors in 2005.

DOJ: Justice Department Challenges AT&T/DirecTV’s Acquisition of Time Warner

Merger Would Harm Competition, Resulting in Higher Bills and Less Innovation for Millions of American Consumers---press release dated 11/ 20/ 17
The United States Department of Justice today filed a civil antitrust lawsuit to block AT&T/DirecTV’s proposed acquisition of Time Warner Inc. The $108 billion acquisition would substantially lessen competition, resulting in higher prices and less innovation for millions of Americans.

The combination of AT&T/DirecTV’s vast video distribution infrastructure and Time Warner’s popular television programming would be one of the largest mergers in American history.  Time Warner’s network offerings include TBS, TNT, CNN, Cartoon Network, HBO and Cinemax, and its programming includes Game of Thrones, NCAA’s March Madness, and substantial numbers of MLB and NBA regular season and playoff games. 

According to the complaint, which was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the combined company would use its control over Time Warner’s valuable and highly popular networks to hinder its rivals by forcing them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars more per year for the right to distribute those networks.  The combined company would also use its increased power to slow the industry’s transition to new and exciting video distribution models that provide greater choice for consumers, resulting in fewer innovative offerings and higher bills for American families.

As AT&T itself has expressly acknowledged, distributors with control over popular programming “have the incentive and ability to use . . . that control as a weapon to hinder competition.”  And, as DirecTV itself has explained, such vertically integrated programmers “can much more credibly threaten to withhold programming from rival [distributors]” and can “use such threats to demand higher prices and more favorable terms.”  This merger would create just such a vertically integrated programmer and cause precisely such harms to competition. 

“This merger would greatly harm American consumers.  It would mean higher monthly television bills and fewer of the new, emerging innovative options that consumers are beginning to enjoy,” said Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Department’s Antitrust Division.  “AT&T/DirecTV’s combination with Time Warner is unlawful, and absent an adequate remedy that would fully prevent the harms this merger would cause, the only appropriate action for the Department of Justice is to seek an injunction from a federal judge blocking the entire transaction.”

“The merger would also enable the merged company to impede disruptive competition from online video distributors, competition that has allowed consumers greater choices at cheaper prices,” Delrahim further explained.  As noted in the complaint, AT&T/DirecTV describes the traditional, big bundle pay-TV model as a “cash cow” and “the golden goose.”  If permitted to merge, AT&T/DirecTV/Time Warner would have the incentive and ability to charge more for Time Warner’s popular networks and take other actions to discourage future competitors from entering the marketplace altogether.  For example, the merged firm would likely use its control of Time Warner’s programming, which is important for emerging online video distributors, to hinder those innovative distributors.  Indeed, a senior Time Warner executive has stated that they have leverage over an online video distributor, whose offering would be “[expletive] without Turner.”  That leverage would only increase if the merger were allowed to proceed. 

AT&T Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Dallas, Texas.  In 2016, the company posted revenues of more than $163 billion dollars, making it the largest telecommunications company in the world.  AT&T is also the country’s largest Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD), with more than 25 million subscribers.  It has three pay-TV offerings: (1) DirecTV, a satellite-based product with almost 21 million subscribers that it acquired through a merger in 2015; (2) U-Verse, a product which uses the local AT&T fiber optic and copper network and has almost 4 million subscribers; and (3) DirecTV Now, its new online video product with almost 800,000 subscribers.  It descends from the AT&T that was established in the nineteenth century and which maintained a monopoly in the provision of local telephone services until 1982, when it agreed to divest the portions of its business relating to local telephone services to settle an antitrust lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice.  In 2011, AT&T attempted to purchase T-Mobile, but abandoned the transaction after the Department of Justice filed suit alleging that the merger violated the antitrust laws.

Time Warner, Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in New York, New York.  In 2016, its posted revenue was $29.3 billion.  As of 2016, according to Time Warner, its most popular networks reach over 90 million households—of the nearly 100 million households that subscribe to traditional subscription television.

Daily Bible Verse:  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16 NKJV

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