Saturday, July 8, 2023



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SEQUIM, WA – Today, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) announced that the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe has been awarded a $25 million RAISE Discretionary Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. This grant will be used to replace the Big Quilcene River bridge on Linger Longer Road. The new bridge will have pedestrian infrastructure and will also replace flood-prone segments of Linger Longer Road.

“Climate change and rising sea levels are threatening communities across our region – including Tribal communities. The federal government has an obligation to fulfill its trust and treaty responsibilities to ensure folks aren’t put at risk,” said Rep. Kilmer. “That’s why I have continued to push the federal government to deliver critical funding like this to help communities build climate resilience. Through awards like this, the federal government is moving to reduce flood risk, restore fish passage, and provide critical access to upstream habitat. That’s important if we’re going to protect communities and to recover the salmon populations that are so vital to our region’s economy, culture, and way of life.”

“Our community is about to receive an incredible new floodplain-spanning bridge (1,040-feet long) on Linger Longer Road, courtesy of the Tribe and our amazing partners the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group,” said Ron Allen, Tribal Council Chairman, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. “I think the Tribe and HCSEG should plan one of the greatest ribbon cutting ceremonies ever. We will also upgrade the levee system to ensure that the Linger Longer community has a high level (1,000-year or greater) of flood protection. The Tribe and HCSEG will also construct a re-natured river channel through this reach that will have world class salmon habitat to produce large numbers of salmon for the benefit of treaty tribes and non-treaty fishers. In addition, restoration of the floodplain will provide significant benefits for shellfish habit in Quilcene Bay.”

In previous years, significant efforts were made to maintain public access to the bridge. In 2022, the Washington State Department of Transportation carried out a $1.5 million project aimed at preserving the bridge and prolonging its lifespan. The allocated $25 million will be utilized to build a new bridge, incorporate pedestrian infrastructure, and address sections of Linger Longer Road that are prone to flooding.

State News

Ecology funds all FCAAP 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant Projects.

We have funded all five applications for 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant projects under the Flood Control Assistance Account Program (FCAAP).--DOE

Statewide drought advisory issued for Washington.


The warmest May on record coupled with an abnormally dry spring and early summer have resulted in quickly declining water supplies and have prompted the Department of Ecology to issue a statewide drought advisory.--DOE

Doex not licensed in Washington State.

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) has received a complaint from a Washington State consumer against Doex. The consumer reported having purchased crypto-currency through an account operated by Doex. When the consumer tried to retrieve those funds, the site said the consumer needed to pay additional funds for taxes before the consumer could retrieve anything.--DFI

WDFW restricts campfires, target shooting, and other activities in eastern Washington wildlife and water access areas.--WDFW

Work starts on new Bethel Avenue and Bay Street roundabout in Port Orchard--WSDOT


Space Industry, Education & Workforce Partners Gather for Washington State Space Summit with Sen. Cantwell and NASA Administrator

Sen. Cantwell: “The facts are clear, our space cluster is growing fast”--Sen. Cantwell

DOT Sec. Buttigieg, Cantwell Visit Port Orchard to Celebrate $9.4 Million Grant to Replace Aging Breakwater

Marina supports vital community services & economic activity for Port Orchard: emergency responders, Suquamish tribal fishing & Kitsap foot ferry rely on a functioning breakwater; Cantwell: “When you're talking about infrastructure, you’ve got to build infrastructure on the water”--Sen. Cantwell

Murray Statement on National Wildland Firefighter Day 

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on National Wildland Firefighter Day. The Washington state proclamation designating today as Wildland Firefighter Day is here.--Sen. Murray

Senator Murray, Secretary Buttigieg Tour Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, Discuss Ferry Modernization and Efforts to Electrify Ferry Fleet--Sen. Murray


International Security Force Needed to Support Haiti in Tackling Worsening Crisis, Curb Gangs’ Brutal Violence, Speakers Tell Security Council

Amid a protracted political impasse and deteriorating security and humanitarian situations in Haiti, briefers and senior officials urged the Security Council today to examined ways to address the multifaceted crisis, including the possible deployment of an international security force to curb armed gangs’ brutal violence in the beleaguered and embattled Caribbean country.--UN PRESS RELEASE

Negotiations Stall While Iran’s Uranium Stockpiles Increase, Security Council Told, as Additional Allegations Frustrate Return to Joint Nuclear Plan

Diplomacy, Implementation of Plan Only Viable Option, Speakers Stress--UN PRESS RELEASE

Statement by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield on the UNSCR 2231 Report--USUN

Secretary Antony J. Blinken Opening Remarks at a Virtual Ministerial Meeting to Launch the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drugs--Sec. of State

Ryder Says U.S. Counter-ISIS Mission Undeterred by Russia's Unprofessional Behavior Over Syria--DOD


Justice Department Finds State of South Carolina Unnecessarily Segregates Adults with Mental Illness in Adult Care Homes--DOJ

Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks at the Plenary Session of the G-7 Justice Ministers’ Interface--DOJ

U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Resolves Sex-Based Harassment Investigation in Rhinelander School District in Wisconsin--dept. of education

HUD Announces More Than $3.1 Billion to Help People Experiencing Homelessness

In response to a growing homelessness crisis, HUD makes largest-ever single-year investment in communities’ homelessness response systems.--HUD

EPA grants $5.6 million to Alaska to inventory drinking water service lines for lead in nearly 270 tribal and small disadvantaged communities--EPA


Shipping Company Fined $1.5 Million for Oil Record Book Offense--DOJ

Financial Assistance Application Process Opens for USDA Farm Loan Borrowers Who Have Faced Discrimination--USDA

Urban Producers, Public Invited to Attend August Meeting of Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production.--USDA

IRS, Security Summit partners warn taxpayers of new scam; unusual delivery service mailing tries to trick people into sending photos, bank account information--IRS


5) IN FOCUS & Local meetings

IN FOCUS: Biden-Harris Administration Approves Third Major Offshore Wind Project in U.S. Waters

Ocean Wind 1 will power more than 380,000 homes, create more than 3,000 good-paying jobs.

WASHINGTON – The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced it has approved the plan for construction and operations of the Ocean Wind 1 project offshore New Jersey. Located about 13 nautical miles southeast of Atlantic City, the project will have an estimated capacity of 1,100 megawatts of clean energy – capable of powering over 380,000 homes – and is expected to create more than 3,000 good-paying jobs through development and a three-year construction cycle.

Today’s announcement marks the Biden-Harris administration’s third approval of a commercial-scale, offshore wind energy project in the United States, joining the Vineyard Wind project offshore Massachusetts and the South Fork Wind project offshore Rhode Island and New York, both now under construction and being built by union labor. These projects represent significant progress toward the Administration’s goals of developing 30 gigawatts of clean, renewable offshore wind energy by the year 2030, while protecting biodiversity and multiple uses of the ocean.

“Since Day One, the Biden-Harris administration has worked to jump-start the offshore wind industry across the country – and today’s approval for the Ocean Wind 1 project is another milestone in our efforts to create good-paying union jobs while combatting climate change and powering our nation," said Secretary Deb Haaland. “By working closely with state and local leaders, Tribes, ocean users, and other stakeholders, we are moving forward with responsible clean energy development that will benefit communities, while also mitigating potential impacts on the environment or marine life.”

“Ocean Wind 1 represents another significant step forward for the offshore wind industry in the United States," said BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein. "The project's approval demonstrates the federal government's commitment to developing clean energy and fighting climate change and is a testament to the state of New Jersey's leadership in supporting sustainable sources of energy and economic development for coastal communities."

President Biden’s Investing in America agenda and “Bidenomics” strategy are growing the American economy from the middle out and bottom up – from rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, to driving over $490 billion in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments in the United States, to creating good paying jobs and building a clean energy economy that will combat climate change and make our communities more resilient. The Administration is making a once-in-a-generation investment in America’s infrastructure and our clean energy future and taking the next steps to bring offshore wind energy to additional areas around the country.

“Construction is already underway on two wind projects off the coasts of Massachusetts and New York. Today’s announcement gives the greenlight for construction of another. This project, off the coast of New Jersey, will supply enough energy on its own to power nearly half a million homes. This massive expansion in clean energy construction didn’t just happen. It’s not an accident. It’s Bidenomics in action. Big, bold, and building things,” said White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi. “Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the United States will keep seizing opportunities for offshore wind and other clean energy technologies, strengthening our energy security and advancing our climate goals, all while creating good-paying jobs up and down the manufacturing supply chain.”

The Record of Decision (ROD) documents the decision to approve Ocean Wind LLC’s plan to construct up to 98 wind turbines and up to three offshore substations within its lease area.

The decision also documents the extensive range of monitoring and mitigation measures that Ocean Wind will undertake to reduce the potential for impacts to protected species, such as marine mammals, sea turtles, and Atlantic sturgeon. These measures include vessel speed restrictions and clearance zones during construction. Ocean Wind has also committed to three fisheries mitigation programs: a direct compensation program for reimbursement of lost revenues, a navigational safety fund for navigation equipment upgrades, and a reimbursement program for lost or damaged commercial fishing gear. BOEM worked with Tribes, federal, state, and local government agencies and reviewed comments provided by industry, ocean users, and other key partners and stakeholders to develop these measures.

On June 24, 2022, BOEM published a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), initiating a 45-day public comment period, which was later extended until Aug. 23, 2022. During this time, BOEM held three virtual public meetings to solicit additional feedback on the draft EIS from Tribal nations, local community members, commercial fishing interests, and other ocean users. BOEM received over 1,300 comments from Federal, Tribal, state, and local government agencies; non-governmental organizations; and the general public during the comment period.

BOEM held Tribal consultation meetings with Delaware Nation and Delaware Tribe of Indians in June 2021, and with Delaware Tribe of Indians and Shinnecock Indian Nation in November 2022. BOEM also held five meetings as part of the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 process with 37 consulting parties (made up of Tribal nations, federal agencies, state agencies, local governments, nongovernmental organizations, private property owners, and the lessee), to identify avoidance and mitigation measures for potential impacts to historic and cultural resources and properties.

BOEM considered the information obtained from these meetings when developing the final EIS, a critical step to ensure the project can move forward while balancing the needs and interests of everyone who may be affected by the development.

In the past two years, the Biden-Harris administration has made progress towards catalyzing a new clean energy industry, by investing in workers and communities, while protecting biodiversity and ocean co-use. BOEM expects to review at least 16 Construction and Operations Plans of commercial, offshore wind energy facilities by 2025, which would represent more than 27 GW of clean energy for the nation.


Clallam County Work session for 7/10/23

Clallam County Commission meeting for 7/11/23

Port of Port Angeles Commission meeting for 7/11/23

City of Sequim Council meeting for 7/10/23

City of Forks Council meeting for 7/10/23



Celebration of Life Planned for Past City Council member Orville Campbell

Past City Council member and former Deputy Mayor, Orville Campbell, passed away Sunday July 2, 2023, at the age of 97.  Campbell served on a number of community boards including service to his community as a City Council member from 1996 to 2003, serving as Deputy Mayor from 2002 to 2003. He was appointed to the City’s Planning Commission and as served as an appointed member of the County’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Opportunity Fund Board. 

 A burial service is planned at Ocean View Cemetery for Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., followed by a memorial service at Vern Burton Community Center, located at 308 East 4th Street, Port Angeles at 12:00 p.m.

The family asks for donations to the Port Angeles First Step Family Support Center in lieu of flowers.

Letters of condolences may be sent to the family through the City Manager’s Office:

City Manager's Office

321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362


Jefferson County Commission meeting for 7/10/23

Port of Port Townsend Commission meeting for 7/12/23

Weekly devotional

BIBLE VERSE: Psalm 138:2 (New King James Version)

I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.


Weekly Bible Study 

Are You Ready?

A mother was explaining to her little girl about the death of her father. The mother said, “God has sent for your father and will send for us, but I do not know just when.” Finally the little girl said, “If we do not know just when God is going to send for us, do you not think we had better pack up and get ready? God might send for us when we are not ready to go.” Great truths are often spoken by children, and in this story is the truth that we should be prepared at all times, for we do not know when we will be called upon to leave this world. It may be much sooner than we think. Are you ready?--TFTW

Free bible studies (WBS)

Learn English using the bible as text (WEI)

(Join us in worship every Sunday starting at 10:30AM Church of Christ)

  1233 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362

 The Chosen: About the life of Christ



For years, Glenn felt it was part of his calling as a broadcaster to warn people about the destruction of freedom, the transition of our economy, and the rise of tyrannical global elites. But now, Glenn believes he has a new calling: hope. Back in April, he got an opportunity to speak about it at the First Landing 1607 Project’s event, “The Declaration of Covenant.” But it wasn’t just a message for the people in that room. Glenn believes it was the start of something new that will involve ALL of us. Glenn shares his testimony, his new calling, who he believes the next Billy Graham will be, and where he believes we are right now: America has forgotten who she is, the world is in chaos, the people of God are under attack, and the enemy thinks he’s winning. But the Lord is preparing a surprise party.

Sunday Worship - 7/02/2023

Four Lakes Church of Christ

The Port Angeles Globe is a weekly Publication, every Saturday-- Publisher, Peter Ripley

Editor's comment: Due to the unfair suspension of my account on facebook, due to hackers robbing my info to do cause trouble I'm no longer allowed there thus won't be able to share updates of this blog, or any other publication so I am now on  mewe, and tumblr

along with other media platforms to promote this publication. It's an unfortunate thing that happened. Lesson can be learn here, never give out information when it seems safe to do so, check and see if your friend who is requesting the information is actually the person, not a hacker who posing as that person. 

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