Monday, October 30, 2017

STATE LABOR AND INDUSTRIES: Fatal fall investigation results in citation and fine for Aberdeen lumber mill

Press release issued 10/ 25/ 17
Tumwater – An Aberdeen lumber mill has been fined $112,000 for safety violations following the death of a worker last April. Andrew Ward, 41, died when he fell from an elevated platform where he was working to the concrete surface below.
An investigation by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) has found and cited Sierra Pacific Industries for seven safety violations at the lumber mill where the incident happened.
L&I's investigation found that a section of permanent yellow guardrail was removed from the 17-and-a-half-foot-high platform and replaced with yellow caution tape so that a crane could move some equipment. When Ward went to the edge of the platform to communicate with the crane operator below, he leaned forward and fell.
The investigation found that the employer knew that caution tape cannot be used in place of guardrails at a high elevation, but still regularly allowed it to happen. Additionally, the employer was required to provide workers with a fall protection system, such as a harness, lanyard and tie-off point, while working on the elevated platform without adequate guardrails, and when removing them.
As a result, Sierra Pacific has been cited for a willful violation, the most serious, with the maximum penalty of $70,000 for not ensuring that an open-sided work platform was adequately guarded and for not ensuring employees wore fall protection equipment.
"A death like this is especially tragic because it was completely preventable by using proper fall protection and following safe work practices," said Anne Soiza, L&I's assistant director for the Division of Occupational Safety and Health. "Falls are the leading cause of worker deaths and immediate hospitalizations. Employers need to be vigilant about preventing falls."
The employer was cited for an additional six serious violations, each with the maximum penalty of $7,000. Those violations covered a range of serious hazards that exposed workers to harm, including ineffective safety and health training; a safety program that wasn't tailored to company operations; inadequate personal protective equipment training; untrained crane personnel; and not following safety precautions required for open flame work.
Because of the willful violation that led to the death of a worker, Sierra Pacific Industries has been placed on the severe violator list and will be subject to follow-up inspections to determine if the conditions still exist in the future.


US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Tax Reform Cannot Wait, Must Not Fail
Blog post dated 10/ 30/ 17

This month marks the 31st anniversary of the last time Congress passed a major overhaul of the tax code. In the years since, however, our tax system has grown increasingly complex. It has fallen out of step with our economy and become a drag on job creation and wage growth. Major reform is needed to spur economic growth and boost middle class families and job creators. Washington must achieve it, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is here to help—just like we were 31 years ago.

I remember how hard it was to reform the tax code in 1986. It took the efforts of political heavyweights like President Ronald Reagan, House Speaker Tip O’Neill, and Treasury Secretary James Baker—and the legislation still collapsed repeatedly before final passage. It also took the willingness of the business community to stand up and stick its neck out to support a package that wasn’t perfect but much better than the alternative.
Now it’s time to do it again. It will be no easier this time around. But we’ve got a once-in-a-generation chance to get it done—and if we do it right, it can be the single most important step our leaders take to drive the economy forward.

Above all else, the Chamber is pushing for reforms that maximize growth. This includes lowering tax rates for all businesses and infusing permanency, simplicity, and clarity into tax law. It also includes an internationally competitive territorial system, which means America will no longer tax U.S. businesses’ overseas earnings at home after they’ve already been taxed abroad. Tax reform must also eliminate the bias against capital investment and much, much more.

Even as we push for our goals, we must keep in mind that no one gets everything he or she wants out of a bill of this magnitude. The 1986 package wasn’t perfect, but the Chamber supported and helped pass the final compromise because it achieved our ultimate goal of significantly lowering marginal tax rates. Similar compromises will be necessary today, as they are for all major legislation.

Failure is not an option. The U.S. economy is rolling along at a slightly better pace after years of slow growth. If tax reform fails, the economy will likely slow. If it passes, tax reform will be the shot in the arm our economy needs to achieve long-term prosperity. This is why, through thick and thin, the Chamber will be there to help get it done.---THOMAS J. DONOHUE, President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Big Lease Sales Show Trump Administration is Serious about American Energy
President Donald Trump has made it a priority to take full advantage of America’s energy abundance, and his administration continues to turn that into reality.

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced plans to undertake new rulemaking with regard to overtime.
On July 26, 2017, the Department of Labor published a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the Overtime Final Rule, which was published on May 23, 2016, asking for public input on what changes the Department should propose. That comment period has ended and the Department is reviewing those submissions.
On August 31, 2017, U.S. District Court Judge Amos Mazzant granted summary judgment against the Department of Labor in consolidated cases challenging the Overtime Final Rule. The court held that the Final Rule’s salary level exceeded the Department’s authority, and concluded that the Final Rule is invalid.
On October 30, 2017, the Department of Justice, on behalf of the Department of Labor, filed a notice to appeal this decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Once this appeal is docketed, the Department of Justice will file a motion with the Fifth Circuit to hold the appeal in abeyance while the Department of Labor undertakes further rulemaking to determine what the salary level should be.

IRS: 2018 PTIN Renewal Period Underway for Tax Professionals
IR-2017-180, Oct. 26, 2017
WASHINGTON –– The Internal Revenue Service today reminded the nation’s more than 727,000 federal tax return preparers that they must renew their Preparer Tax Identification Numbers (PTINs) for 2018. All current PTINs will expire Dec. 31, 2017.
Anyone who prepares or helps prepare any federal tax return, or claim for refund for compensation must have a valid PTIN from the IRS. The PTIN must be used as the identifying number on returns prepared. Failure to have and use a valid PTIN may result in penalties.
“We ask that you renew your PTIN as soon as possible to avoid a last-minute rush,” said Carol A. Campbell, Director, IRS Return Preparer Office. “It’s easy to let this slip as the holiday season approaches.”
For those who have a 2017 PTIN, the renewal process takes a few moments online. Those who cannot remember their user ID and password can find online tools to assist them. Preparers can get started at If registering for the first time, the PTIN application may also be completed online. There is no fee for obtaining or renewing a PTIN.

US COMMERCE DEPT. PRESS RELEASE DATED 10/ 27/ 17; Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Q3 2017 Three Percent Economic Growth

Today’s release of the gross domestic product growth for Q3 2017 proves that President Trump’s bold agenda is steadily overcoming the dismal economy inherited from the previous Administration. This is a remarkable achievement in view of the recent hurricanes which have shattered so many lives. As we work together to help those areas recover, I am confident that they will rebound stronger than ever before.  And as the President’s tax cut plan is implemented, our entire economy will continue to come roaring back.

U.S. Department of Commerce Issues Affirmative Preliminary Antidumping Duty Determination on Aluminum Foil from the People’s Republic of China
today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced the affirmative preliminary determination in this antidumping duty (AD) investigation, finding that exporters of aluminum foil from the People’s Republic of China (China) sold their product at prices that resulted in preliminary dumping margins of 96.81 percent to 162.24 percent to be applied, based on factual evidence provided by the interested parties using the Department’s standard non-market economy dumping methodology.

US TREASURY DEPT: Treasury Sanctions Additional North Korean Officials and Entities in Response to the Regime’s Serious Human Rights Abuses and Censorship Activities
Press release issued 10/ 26/ 17
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today sanctioned seven individuals and three entities of the North Korean regime in response to the regime's ongoing and serious human rights abuses. Treasury is taking this action in conjunction with the State Department's "Report on Serious Human Rights Abuses and Censorship in North Korea," which is being submitted in accordance with the North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016.

"North Korea is run by a brutal regime that continues to engage in serious human rights abuses. We are especially concerned with the North Korean military, which operates as secret police, punishing all forms of dissent. Further, the military operates outside of North Korea to hunt down asylum seekers, and brutally detains and forcibly returns North Korean citizens," said Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. "Today's sanctions target the North Korean military and regime officials engaged in flagrant abuses of human rights. We also are targeting North Korean financial facilitators who attempt to keep the regime afloat with foreign currency earned through forced labor operations."

Today's designations of the seven individuals were issued pursuant to E.O. 13687, which targets, among others, officials of the Government of North Korea and the Workers' Party of Korea. As a result of today's actions, any property or interest in property of those designated by OFAC within U.S. jurisdiction is frozen. The identifications of the three entities were issued pursuant to E.O. 13722, which, among others, blocks the property and interests in property of the Government of North Korea and the Workers' Party of Korea. Transactions by U.S. persons involving any of these sanctioned persons are generally prohibited.

THE FED: Federal Reserve Board announces new members of Community Advisory Council
Press release issued 10/ 26/ 17
The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced five new members of its Community Advisory Council (CAC).
The CAC is composed of a diverse group of experts and representatives of consumer, workforce, and community development organizations and interests, including from such fields as affordable housing, economic development, labor, small business, and asset and wealth building. CAC members provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Board on relevant policy matters and emerging issues of interest.
The new members of the CAC, who will replace five departing members, were selected from a pool of individuals who applied to the Board's public call for applications. Each will serve a three-year term beginning in 2018.


Spain's direct rule takes hold in Catalonia as secessionists accept elections
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Spain’s direct rule over Catalonia took hold on Monday as state employees turned up for work despite calls for disobedience, and pro-independence parties said they would contest an election, implicitly accepting the regional government had been sacked.

Afghan Taliban say kidnapped U.S. professor is seriously ill
KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Monday that Kevin King, one of two professors from the American University of Afghanistan who were kidnapped at gunpoint in Kabul last year, is seriously ill and needs urgent medical attention.

Trump, Japan's Abe agree to work together on North Korea before Asia visit
TOKYO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to work together on steps to counter North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, ahead of the U.S. leader’s visit to Asia, the Japanese government said late on Monday.

Puerto Rico moves to cancel Whitefish power contract after uproar
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s government power company said on Sunday it will cancel a $300 million contract with a tiny Montana company to restore power to the storm-hit U.S. territory after an uproar over the deal.

Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort indicted on conspiracy, other charges
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, was indicted on charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States, the most serious step yet in a special counsel investigation into Russian links with Trump’s 2016 White House campaign.

Judge says Trump comments do not taint Bergdahl desertion case
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - The military judge hearing U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion case said on Monday he will not dismiss the charges due to comments by President Donald Trump that the defense argued unfairly influenced the proceedings.

Daily Bible Verse: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV

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