Saturday, March 11, 2023

Inslee statement on White House's Industrial Decarbonization Grants and Federal-State Buy Clean Partnership.

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Gov. Jay Inslee released the following statement today after the White House's announcement of new actions to advance a cleaner industrial sector to boost American manufacturing and cut emissions, including $6 billion in grants to reduce emissions from industrial manufacturing and the launch of the Federal-State Buy Clean Partnership, of which Washington is a member. Member states have committed to prioritize efforts that support the procurement of lower-carbon infrastructure materials in state-funded projects, and to collaborate with the federal government and one another to send a harmonized demand signal to the marketplace.

"I welcome today’s White House announcements that will accelerate our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support American manufacturing at the same time. As a member of the Federal-State Buy Clean Partnership, we’re ready to work together with Washington industry to pursue federal incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for reducing emissions from industry and manufacturing as we transition to a cleaner future. The administration’s $6 billion in grants to reduce emissions from industrial manufacturing will help us greatly.

"Both states and the federal government have a critical role to play in reducing climate pollution from our buildings by incentivizing clean manufacturing of building materials. Emissions from production of building materials account for an estimated 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions. There’s a tremendous opportunity for partnership with industry as we build a stronger market for clean, domestically produced materials with a lower-carbon footprint.

"Washington has advanced Buy Clean and Buy Fair policies in recent years with pilot projects, building a database for tracking embodied carbon in building materials, and my Executive Order 20-01 directing state agencies to consider embodied carbon in new state buildings. Through the Pacific Coast Collaborative, we are pursuing a West Coast-wide task force to advance low-carbon construction.

"Washington businesses are known for innovation, which we see in every corner of the state. Whether it’s using recycled steel to make rebar or opening a cross-laminated timber mill, our state is uniquely positioned to show what’s possible, and to reward that ingenuity. Our Legislature is currently considering Buy Clean and Buy Fair legislation. SHB 1282 would help us gather information and reward the best producers of clean building materials who provide good, living wage jobs.  It’s time to reward our innovators and proceed full speed ahead to decarbonize our industrial sector and lead in clean manufacturing."


Inslee statement on legislative priorities following house of origin cutoff.

“I’m pleased with our progress as we hit this milestone in the 2023 legislative session, including efforts to address housing and homelessness with historic investments. I want to applaud legislators for advancing commonsense gun reform, planning for climate change impacts, supports for behavioral health, and more funding for special education. The Legislature is also making progress to address workforce challenges facing state agencies and other budget priorities I laid out before the start of session that are critical to providing the public the services they expect.


OLYMPIA – The COVID-19 pandemic forced necessary restrictions on many industries, including many that affected the seafood and aquaculture industry.

AG Ferguson files eight felony animal cruelty charges against Everett man.

EVERETT — The Attorney General’s Office announced today it filed eight felony charges against Blayne M. Perez in Snohomish County Superior Court. The charges include seven charges of first degree animal cruelty and one charge of first degree malicious mischief.

AG Ferguson, Gov. Inslee legislation banning sale of assault weapons passes House in historic vote on Wednesday.

OLYMPIA — In a historic vote today, the Washington House of Representatives passed a ban on the sale of assault weapons. The measure, requested by Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Gov. Jay Inslee and sponsored by Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, passed by a 55-42 vote.


Senator Murray Statement on the President’s Budget Request.

President Biden’s budget is a roadmap for a stronger America that puts working people—not billionaires and giant corporations—first, and sets our country up to thrive in the decades to come. The President’s plan invests in American families, strengthens Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for the next generation, and makes our country safer and more competitive—while lowering the deficit and setting us on a better fiscal path.

Murray, DeLauro Introduce the Paycheck Fairness Act.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) reintroduced the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation that would combat wage discrimination and help close the wage gap by strengthening the Equal Pay Act of 1963, ensuring women can challenge pay discriminations and hold employers accountable.

Amtrak Restores Seattle to Vancouver, B.C., Service to Pre-Pandemic Levels, With Additional Trips to Portland to Come

“This meaningful milestone isn’t the final stop,” says Cantwell

Cantwell, Colleagues Reintroduce Women’s Health Protection Act to Restore Abortion Access & Protect Interstate Travel

Cantwell: This bill “would guarantee the right to an abortion for every American, everywhere”


Strong Accountability System Must Be Upheld for Organization’s Effective Management Reform, Delegates Tell Fifth Committee

Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meeting today urged the Secretariat to uphold its commitment to a strong accountability system, a core component of the Organization’s effective management reform.--UN PRESS RELEASE 

Increased Women's, Girls’ Participation in Digital Technology Crucial to Economies, Global Sustainability, Speakers Tell Commission, as Session Continues

The increased participation of women and girls in digital technology and innovation, and their engagement as students and professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is crucial to economies around the world, as well as the global transition to sustainability, ministers and other Government officials emphasized today in the general discussion, as the Commission on the Status of Women continued its sixty-seventh session.--UN press release

Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the U.S. Department of State’s 17th Annual International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony.--UNSUN

The President’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget--US Sec. of State

The Budget makes critical, targeted investments in the American people that will promote greater prosperity and economic growth for decades to come. At the Department of State and USAID, the Foreign Affairs 


FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2024.--WH

U.S., Israeli Leaders Discuss Partnerships, Threats in Middle East--DOD

Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Trafficking Conspiracy--DOJ

U.S. Department of Education Announces Finalists in the Future Finder Challenge to Advance Digital Career Navigation Tools for Adult Learners--Dept. of Education


U.S. Department of the Treasury Releases Greenbook, Outlining Tax Proposals to Reduce the Deficit, Expand Support for Working Families, and Ensure the Wealthy and Large Corporations Pay their Fair Share--US TREASURY DEPT.

Former Wall Street Precious Metal Traders Sentenced for Wire Fraud

Two former Wall Street traders were each sentenced today to one year and one day in prison for engaging in a multi-year fraud scheme to manipulate U.S. commodities markets for publicly traded precious metals futures contracts.--DOJ

Supporting Innovation with Guardrails: The Federal Reserve’s Approach to Supervision and Regulation of Banks’ Crypto-related Activities--THE FED

USDA Announces Sign-up for Cost-Share Assistance for On-Farm Grain Storage in Areas with Limited Commercial Capacity Due to Severe Storms--USDA


From the US Dept. of Interior: President’s 2024 Budget Advances Efforts to Address the Nation’s Wildfire Crisis Through Workforce Reform, Investments in Wildland Fire Management Programs

More than $4.2 billion for the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture wildland fire and hazardous fuels management.

 WASHINGTON—The Biden-Harris administration today submitted to Congress the President’s budget for fiscal year 2024, which includes significant funding increases for wildland fire and hazardous fuels management. These investments will help address the nation’s wildfire crisis and implement comprehensive reforms for the wildland fire management workforce that provide stronger financial and health support to wildland firefighters, who are the backbone of wildland fire management nationwide.

The workforce reforms proposed in the FY 2024 budget request will increase federal and Tribal firefighters’ pay, invest more in their mental and physical health and wellbeing, improve their housing options, and expand the number of permanent firefighters. These reforms build on the temporary pay increase provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The permanent pay reforms require authorizing legislation, and the Administration is committed to working with congressional leaders on developing a comprehensive legislative proposal.

“Wildfires fueled by climate change and ongoing drought continue to reinforce the need for a well-supported wildland fire management workforce that is available year-round to protect lives, communities, infrastructure and ecosystems throughout the country,” said Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. “The President’s 2024 budget proposal supports our ongoing effort to shift away from a temporary, seasonal workforce toward a more permanent team that can conduct wildland fire management year-round, including activities to reduce wildfire risk throughout the country.”

“Wildland firefighters save lives, protect communities and serve on the frontlines to confront our nation’s wildfire crisis,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “We must take better care of them in return by addressing challenges that have plagued them for decades. Better care means better pay and benefits, better housing, better mental and physical health resources, and better work-life balance for these people who have given so much.”

Last year, nearly 69,000 wildfires burned more than 7.5 million acres across the country. On average, wildfire activity, severity, size, and cost are escalating. Wildfires that are larger, more intense, and harder to control threaten lives, communities, and valuable resources. In addition, wildland firefighters, who now face a fire year instead of a fire season, spend more time on the fireline and less time at home. ( see full story)

Local meetings


Clallam County Commission Work session for 3/13/23

Clallam County Commission regular meeting for 3/14/23

Regular Port Commission Meeting, Port of Port Angeles Scheduled for 3/14/23

9:00 AM-11:00 AM

* No agenda available on their web page.

City of Sequim Council meeting for 3/13/23

City of Forks Council meeting for 3/13/23

Clallam County PUD meeting for 3/13/23

OMC Board meeting for 3/15/23


Jefferson County Commission meeting for 3/13/23

Weekly devotional

BIBLE VERSE: Deuteronomy 7:9 (New King James Version)
“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;

Weekly Bible Study 
The Historical Accuracy of the Bible, by Jim Sasser
To be divinely inspired, a book must be historically accurate.  For if its credibility cannot be established on the basis of known events, it certainly cannot be relied upon as an adequate guide in matters beyond our ability to check.

Free bible studies (WBS)
Learn English using the bible as text (WEI)

(Join us in worship every Sunday starting at 10:30AM Church of Christ)
  1233 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362

 The Chosen: About the life of Christ

 This Week's Videos:
 Did you know there is a hostile takeover of American energy happening right under our noses? We all laughed at the Green New Deal. “That would never become law here in the United States!” conservatives said. So the Left was smart and repackaged the takeover into something more friendly and benign. “Reducing inflation.” Sounds great, right? WRONG! The Inflation Reduction Act took the Green New Deal, broke it up, and scattered it across the myriad pieces of government bureaucracy. Programs to destroy U.S. energy were hidden like horcruxes within multiple layers of government, and Glenn reveals them ALL. In a preview of 21st-century fascism, the government is partnering with private companies and funding the CLOSURE of reliable energy all over the country. Power companies are all but given ZERO choice. It’s probably happening in your state and town right now. But some states are starting to push back. Glenn gives you tools to stop the Left’s secret war on energy dead in its tracks

Join us in worship--Four Lakes Church of Christ

The Port Angeles Globe is a weekly Publication, every Saturday-- Publisher, Peter Ripley
Your donation is appreciated.


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