Saturday, June 15, 2024

AG Ferguson to join US Department of Justice lawsuit asserting Apple unlawfully monopolized smartphone market.


Lawsuit asserts former Apple CEO wanted to “further lock customers” into using products like the iPhone

SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today he will partner with the U.S. Department of Justice and a bipartisan group of 20 attorneys general in an antitrust lawsuit against Apple for monopolizing the smartphone market.

The federal lawsuit, originally filed on March 21 in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, asserts Apple has unlawful monopoly power in the smartphone market. It uses this power to dictate how users, developers and businesses can use the iPhone, stifling innovation and keeping prices artificially high. 

By maintaining its monopoly over smartphones, Apple is able to harm consumers

in a wide variety of ways beyond the purchase of a smartphone, the lawsuit asserts. For example, by denying iPhone users the ability to choose their trusted banking apps as their digital wallet, Apple retains full control both over the individual and also over the income generated by forcing users to use only Apple-authorized products in the digital wallet.

Apple also prohibits the creation and use of alternative app stores that can be curated to reflect a consumer’s preferences with respect to security, privacy, or other values. These and many other features would be beneficial to consumers and empower them to make choices about what smartphone to buy and what apps and products to patronize. Allowing consumers to make that choice is an obstacle to Apple’s ability to maintain its monopoly, according to the lawsuit.

In 2010, then-CEO Steve Jobs discussed with other Apple executives how to “further lock customers into our ecosystem” and “make Apple[’s] ecosystem even more sticky.”

“An open marketplace encourages competition and creativity,” Ferguson said. “Apple’s monopoly over smartphones pads its profits at the expense of users, developers and businesses. Ending its illegal monopolization over smartphones will level the playing field for everyone.”

The states and DOJ are asking the court to order Apple to stop undermining technologies that compete with its own apps — in areas including streaming, messaging and digital payments — and prevent it from continuing to craft contracts with developers, accessory makers and consumers that let it “obtain, maintain, extend or entrench a monopoly.”

Apple estimates its share of the performance smartphone market exceeds 70 percent. Among teenagers, according to a survey cited in the lawsuit, iPhone’s market share is 85 percent. Beyond that dominance of the market, iPhone users rarely ever switch between different smartphones due to the controls Apple puts on its flagship product. Nearly 90 percent of iPhone owners in the U.S. replace their iPhone with another iPhone.

In fiscal year 2023, Apple generated net revenues of $383 billion. Apple’s net income exceeds any other company in the Fortune 500 and the gross domestic products of more than 100 countries.

Assistant Attorney General Lumi Nodit will handle the case for Washington.

Apple violates antitrust laws in multiple ways

The federal lawsuit asserts that Apple’s unlawful controls take several forms:

Undermining the ability of iPhone users to message the same way with users of other types of smartphones — the “green bubbles” for Android users. Messaging apps that work equally well across all smartphones can improve competition among smartphones by allowing users to switch phones without changing the way they communicate with friends, family, and others. Apple makes third-party messaging apps on the iPhone worse generally and relative to Apple Messages, Apple’s own messaging app, by limiting the types of messages they can send or receive. By doing so, Apple is knowingly and deliberately degrading quality, privacy and security for its users and others who do not have iPhones.

Blocking the development of cloud-streaming apps and services that would allow consumers to enjoy high-quality video games and other cloud-based applications without having to pay for expensive smartphone hardware.

Limiting the functionality of third-party smartwatches. Users who purchase the Apple Watch face substantial costs if they do not keep buying iPhones, and it is more difficult for iPhone users to use a non-Apple smartwatch, which may have features they prefer. Apple limits functions including the ability to respond to notifications and messages, and maintain consistent connections with the iPhone.

Preventing third-party apps from offering the same functionality as Apple’s digital wallet and inhibiting the creation of other digital wallets. Digital wallets, which contain the user’s personal payment information without the need to swipe a card, are an increasingly important way that people use their smartphones. Apple has denied users access to digital wallets that would have provided a wide variety of enhanced features and denied digital wallet developers the opportunity to provide advanced digital payment services to their own customers.

Disrupting the growth of more functional “super apps.” Super apps provide a user with broad functionality in a single app. Super apps can improve smartphone competition by providing a consistent user experience that can be ported across devices. Suppressing super apps harms all smartphone users — including Apple users — by denying them access to high quality experiences and it harms developers by preventing them from innovating and selling products.

Apple spends billions of dollars on marketing and branding to promote the idea that only Apple can safeguard consumers’ privacy and security interests. However, Apple often selectively compromises its privacy and security interests when doing so is in its own financial interest. The lawsuit asserts Apple’s true intentions are to protect its monopoly, not prioritize security and privacy.



AG Ferguson launches first-of-its-kind statewide youth helpline.

SEATTLE — Today, Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced the launch of HearMeWA, a first-of-its-kind statewide reporting system exclusively focused on the safety and well-being of young people./WAAG

Attorney General Ferguson issues statement on today’s Supreme Court decision in mifepristone case.

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson released the following statement today after the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in Food & Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, a case challenging the FDA’s approval of the abortion medication mifepristone/WAAG

Westport seafood plant penalized $222,000 for water quality violations.


The Washington Department of Ecology issued a $222,000 penalty to the Pacific Seafood-Westport facility for repeatedly sending polluted wastewater into Half Moon Bay in Westport. Over the past two years, the facility violated its water quality permit 58 times./DOE

Ecology helps secure $5.4 million to help build coastal resiliency.

"We’re proud to announce that NOAA has provided $5.4 million to fund five Washington projects. They will improve the ability for coastal communities and Tribes to thrive in the present, adapt to hazard challenges, and transform as necessary to meet future threats and opportunities. The projects will restore critical habitat and build resiliency to climate change-related hazards such as saltwater intrusion, coastal erosion, and sea level rise." /DOE

Washington’s average wage increases 5.9% in 2023.

OLYMPIA – Washington’s average annual wage grew by 5.9% in 2023 to $89,138, according to the state Employment Security Department.

The average wage grew more in 2023 than in 2022, when it grew by 2%.

Employment Security uses the average annual wage to calculate:

Unemployment benefits for new claims opened on or after July 7, 2024.

Paid family and medical leave benefits for new claims filed on or after Jan. 1, 2025.

Employers’ unemployment taxes beginning Jan. 1, 2025./ESD


Senator Murray’s Remarks at Press Conference After Republicans Block Right to IVF Act.

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member and former Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, delivered the following remarks at a Senate press conference after Senate Republicans blocked consideration of the Right to IVF Act, legislation Murray leads with Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) that would establish a nationwide right to IVF and other assisted reproductive technology, expand insurance coverage of IVF services to lower the cost of IVF treatment for families, and expand access to IVF and other fertility services for our nation’s veterans and servicemembers./ from a press release issued 6/13/24

Senator Murray Statement on SCOTUS Ruling in Mifepristone Case

Senator Murray: “American women can breathe a temporary sigh of relief with the Supreme Court rejecting on standing this blatantly political attack—based on retracted junk science—that sought to rip away access to a medication that has been used by millions of women for over two decades and is safer than Tylenol. The ideological extremism by the plaintiffs in this case, who were represented by a designated hate group, should never have made it this far to begin with. But make no mistake: this fight is not over.”/from a press release issued 6/13/24

At HELP Hearing, Senator Murray Emphasizes Need for Reauthorization of the Bipartisan Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 

Murray negotiated and passed the bipartisan Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in 2014 under divided government; Senator Murray: “There is no question we can do it again, and it is way past time to build on that progress so we can keep our economy strong, and put the American worker first.”/from a press release issue 6/12/24

Cantwell Introduces Bill to Help Small Business Leverage AI Tools

Education-focused bill would give WA small businesses the skillset to thrive in era of rapid AI development; Small businesses account for 99.5% of businesses in WA and employ 1.4 million workers/ from an issued press release 6/12/24

Cantwell Speaks in Favor of Bill to Protect IVF Nationwide, Increase Coverage in WA

Cantwell delivers floor speech ahead of vote aiming to codify access to fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization into federal law; Republican lawmakers block Right to IVF Act by 48-47 vote/from a press release issued 6/13/24



Adopting Resolution 2736 (2024) with 14 Votes in Favour, Russian Federation Abstaining, Security Council Demands Rapid Support Forces Halt Siege of El Fasher, Sudan

Amid the alarming humanitarian situation in Sudan, the Security Council today adopted by 14 votes in favour — with the Russian Federation abstaining — a resolution demanding that the Rapid Support Forces halt the siege of El Fasher and calling for an immediate halt to the fighting and de-escalation in and around the capital city of North Darfur State./UN PRESS RELEASE

‘We Must Join Forces’ to Ensure Artificial Intelligence Advances Greater Good, Not Inequality, Secretary-General Tells International Telecommunication Union Council/ UN PRESS RELEASE

Investing in Drug Prevention Key to ‘Breaking Cycle of Suffering’, Says Secretary-General, Marking International Day./ UN PRESS RELEASE

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on UN Security Council Resolution 2686 on Tolerance/USUN


Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani At a Joint Press Availability./ STATE DEPT. STATE DEPT.



Biden, Zelenskyy Sign 10-Year Bilateral Security Agreement.

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today signed a 10-year bilateral security pact aimed at strengthening Ukraine's ability to defend itself in the present while also deterring aggression in the future./DOD

Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme/DOJ

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Promotes Community Development and Business Growth

Interagency initiative focuses on equitable distribution of the Administration’s historic investments/HUD

President’s Investing in America Agenda Delivers More Than $142 Million to Bolster Resilience to Drought and Boost Water Supplies/DEPT. of Interior

Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycle Organics

Joint efforts will reduce waste, increase recycling of organics, reduce climate pollution, save families and businesses money, and support a circular economy for all/ FDA


Foreign National Convicted for Participation in Business Email Compromise Scheme.

A federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia, convicted a Nigerian national today for operating a business email compromise scheme targeting victims in the United States and elsewhere./DOJ

Man Sentenced for Maintaining Fictitious Super PAC and Credit Card Fraud.

A New Jersey man was sentenced today to one year and six months in prison for falsifying a report filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and credit card fraud./DOJ

USDA Awards $50 Million to Support Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers./USDA

IRS warns against scams targeting seniors; joins other federal agencies to recognize special awareness day./IRS

FTC Data Shows Major Increases in Cash Payments to Government Impersonation Scammers

FTC, other government agencies alert consumers to risks of scammers claiming to be from government, demanding money/FTC


IN FOCUS: DFI Launches Statewide AD Campaign to Highlight How to Identify, Prevent, and Report Financial Fraud in Washington State.

“$10 Billion Reasons” ad campaign created in response to uptick in fraud complaints and FTC data indicating Americans lost $10 Billion to financial fraud in 2023

OLYMPIA – Tomorrow, the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) launches a statewide advertising campaign – “$10 Billion Reasons” – to encourage people to learn how to identify, prevent and report financial fraud. According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumers reported losing more than $10 billion dollars to fraud in 2023. Consumers reported losing more money to investment scams — more than 4.6 billion — more than any other category of fraud.

In looking at the FTC data(link is external), it’s clear that no demographic is immune. This is why DFI’s goal is to reach multiple demographics with the “$10 Billion Reasons” campaign.

“Using a variety of media, including billboards, movie theater screen ads, radio, streaming, social media, print media, online news sites, and more – we are hoping to drive home the message that fraud is expensive and stress the importance of learning how to identify, prevent and report fraud to DFI,” DFI Director Charlie Clark said.

All advertisements will drive viewers/listeners to a landing page on DFI’s website – This landing page will lead viewers to detailed information about the many forms of financial fraud ( – including what scams target which demographics most often, how to identify fraud, how to prevent fraud ( and how to report it ( The web pages will have details on a variety of emerging fraud forms – including pig butchering, romance scams, crypto scams, investment scams, and more.

As part of this campaign, DFI is providing linked complaint forms on the report page, making it easy for people to file a complaint with DFI and other regulatory agencies. Additionally, if we receive a complaint that is not within DFI’s authority to investigate, we will share the complaint with the appropriate agency/entity.



Clallam County Commission work session for 6/17/24

Clallam County Commission meeting for 6/18/24

Clallam County Board of Health meeting for 6/18/24

City of Port Angeles Council meeting for 6/18/24

City of Sequim Council meeting for 6/10/24

City of Forks Council meeting for 6/10/24



Jefferson County Commission meeting for 6/17/24

City of Port Townsend Council meeting for 6/17/24



Weekly devotional

BIBLE VERSE: Proverbs 23:24 (New International Version)

The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.

Weekly Bible Lesson:   

Jesus Is Our Savior

A ship loaded with passengers was sailing across the ocean. One night the ship began to sink. As the ship slowly sank into the water, its crew prepared the passengers so they would be saved from drowning. Some of the passengers believed the crew and obeyed what the crew told them to do. Others did not believe the ship was sinking and went back to sleep. All the people were in danger. All needed to be saved. But only those who believed the warnings and obeyed the instructions were saved. The rest drowned! Who was to blame for their drowning? They were because they refused to accept the only message which could save them.--TFTW

Free bible studies (WBS)

Learn English using the bible as text (WEI)

(Join us in worship every Sunday starting at 10:30AM Church of Christ)

 1233 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362


3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY Revealed.

The largest globalist power grab IN HISTORY is currently underway, thanks to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the European Union. It’s all going down as political chaos rocks Europe: Right-wing factions are beating their globalist counterparts in elections in France, Germany, and Belgium. The elites have pushed too far on food and energy regulation, unfettered immigration, and spending, and the people are rising up. But we can’t let these "wins" distract us, because there still remains a long battle for freedom ahead. Glenn reveals documents that show how the new world order currently is taking steps to extend its control beyond the European Union ... all before the 2024 presidential election. 

This September, during the United Nations' annual meeting, member states are expected to sign a "Pact for the Future.” It started during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been in development ever since. The pact is expected to include a U.N. Emergency Platform that would essentially give the U.N. secretary general incredible authority to control a future "crisis," which he himself can effectively declare. But don’t Americans have constitutional laws in place to protect our sovereignty? Justin Haskins, coauthor of “The Great Reset” and “Dark Future,” warns that the Biden administration has already said it supports these globalist plans. And to make matters worse, the EU just formally passed a mandatory, global ESG system that will drastically affect U.S. businesses. He says this is now one of the biggest threats to freedom in America unless Congress and the president act NOW.

Sunday Worship Service 6/9/2024 --Four Lakes C. of C




The Port Angeles Globe is a weekly Publication, every Saturday-- Publisher, Peter Ripley

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